Divi makes it easy to add images anywhere on your blog. All images support progressive loading, and come with 4 different animation styles that make navigating your site fun and engaging. Image modules can be placed in any column you create and their size will be adjusted to fit.

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How to add an image module from Divi

Before you can add an image module to your page, you must first jump into Divi Builder. Once the Divi theme installed on your website, you will notice a button Use Divi Builder above the post editor whenever you create a new page. Click on this button to activate Divi Builder and access all the Divi Builder modules. Then click on the button Use Visual Builder to start the generator in visual mode. You can also click the button Use Visual Builder when you browse your website in the foreground if you are connected to your WordPress dashboard.

divi builder

Once you have activated the Visual Builder, you can click the gray (+) button to add a new module to your page. New modules can only be added inside rows. If you are starting a new page, remember to add a row to your page first.

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Locate the image module in the list of modules and click on it to add it to your page. The list of mods is searchable, which means you can also type the word "image" and then click enter to automatically find and add the image mod! Once the module is added, you will be greeted by the module options list. These options are separated into three main groups: Contents , Design et Advanced .

Use case example: Adding overlapping images to illustrate services on a services page

There are countless ways to use the image module. For this example, I'll show you how to add images to a services page for a small business website. Here is where I will add the images. Each red circle represents an image.

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Since adding an image to a page is a fairly simple and straightforward process, I'm going to add some custom styling to position my images so they overlap, creating a stacked effect.

Let's start.

Use the visual builder to add a standard section with a 1/4 1/4 1/2 layout. Then add a text module to the right column 1/2 of your row. Enter a header and description for the service.

Then add an image module to the far left 1/4 column.

add image divi builder.png

Update the settings of the Image module as follows:

Content options

Image URL: [enter URL or download the image with dimensions 500 × 625]

Design options

Custom Margin: left -60px

Advanced options

Animation: From left to right

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Save settings

Add another image module in the second 1/4 column (or middle column) and update the image settings as follows:

Content options

Image URL: [enter URL or download the image with dimensions 500 × 625]

Design options

Custom Margin: Top 100px, -60px Left

Advanced options

Animation: From right to left

overlapping image divi.png

Save settings

This takes care of the first section. Now for the next service section we can duplicate the section we just created for the first service section. Once the section is duplicated, change the column structure to a 1/2 1/4 1/4 column layout (the opposite of the previous one).

choose a section divi.jpg

Then drag the text module with the header and description of the service into column 1/2 on the far left. Make sure to slide the two Image Modules to fill every 1/4 column (now on the right).

Since the image modules are duplicates, we need to upload the new images for that particular service section. Also, modules always have custom margin settings like the first two image modules created. Let's change that.

Starting with the Image module in the right 1 / 4 column, update the following image settings:

Content options

Image URL: [enter URL or download the image with dimensions 500 × 625]

Design options

Custom Margin: -60px Left (only)

Advanced tab

Animation: From right to left

Finally, update the image settings for the 1/4 center column image module with the following:

Content options

Image URL: [enter URL or download the image with dimensions 500 × 625]

Design options

Custom Margin: 100px Up, -60px Right

Advanced tab

Animation: From left to right

Save settings

Now check out the page!

example of service page divi.jpg

Image module content options

In the content tab, you will find all the content elements of the module, such as text, images and icons. All that controls what appears in your module will always be found in this tab.

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Image URL

Place a valid image url here, or choose / upload an image via the WordPress media library. Images will always appear left justified in their columns and cover the entire width of your column. However, your image will never be larger than its original size. The height of the image is determined by the aspect ratio of your original image.

Open in the viewer

Here you can choose whether or not your image will open in a viewer when you click on it. If this option is enabled, your image will "zoom" to its maximum size when you click in a modal window. It's a great feature for wallets.

URL link

Place a valid web url in this field to turn your image into a link. Leaving this field blank will just leave your image as a static element.

Opening the URL

You can choose here whether your link will open in a new window.

Admin Label

This will change the module label in the constructor for easy identification. When you use the WireFrame view in Visual Builder, these labels appear in the module block of the Divi Builder interface.

Image module design options

In the Design tab, you will find all the module styling options, such as fonts, colors, sizing and spacing. This is the tab you will use to change the appearance of your module. Each Divi module has a long list of design settings that you can use to change anything.

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Image overlay

If this option is enabled, a color and an overlay icon are displayed when a visitor hovers over the image.

Color icon overlay

Here you can set a custom color for the overlay icon

Cover overlay color

Here you can define a custom color for the overlay.

Overflight Icon

Here you can define a custom icon for the overlay.

Remove space below image

This option only affects images when they are the last module in a column. When this option is enabled, the distance between the bottom of the image and the next section is removed, allowing the image to frame the top of the next section of the page.

Image alignment

Here you choose the direction in which your image floats in the column. You can float the image left, right, or keep it centered.

Always center the image on the mobile

Often, small images are more pleasing to the eye on mobile devices when they are centered. As the columns fail, images aligned left or right in smaller columns become orphaned when the columns fail and reach 100% width. Enabling this column with forced images to align to the center of the column on mobile without affecting the image alignment on desktops.

Use the border

Enabling this option will place a border around your module. This border can be customized using the following conditional parameters.

Color of the border

This option affects the color of your border. Select a custom color from the color picker to apply it to your border.

Width of the border

By default, the borders are 1 pixel wide. You can increase this value by dragging the range slider or entering a custom value in the input field to the right of the slider. Custom units of measure supported, which means you can change the default unit from "px" to something else like em, vh, vw etc.

Border style

Borders support eight different styles: solid, dotted, dotted, double, groove, ridge, overlay, and start. Select your desired style from the drop-down menu to apply it to your border.

Maximum image width

By default, the maximum image width is set to 100%. This means that the image will be displayed at its natural width unless the width of the image exceeds the width of the parent column, in which case the image will be limited to 100% of the column width. If you want to further limit the maximum width of the image, you can do so by entering the desired maximum width value here. For example, a value of 50% would limit the width of the image to 50% of the width of the parent column.

Force full width

By default, images are displayed at their native width. However, you can choose to force the image to span the full width of the parent column by enabling this option.

Custom margin

The margin is the space added to the outside of your module, between the module and the next element above, below, or to the left and right of it. You can add custom margin values ​​to any of the four sides of the module. To remove the custom margin, remove the added value from the input field. By default, these values ​​are measured in pixels, but you can enter custom units of measurement in the input fields.

Advanced image module options

On the advanced tab, you'll find options that more experienced web designers might find useful, such as custom CSS and HTML attributes. Here you can apply custom CSS to any of the module's many elements. You can also apply custom CSS classes and IDs to the module, which can be used to customize the module in your child theme's style.css file.

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Enter an optional CSS ID to use for this module. An ID can be used to create a custom CSS style or to link to particular sections of your page.

CSS class

Enter the optional CSS classes to use for this module. A CSS class can be used to create custom CSS styling. You can add multiple classes, separated by a space. These classes can be used in your Divi child theme or in the custom CSS style sheet that you add to your page or to your website using the Divi theme options or the Divi Builder page settings.

Custom CSS

Custom CSS can also be applied to the module and any of the module's internals. In the Custom CSS section, you will find a text field where you can add custom CSS style sheets directly to each element. CSS entries in these settings are already wrapped in style tags. So just enter the CSS rules separated by semicolons.


Use this drop-down menu to specify the lazy loading animation for your image. You can choose to have your image appear from the right, left, bottom, or top.


This option allows you to control the devices on which your module appears. You can choose to deactivate your module on tablets, smartphones or desktops individually. This is useful if you want to use different mods on different devices, or if you want to simplify the mobile design by eliminating certain elements from the page.

Alternative Image Text

The alt text provides all the necessary information if the image is not loading, displaying correctly, or in any other situation where a user cannot see the image. It also allows the image to be read and recognized by search engines.

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