Want to create a newsletter Mailchimp? Here is the guide in French.

Communication and marketing are the basis of any success on the internet. And credibility is not always built from the first contact. Having a newsletter just consolidates these 2 pillars of any financial success on the Web.

To do this, you can use a professional autoresponder. The autoresponder is not only intended for promoting services and products, it also allows you to promote your content and documents.

There are many professional tools on the internet and all (or almost) have the same drawback: they are in English. This is also the case with the two most widely used autoresponders in the world: MailChimp et AWeber. This encourages many beginner and francophone Web entrepreneurs to choose solutions such as SG Autorépondeur which is totally in French.

So it is the language that is an obstacle to choosing one of the 2 autoresponders mentioned above, isn't it? Don't worry anymore because we have decided to create tutorials for each of these tools.

If you are using AWeber for your newsletter, then feel free to read our  complete tutorial in French on AWeber.

Otherwise, here is a complete guide in French on MailChimp.

In this tutorial, you will discover:

  • How to create a MailChimp account
  • How to create an email capture form
  • How to integrate a capture form on WordPress
  • How to manage lists on MailChimp.com
  • How to create an Email campaign on MailChimp
  • How to track your campaign statistics

So, let's start if you want.

How to create a MailChimp account

To have a newsletter system, we suggest you use MailChimp , for reasons that we explain in the article: Why create a newsletter with Aweber or MailChimp and not WordPress.

The first thing to do is to access the platform MailChimp and create an account by clicking on button « Sign Up Free »create a newsletter with Mailchimp - All in one marketing platform mailchimp

You will be redirected to a page where you will be asked to enter your email address (Email), Your username (Username) And your password (Password).

Mailchimp account creationOnce registration is complete, activate your account by clicking on the link sent to your mailbox.

Mailchimp account activationClicking on " Activate account "(activate my account), you will be taken to a page where you will be asked to enter information about yourself or the company you represent. You can also add an avatar.

Mailchimp homeOnce you have correctly filled in the requested information, you click on " Save And Get Started". Clicking on it will take you to your MailChimp dashboard.

To begin, we will create a list.

Discover to go further How to use Contact Form to develop your subscriber list

How to create an email capture form

It is in this list that we record the various contacts (email addresses). To do this, you must click on « Create«  as in the following image:

Create a mailchimp listOnce you click on « Create« , a window will appear where you can make a choice on the action to be taken.

To access the capture form creation page, click on the button at the top right of the page « Signup Form« , as shown in the following image:

Mailchimp subscription form

You will then have to configure the form. The first step is to configure the form by choosing the type of form you want to use.

Choose a mailchimp form type

By default, you will have an available list. You can select it and click on "Begin". The interface that will follow will allow you to customize the form.

Mailchimp form creation

We will configure some options on the form, including the email address used for all emails sent to subscribers in the list. For this, you must click on " GDPR Fields ":

Form configuration

You can now create your list, including defining:

  • a name (list Name)
  • the email address of the sender (Default "from" email)
  • the name of the sender (Default "from" name) who can be your name or that of your company
  • A registration reminder (Remind people how they got on your list)
  • The name of your organization (Company / Organization)
  • your address (Address), Your city (City)
  • Your postal code or Zip (Zip / Postal Code)
  • your country (country) and your phone number (phone).

List name gdpr mailchimp configuration

For other information, they are optional. However, it will be interesting to configure how you want to be notified about new subscriptions.

Discover also our list of 5 WordPress plugins to create subscription forms on your blog

Mailchimp subscription notificationYou can choose all of the options, but expect your inbox to fill up with messages. When it's done, you can click " Save List And campaign Default"

If no error occurs, your list will be available and you will be taken to a page where you can see your different subscribers. For now, you don't have one yet. Because to have a subscriber, you must create a subscription form (or add / import email addresses).

Since the form has already been configured above, I will show you how to customize the fields of the subscription form. You should know that by default some fields are available. In the form customization interface, you can choose to display only the required fields and customize which fields are required:

Configure the fields of a mailchimp form 1

This will bring you to the form customization interface, it's a kind of form builder.

Mailchimp form creationThe fields available by default are sufficient to create a subscription form. To add new fields, you can select a field in the right column (framed in blue), by clicking on a control, you will be able to access the advanced options of the control (Field Settings).

But for now, we don't need to add new fields, the different fields available are sufficient. We will therefore proceed to the translation of these fields (since they are in English). The first translation will be performed on each title of the fields, then on the different messages displayed when a user sends data via the form.

To edit each field title, click on each one. The options for these fields will be available on the right.

Mailchimp form field configuration

You can make this change with the other fields.

Click on " Translate it To change the default language used on this form. Then select the language of the form from the drop-down menu (We have chosen "French" in this tutorial).

Translation of mailchimp fields

Now that our form is available, we are going to integrate it into our WordPress blog.

We will not use the " Embedded Forms To integrate this form into WordPress for the simple reason that the plugin responsible for integrating this form does not work correctly. We will therefore use another plugin.

How to integrate a capture form on WordPress

To integrate a subscription form on WordPress, we will install the MailChimp plugin for WP.

mailchimp for wordpress

Install and activate MailChimp For WP

MailChimp for WP is a free plugin on WordPress.org, download it and install it on your blog. It is with this plugin that the connection between your WordPress blog and MailChimp will be established. Once you have installed the latter, you will notice a new menu available at the very bottom left: MailChimp for WP. For further, discover our step-by-step guide to installing a plugin

How to add the MailChimp API key

By accessing the plugin configuration page (MailChimp for WP >> MailChimp Settings), you will be asked to enter the secret key for the MailChimp API. As long as you haven't entered the key (secret), your blog will not be connected to MailChimp.com.

Mailchimp API Key

After entering your secret key, you will be able to access the various forms created on MailChimp . As long as the secret key is not valid, the text " Not Connected Will always be visible, to say (Dog logged). 

To recover your secret key, click on the link " Get Your API Keys Here ». You will be redirected to the login page if you are not logged in or directly to the API key page MailChimp .

Access api keys mailchimp

You can now create your API key.

Mailchimp API key creation

On the section Your API Keys You will be able to create your new key by clicking on the button " Create Key ». This will generate a new key that you can copy. Copy the text from the "API" column Key »

Creation of mailchimp api key 1
And return to the window of your dashboard WordPress, then paste the key, on the field mentioned above on your dashboard and save your changes.

Once this is done, you will see that your blog is now connected to MailChimp  (if the key is correct), but also you will be able to see the different lists created on MailChimp .

Please note: : if you add a new list on MailChimp.comit will not be automatically added to your dashboard. You will then have to click on " Renew MailChimp  Lists To refresh the list.

Mailchimp for wordpress API key activation

How to add the form to a page or widget

When you're already logged in MailChimp you have the option to retrieve the different lists that have been created. Le Plugin « MailChimp  for WP Will make them accessible through a shortcode. To do this, access the menu « here » (sub-menu link MailChimp  For WP On your dashboard).

On the section required here Settings Check the list or lists you want to use. In our case, being given that we've created a single list, we'll use that.

Mailchimp subscription form

This list is called " Subscribe to tutorials on BlogPasCher ».

Below you will see a box meta « Add to new Field », Which will allow you to add the different fields of the form from your list to the visual editor on the left. In principle, this visual editor already offers fields available by default. Please remove the content from the editor, as we will be creating a new custom form.

After deleting the content, we will start by creating a new custom field by selecting one on the first option (drop down menu) meta-boxing "Add a new Field ».

Add a mailchimp form field

The great option MailChimp  go Fields »Collects the different fields of the forms of our lists (in this tuto, from the list Subscribe to tutorials on BlogPasCher "). All fields with one (*) at the end are obligatory, that is to say that the user must necessarily fill them out.

When you select a field, news options are displayed below, including:

  • label : user-visible text
  • placeholder : text displayed on the default control which serves as an example or indication
  • Initial value : default value of the field (different from placeholder ")
  • Wrap in Paragraph (tags: to wrap each field in the "p" tag. (only HTML developers can know what it is)
  • Add to Form: which allows you to add the field on the form
  • And finally the field containing the generated code

Please note: : To the labels, you can translate them yourself, since they are in English.

After selecting a field (and made your changes on the "label" and the " placeholder " mostly), copy the code from the " Generated HTML »And paste it on the visual editor on the left, or click on the button « add to here ».

You will be able to perform this task for each champ that you want to add from the option to select the fields available on « Add to new Field ». Don't forget to add the field « Submit button » always on the same option at the end of editing, because it is the button for submitting the form.

Submit button

When you're done, your form will be ready. Copy le shortcode available just before the save changes button. It is generally " [mc4wp_form] And save your changes.

Other options

Before you test your new form, I'll tell you about a few options that can help you.

In the section " MailChimp  Settings Just after the section " required Form Settings You can decide to ask users to confirm their email addresses (Double optional). This will prevent you from having false email addresses in your newsletter. The default is " Yes ".

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Mailchimp form parameter

The next section (Behavior of the form) allows you to :

  • hide the form, once it has been submitted.
  • enter a redirect URL after submitting the form.

When you're done, save your changes.

Mailchimp form behavior

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To modify the messages displayed after user actions, you must click on the message tab. This tab will allow you to:

  • The message of success ( Success Message)
  • The error message (General Error Message)
  • When an email address is not valid (Invalid Email Address Message)
  • When an address has already been added to the list (already Subscribed Message)

Configure mailchimp messages

How to display the form on a page

It could not be easier. Copy the shortcode of the form (see above) Then, create a new page and addle. Publish the page and consultthe !

The email capture form should normally appear.

You can also display this form on a widget. Indeed, the Plugin MailChimp for WP has a widget that you can add to different side columns (Sidebars) your blog.

Mailchimp widget subscription form

At this level, the essential is done. You can now start administering your list and create campaigns.

Please note: : If you have also created a form on your blog by following this tutorial, you can simulate a subscription by entering an email address to which you have access to see if the process is working properly.

How to manage lists on MailChimp.com

Once again, log in to MailChimp . Then, on the left side menu, click on the link "Lists". You can see all the lists you have created as well as the various information on the number ofsubscribers you already have.

Managing mailchimp lists

The 3 grouped arrows point to the number ofsubscribers of a list, the percentage of subscribers from this list who opened one of your campaigns, and the percentage of subscribers from this list who clicked on one or more links.

By clicking on the name of a list, you will access the administration page of that list. You probably know this page since we were there already.

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Add mailchimp subscribersNow we will manually add subscribers by clicking on the menu « Add Subscribers » located higher. To do this, click on " Add Subscriber ». You will arrive on a page where you can add:

  • Email address (Email Address)
  • Subscriber's name (First Name)
  • His/her first name (Last Name)

Then check the box: "I have received permission from this person to add them to my newsletter".

When done, click on " Subscribe ».

Add mailchimp form subscribersWhen you have subscribers, the page will appear as follows:

Mailchimp contact listHow to create an Email campaign on MailChimp

Now that we have a list ofsubscribers, we just need to create campaigns.

Mailchimp campaignsThis is where you can create campaigns that you will automatically send to your subscribers at the times you have determined or directly after the publication of new content on your blog (website). For this, on your left menu, click on the menu « Campaigns ». 

You may find that you don't have any campaigns right now. Click on « Create a campaign » to create one.

Go further with our 5 things to know to create interesting newsletters

Create a mailchimp campaignSeveral options are available to you. We will create an email, so click Email.

Create a mailchimp email campaign

Then you will be prompted to choose the type of email you want to create, let's choose the first one (regular ol'Campaign) for this tutorial and provide a name.

Create a mailchimp email

1. How to configure the list that will receive the campaign

Assign to a mailchimp listYou will be asked on this new page to choose the list to use to send your campaign. Click on a list and you will be asked to send the campaign to:

  • the whole list (Send to entire list)
  • a saved segment (Send to saved segment)
  • a new segment (Send to a new segment)

Add addresses to create a segment (paste emails to build a segment)

We will of course choose the first option (to the whole list). Click on « Next »

See also How to add a query monitor to WordPress

Configure user segment

2. How to configure the details of a campaign

Once on the new page, you must provide the following information:

  • The name (Name your campaign)
  • The subject ofEmail sent (Email Subject)
  • Email author (from Name)
  • The address of the author of the email (from Email Address). For the latter, you will need to confirm your email address.

The other options on the right will not be useful, so leave the default configuration.

Email campaign settingsThe " tracking » (Tracking:

This option allows you to know how many people opened your campaign, how many clicks were generated (Track Clicks), and you can even activate the option Google Analytics link tracking. PFor that, you will need Google Analytics on your website, so I do not recommend checking this box. For other options, I recommend that you leave the default configurations (N'don't touch it!).

Social networks :

You can log into your Twitter account and Facebook and automatically post to these networks each time a new campaign is sent. Nothing requires you to do it.

Read also our article on How to write an irresistible article introduction

More options:

You don't need to change these latter options, but I'll tell you what they are.

  • Auto-convert video lesson : this feature will scan your emails to search for any video content that it will convert, so that it is displayed correctly.
  • Authenticate Campaign: allows you to make your campaign legal, this will prevent your campaigns from reaching spam. By default, this option is enabled.

Once done, click on " Next »To choose a template.

3. How to choose a Template email For your campaign

MailChimp offers dozens of Templates email. Click on one of these to have an overview or to make A simulation on SmartPhone.

Design a mailchimp emailPlease note: : you have the possibility

  • to choose a specific theme (the themes are more beautiful) on the horizontal menu, choosing " Thème », Just after« basic »
  • to use a template that you have modified and saved (saved templates)
  • to use templates or themes that you recently sent (recently sent)
  • to create your own template (Create your own).

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Choose a mailchimp email template4. How to customize a template

After choosing your template (the one I asked you to choose)you will be redirected to a personalization page. You have certainly noticed, the template is completely in English.

Read also our article on 10 WordPress plugins to create a contact form

So I'll show you how to add images, add and edit elements. The interface for customizing templates is divided into two parts. 

The first on the left, is a preview of your template at its current state, on the right you will find the different elements (images, text, line of separation, grouped images, etc..) that you can add to your template.

Mailchimp email design

Scroll the cursor over the preview and you will notice that there is some sort of dark window surrounding each element.

Mailchimp buttons designThe left arrow points to the feature that moves an item to your template.

Move a mailchimp section

The 3 other grouped arrows allow successively (From left to right) modify, duplicate or delete the element (you must confirm your action by clicking on Delete).

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Edit an item

We will choose the second element and modify it. By clicking on the edit button, you will notice that the area of ​​the different available elements will display the options of the element that we have decided to modify.

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You will also notice that there is a visual editor, so you can do some nice formatting. After modifying your elements, do not forget to save the modifications by clicking on " Saved & Close " lower.

Mailchimp image and configurationAs for the images, you can directly upload the images (slip & Deposit) on the appropriate areas, or send one by clicking on " Browse »

Move mailchimp imagesBy dropping the image, it will be sent and once the sending is complete, it will automatically be displayed. To add a new item on your template, mainly make sure that you have finished modifying an element by saving it (Save & Close), then select an item from the list of available items.

Learn as well How to compress and resize images on WordPress

Mailchimp design blockYou can drag and drop these items onto your template, and make a modification as I explained above.

Make your blog profitable by using one of the 10 WordPress plugins from this list to manage advertising on your blog

After finishing your campaign, click on « next ", at the bottom right to continue.

5. Validate and send the campaign

Before sending your campaign, a list of objectives will be displayed, it allows you to verify that all aspects of your campaign have been fulfilled. The list of objectives tells you (from top to bottom) :

  • The selected list will receive the campaign
  • The subject of your campaign
  • Email address (e-mail) who sends the campaign (email address that must be validated).
  • Tracking (when you have enabled tracking features)
  • The version simplified campaign (for address providers mails that do not take into consideration emails Custom)
  • The header (always in the modification of the template)
  • And the affiliate link (Always active)

When a point is preceded by a red circle with a cross on it (erreur), it means that an important point has not been resolved. To solve the problem, you can click on " solves On the same line. Points with an error will prevent you from sending your campaign. They therefore need to be corrected.

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Email error

When your campaign has no errors, you can send it directly to your list (Send), or schedule the sending (Schedule).

Option for mailchimp campaignsClicking on " Schedule », You can program the campaign shipping date.

How to track your campaign statistics

This is the last point of this tutorial (You held fast).

Now that we have created, programmed or directly sent our campaigns, It is time to consult their statistics (this is what the tracking functionality is for), To find out how many people have opened and / or clicked on a link.

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Mailchimp statistics

To access the statistics, you must return to the home page of your campaigns, click on " View Report Located on the same line of the campaign for which you want to see the statistics.

View the mailchimp reportOn this new page, you will see a lot of information, I will explain only what may interest you.

Mailchimp campaign statisticsAt the very top you will see the number of people who have actually received your campaign. On the same image, we have highlighted below, the number of people who have (from left to right) : open, click on a link, bounced (Open without clicking), and those who have unsubscribed.

Mailchimp clicked linksYou can see below, which links have been clicked in your campaign, and which subscribers have opened your message. Further down, you'll see the geographic location of people who opened your campaign.

Need to go further?

BlogPasCher recommends the email templates below to improve the design of your messages.

Before we leave

There are features that you will not be able to use on a free account, you will need to switch to a premium account.

That's it, that's all for this tutorial in French dedicated to MailChimp , we hope it will help you create your newsletter. If like hundreds of thousands of users around the world you want to create your free account, click here.

Reminder: The complete tutorial in French on AWeber is already available, you can consult here.

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