We all know adding SSL to your online store makes it more secure for your customers to transact. In fact, many payment gateways require you to have SSL installed on your hosting.

Often times, users just apply SSL to their cart and checkout pages, but while this satisfies the immediate problem of securing your order, it also means that you are missing out on other benefits when you add extra. SSL to the entire website.

There are many reasons for adding a certificate WooCommerce SSL , the main one being safety, but few people talk about the “other” benefits. These are the things you don't often think about when adding SSL.

My hope is that after this article you will be convinced of the importance of SSL, especially since it is easy to implement.

But before, if you have never installed WordPress discover How to Install a WordPress Blog in 7 Steps et How to search, install and activate a WordPress theme on your blog 

Then back to why we are here.

1. SSL increases trust

If you only use the PayPal Standard payment gateway on WooCommerce, you don't need an SSL certificate.

Customers add their products, fill the cart on your website, then they are transferred to the hosted pages of PayPal to complete the transaction.

Read also our article on: Paypal scams: How to recognize them?

After that, they come back and the transaction is passed - at no point is payment information transmitted insecurely as everything is happening on PayPal's servers.

What you might not know is that while you don't technically need an SSL certificate, you can choose one just because it can. dramatically increase your conversion rate.

People have been conditioned over the years to "look for the little lock" or "look for the little green bar" to make sure that the transaction they are about to make is secure.

Without an SSL certificate, your website will not show it. 

So, when Jane Doe arrives at your checkout, she may think that the page is not secure and that she might get scared (even if the payment is handled by PayPal).

If you had an SSL certificate installed, then this cash surrender would disappear.

Discover also our 9 WordPress plugins to manage PayPal payments on his Blog

In my consultations for configuring e-commerce stores to optimize, I have personally seen websites go from a low conversion rate of 5-10% on the checkout page to a conversion rate of 30- 40% on the payment page simply by adding SSL.

It's amazing to see what it does for a business.

2. You can add a security seal / badge

There isn't much else that can dramatically increase conversion rates on a reliable website.

The funny thing is that trust isn't something you can measure as traditionally as conversion rates or page visits. It's all about perception.

See also our 10 WordPress plugins to strengthen the security of your blog

When a customer comes to your store, they get an immediate impression. It happens in a split second and it's the subconscious. It tells them everything they need to know about your store and whether it is a trustworthy place to shop.

Adding trust metrics is a great way to increase the perception of trust, here are a few things you shouldn't overlook:

  • Make sure you have a professional design
  • Display of payment option logos
  • Display of shipment and other information prominently
  • Viewing the rules and conditions of confidentiality
  • Viewing social media profiles
  • Customer Reviews Display

Now you can add another to this list with an SSL certificate, the security seal (sometimes called a security badge).


The Baymard Institute recently tested precisely which seal gives the most "partnerTo consumers.

Official seals are generated by a code snippet given to you when purchasing an SSL certificate. It dynamically checks your website's SSL on each page load and presents the user with an image indicating its validity.

Read also : Your images do not display with SSL? Here's the solution

An interesting result of the Baymard study, however, was that "the homemade seal was significantly better than SSL seals issued by established sellers."

So you can make your own seal and get the same effect.

3. SSL can give you better rankings

Back in August 2014 Google made a subtle but very important change to their ranking algorithm. They started to favor websites with 2048 bit SSL.

In addition, they said:

“[…] Over time we may decide to strengthen it, as we would like to encourage all website owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPS to keep everyone on the web safe.

This means that over time, they will strengthen the ranking signal that security plays in their overall algorithm.

See also How to use SSL and HTTPS with WordPress

So if the above factors haven't convinced you yet, then perhaps the promise of increased search page rankings could.

Should you add SSL to your store?

Ideally, you should add SSL to your online store at launch.

If you haven't already, there's no time like this one.

For me, it's more of a data you need to add to your store.

With the promise of better rankings and better conversions, it's pretty much always positive and with very little downside.

Additionally, there are plenty of web hosts that will give you a free SSL certificate, so you don't need to worry about it.

Discover also some premium WordPress plugins  

You can use other WordPress plugins to give a modern appearance and to optimize the handling of your blog or website.

We offer you here some premium WordPress plugins that will help you do that.

1. Search Manager

Le WordPress Plugin premium Search Manager is an all-in-one solution to manage search on WordPress and WooCommerce. This plugin gives you the ability to track what your customers are looking for and help them do it much better and faster.Search manager plugin for woocommerce wordpress

Its features include: the ability of the website administrator to see what customers are looking for, redirect support, taking charge of autosuggestion, savingsearch statistics to optimize your website, adding widgets for improve your customers' search experience, the configuration of search parameters to be able to search multiple fields simultaneously and much more.

Download | Demo | Web hosting

2. WP Malware Scanner

MalCare is a daily automatic malware analysis service. Security Platform Also Offers One-Click Malware Cleanup Service And Ongoing Website Protection | No false positive.

Malcare malware wordpress plugin virus scans e1546675574290

As features, it offers among other things: early detection of malware, even the hardest to find, automatic one-click cleanup, scanning for malware that doesn't overload your server, protection of access to the website, a web application firewall, secure and comprehensive backups of your website, real-time malware detection, custom keywords for the scan, the selection of themes, plugins and others to analyze, detailed reports and more.

Download | Demo | Web hosting

3. GTranslate

GTranslate is one of WordPress plugins most popular translation tools based on Google Translate. With this plugin, you will be able to translate your website content into 103 available languages ​​without any hassle.

Gtranslate multilingual website solution

If necessary, you can manually correct Google's machine translation because it also provides integration with Google Analytics, which allows you to determine if the translation on your website is really beneficial to your users.

Take a look at How to use shortcodes in WordPress widgets

The plugin comes with tons of widgets where your users can easily select their desired language. The professional version of this plugin is fully compatible with popular plugins such as Yoast SEO et WooCommerce.

Download Demo | Web hosting

Recommended Resources

Find out about other recommended resources to help you build and manage your website.


Here! That's it for this tutorial. We hope you understand why it is necessary to use SSL on your online store. Feel free to share this article with your friends on your favorite social networks

However, you will also be able to consult our resources, if you need more elements to carry out your projects of creation of Internet sites, by consulting our guide on the WordPress blog creation.

If you have suggestions or remarks, leave them in our section Comments.
