The last quarter of the year is a stressful time for everyone, no doubt for yourself. Things went smoothly throughout the year, with sales projections mostly positive. But then you start to panic about the holidays.

What will happen if all of your customers decide to leave town most of the month in December? 

What if they want to spend their hard-earned money on their kids instead of a needed design offering? 

What if they slow down their spending to wait and decide on the budget they will have to use the following year? 

What if, and if, and if?

You can sit there and worry about all the potential things that could slow down your website creation business. Or you can do something about it.

What you need to know: You aren't the only one panicking. Many business owners experience this feeling of "napping". 

When will the fourth quarter start?

“Maybe they're worried they haven't done enough to really end the year with a blast or maybe they want to build momentum and give the new year a good start. Either way, they see the fourth trimester as a time to do little. 

It's up to you to take advantage of this.

So, find out some strategies you can do to advance and sell your services as a WordPress developer and also earn money.

But before, let's discover together How to Install a WordPress Blog in 7 Steps et How to search, install and activate a WordPress theme on your blog.

Then, back to why we are here.

What to do to make money with WordPress

There are two ways to do this. You can do:

  • Upsell  which means offering upgrades to your current services or products. (Part 1)
  • Cross-sell  which means offering completely different services or products, but which are still related to what you are currently doing for your customers. ( Part 2 )

Personally, I think cross-selling is easier to accomplish because there is so much to do in WordPress beyond development and design. 

If you have mastered other skills or you can outsource and take a commission from someone else who can, then why not take this opportunity to bring you back?

Ideally, whatever you offer with upsell or cross-sell, give customers more comprehensive coverage, giving them less to do with WordPress and more time to focus on their business. 

Serving as a one-stop-shop is not a bad idea.

So, let's look at 14 creative ways to market your WordPress services during the fourth quarter.

offer of redesign wordpress.png

Options Upsell

1. WordPress Maintenance and Support

« Do you offer ongoing support services? »

This is probably the most popular request I have received when closing calls with clients. This is because most business owners are knowledgeable enough to understand that a website needs to be watched.

Read also our article on 7 WordPress plugins to put your blog in maintenance mode

They also know that it's going to be complicated trying to find a developer or get their company toWeb hosting assistance if an urgent question arises.

Discover more How to put your WordPress website in Maintenance mode

That's why it's probably the fastest you can offer and it could prove to be very profitable. It is up to you to decide what you want to include in these support services: backups, security monitoring, system, plugin and theme updates, small patches / website updates, etc ...

2. Design development

There are two ways to approach this point:

You can take the time to visit the websites of past and present customers to determine the type of design upgrade they need. Then you can get started with all the carefully defined specifics.

See also: Why should you care about the user experience?

The second way to approach this is to create a program annual design upgrade where you provide your customers' websites with the necessary duplication. It could be something like a font change where you can find a new plugin that creates smarter, smarter pop-ups.

3. Configuration of the landing page

If you know your customers need something really special, like a service that requires high demand, create a thoughtful proposition with specific details about those offers in the landing pages so that they convert more. 

How to create a sales page without having design experience? Find out by consulting this article

Knowing that you were thinking of them and that you created this proposition to support their business, you might find more customers willing to say “yes” even if the landing page hadn't even been on their radar before.

4. Blog Management

Adding new posts to a WordPress blog shouldn't take that long, but it's probably for your customers. You also know that they probably wouldn't forget to add a featured image, update the slug, or lighten their images before posting as well.

Also read this article on 5 Google tools to use on your WordPress blog

It might be a seemingly insignificant thing to sell, but think how relieved they will be to know that someone will take the time and care to upload the articles they wrote. Not only that, but someone who will upload, optimize the content, and also find some great images to pair with.

5. Analytical review

I have always been surprised to find that few clients have reviewed their reports Google Analytics each month. It's not like they don't know them or they're not going to automatically send them to their inbox. They were unwilling or unable to take the time to examine them. 

5 WordPress plugins to integrate Google Analytics into a blog to consult absolutely

So, here is what you can do:

  • Schedule a monthly call with your customers. 30 minutes should be done.
  • Check out their stats in advance.
  • Prepare a report and send it a few minutes before the meeting.
  • Discuss what happened on their website with suggestions on how to improve it in the future.

It's a simple thing to do, but the busy owner will appreciate it.

6. Monthly A / B tests

This would indeed be a good report with the Google Analytics analysis. You can review the performance of the website and identify areas that would be worth A / B testing.

Here is also for you  10 WordPress plugins and A / B test tools for your blog

You can set up the plan, implement it, and then review the results with your customer during the same monthly call.

7. Reduction program

One of the things you probably struggle with working as a freelance developer is getting clients to pay you on time. But what if you offer a discount on your monthly services, pay yourself on a certain date, or purchase a certain amount of services and products?

See also our 8 WordPress plugins to integrate a reduction system

You can also apply this discount program to general web development projects. For customers who pay you at least 50% up front, you can offer them a discounted rate on their website (or something like that).

That's it for UpSell services.

Discover also some premium WordPress plugins  

You can use other WordPress plugins to give a modern appearance and to optimize the handling of your blog or website.

We offer you here some premium WordPress plugins that will help you do that.

1. WooCommerce Prices By User Role

Ce WordPress Plugin premium extends the functionality of the popular WooCommerce plugin, adding default role-based pricing for sellers.Prices by user role for woocommerce wordpress plugin

Read also : 10 WordPress plugins to receive donations on your blog.

It provides customers with dynamic pricesso that products can be offered at different prices for different groups of sellers.

Download | Demo | Web hosting

2. Menu Hero

Le WordPress Plugin premium Hero Mega Menu is super easy to use, as it uses a drag and drop interface to create a custom menu template. And the structure designer works like on the default version of WordPress. Simply nest items to create drop-down lists, and modify them to create mega menus.

Hero menu

Its other features are: several transparency options, 60 predefined colors, responsive design, the support ofcustomizable backgrounds, 270 stylish icons, one mobile navigation, a sticky menu or a sticky menu and many more.

Read also our article on How to display news on WordPress in a vertical slider

And you can do even more. The plugin also supports custom CSS, including fixed and various layout options, rounded corner and shadow options, various animations, support for Google fonts etc ...

Download | Demo | Web hosting

3. Final User 

Final User is a WordPress Plugin easy-to-use premium that allows your website users to create frontend profiles. It is also a WordPress content protection plugin which guarantees that the latter will only be accessible to registered users.  Final user wordpress content protection plugin

The extension is also in line with the different payment gateways, like Paypal, Stripe and WooCommerce. For your users, you can set up different types of subscriptions, like free account, one-time payment, recurring payment, free trial, and even variations of them. The versatile end user will easily adapt to precisely meet the needs of your platform. 

See also How to view the total number of members registered on WordPress

A clean and convenient dashboard, stunning profile page, pricing grid, and powerful admin settings are some of the features Final User brings you. Define coupons, user roles and collect emails from new users with the integration of MailChimp, all of its options are there, ready to be configured for you to take advantage of.

Download | Demo | Web hosting

Recommended Resources

Find out about other recommended resources to help you build and manage your website.


Here ! In a future tutorial, we will suggest techniques for making CrossSell sales. Feel free to share this article with your friends on your favorite social networks

However, you will also be able to consult our resources, if you need more elements to carry out your projects of creation of Internet sites, by consulting our guide on the WordPress blog creation.

If you have suggestions or remarks, leave them in our section Comments.
