Undoubtedly, backlinks are still very important to this day. However, we cannot achieve and maintain top rankings on Google without strong on-page SEO in 2024.

Google places more and more weight on user experience these days.

Today I will present to you the best techniques of SEO on-page that you should apply on your blog to attract more traffic from Google search results in 2024.

Contents :

What is on-page SEO?

It involves optimizing the pages of a website to help them rank on Google and other search engines. While the SEO off page consists mainly of create links, SEO onsite focuses on optimizing the page level elements of a website.

On-page optimization is the key to the success of any website. Without traffic from search engines, it's hard to make sales or increase your conversion rates, right? Everyone is focusing on Google to drive more traffic to their websites and increase their sales and revenue.

best on-page SEO techniques

The Best On-Page SEO Techniques for 2024 to Rank High on Google

When you scour the internet to quench your thirst for various on page optimization techniques in 2024, you will find too many optimization techniques many of which do not work in 2024.

So, in today's article, I bring you the top on-site SEO activities that you should give paramount importance to and that really work with the latest Google algorithms in 2024.

The presence of the “Keyword” meta tag has no influence on the ranking of your website, at least as far as Google is concerned.

So you can just ignore it. It is important to ensure that the tricks you implement on your website are compatible with the latest Google algorithms.

Page elements use many HTML tags, including title tags, meta tags, header tags, image tags, bold, italic, underline, type tags list, etc

We need to make sure we use targeted keywords in a natural way in our website content.

1. Writing SEO-optimized titles is essential

If you don't focus on optimizing your titles both for search engines and for humans, you will never be able to attract more organic traffic to your website.

best on-page SEO techniques

If you are asked to work on a single on-site SEO factor, this is the most important one that you should pay close attention to.

When writing your page titles, you should make sure to include targeted keywords at the beginning of your title. You must limit your title to 65 to 70 characters only (including spaces).

You need to write a headline that is interesting enough to make people want to click on it, as this will help you get a higher click-through rate on search engine results pages.

Action to take: Use targeted keywords at the beginning of the title and write it with click-through rate in mind.

2. SEO Friendly URLs: Keep them short and simple.

By looking at your website URLs, visitors should be able to understand the type of content they will find on those pages.

So you should include your targeted keywords in your URLs. Always try to include the targeted keywords at the beginning of the URL and make it short so that visitors can remember it easily.

You should avoid using special characters (parentheses, commas, plus signs, colons, semicolons, question marks, underscores, tildes, etc.) in your URLs.

URL not optimized : blogpascher.com/p=212 (Does not give any indication of the type of content)

Optimized URL: blogpascher.com/best-tools-seo/

Action to take: Use your target keyword in the URL and keep it short.

3. Use a unique h1 tag on the page: keep your title text here.

First of all, it is important to check that there is a single h1 tag (title tag) on ​​all the pages of your website. You can verify this by looking at the source code of one of your pages.

best on-page SEO techniques

With most of SEO friendly WordPress themes, the title of the article is usually found in the h1 tag. If this is also the case for you, you are ready to use your target keyword again in this tag.

Action to take: : AMake sure there is only one H1 tag and the target keyword is there.

4. Use targeted keywords and LSI keywords in H2 and H3 tags.

In addition to using the main keyword once in the h1 tag, it is recommended to use the main keyword and its associated keywords (LSI keywords) also in the h2 and h3 tags.

Suppose the main keyword I am targeting in this post is “On-Page SEO”, I will try to include it once in the h1, h2 and h3 tags. Besides that, I will try to include other related keywords like SEO, off-page SEO, content optimization, off-page optimization, SEO, etc. in header tags.

Using the target keyword in the h2 tag

Action to take: Use the main keyword once in the h2 and h3 tags as well.

5. Perform internal networking to transmit SEO "juice" and improve engagement.

Internal linking is adding links to relevant articles and pages from the content you are working on.

Internal links will help you send more targeted traffic to linked pages and users will also spend more time on your website as they continue to browse relevant linked pages.

This way, you'll be able to pass on valuable SEO juice and domain authority to linked pages.

This will help linked pages rank better on Google and other search engines.

Recommended action: Linking to relevant pages for better search engine optimization and user engagement.

6. Use main keywords in the first and last 100 words.

Keyword placement is really important when it comes to getting high rankings on Google.

It is advisable to use your main keyword once in the first 100 words and once in the last 100 words of your content.

Use main keywords towards the end

Recommended action: Use the target keyword once in the first 100 and last 100 words.

7. Make sure your website is mobile friendly.

Google has already lowered the ranking of websites that are not mobile-friendly (responsive design).

You can check the mobile friendliness of your homepage or any internal page with the Google Page Speed ​​tool.

Perform a mobile usability test.

Recommended action: TAll pages on your website should be mobile-friendly.

8. Move your website to the HTTPS version (Secure site)

If you spend time searching for the top results for any query on Google, you will see many https websites popping up. Google gives a ranking boost to secure websites (in https version). If you haven't yet moved your website from http to https, do so immediately.

Most well-known web hosts offer free SSL setup to their customers. So switching to the secure version shouldn't be a big concern for you.

Action to take: Make sure your website is completely secure and all pages are in https version.

9. Write an engaging meta description to get more clicks from Google.

It is true that your meta description copy has no direct impact on your website's ranking in search engines.

However, Google tends to show your meta description data in your website search results.

So, writing good meta description copy could help get more clicks to your website, even if your site is placed below that of your competitors in the search engine results pages.

In this interesting video by Matt Cutts (former head of the web anti-spam team at Google), he talks about changes in titles, meta descriptions and their impact on organic click-through rate.

Action to take: Write a CTR-focused meta description.

10. Optimize image names and alternative tags to get more search traffic.

The ALT attribute plays a key role in increasing your traffic from Google or other search engines.

If you have attractive images in your blog posts and you have properly optimized their ALT tag keywords, you will tend to get massive traffic from Google image search results.

Your image names should be created with your targeted keyword in mind.

In addition to using your targeted keyword as part of the image name, you should add alt text with each image used on your website pages.

If you use images from Google or another website, remember to link to the original owners of the images.

This way, you won't face any copyright issues in the future.

Action to take: Optimize all your website images (names, ALT tag, caption).

11. Link to trusted domains to improve your Domain TrustRank.

Outgoing links are also considered one of the main ranking factors in on-page SEO.

If you want to get better search results for your keywords on Google, try linking to trusted domains that are highly relevant to your content.

Google maintains a TrustRank for each website, which is calculated based on who you link to and what types of websites link to you.

So whenever you link to external sites, be sure to link to websites and blogs with a good TrustRank in the eyes of Google.

Action to take: Add some external links (only link to authority sites).

12. WWW Version vs Non-WWW Version: Choose whichever you prefer.

Canonicalization is deciding whether we want to use the www version or the non-www version for the homepage and internal pages of your website.

We must be consistent with this and choose only one version, which will be redirected later (301 redirect) to the first one.

When we link to pages on our website, we must use the preferred version.

Suppose you have decided to use the www version for your website pages, in this case all non-www versions should be automatically redirected to their www versions.

And when we get links for our website, we need to make sure that we use www with our website URLs and not the other versions (i.e. non-www).

Recommended action: make a decision about the preferred version early on.

13. Write unique, high-quality content.

High-quality content should be considered one of the most important on-site optimization techniques.

When you write content for your website, you need to make sure that you provide relevant content and that you don't copy all or part of your content from popular websites and blogs on the internet.

If you copy other people's content, you are making a mistake and you will also be penalized by Google for practicing plagiarism.

After Google's latest algorithmic change in the form of the Panda Update, Google has become very strict against using duplicate or low-quality content.

Recently, Google lowered the rankings of many popular websites for providing duplicate content.

It's not easy to write great blog posts all the time, so here are some tips that will help you create great content:

  • Always come up with problem-solving content ideas
  • Read what others write
  • Read hot topics in your niche
  • Start brainstorming blog post ideas and keep an ideas folder so you never forget your content ideas.

Action to take: only write high quality content and don't copy even a single line of content

14. Use your Robots.txt file wisely

The Robots.txt file plays a vital role in crawling your web pages and their content by Google robots.

The Robots.txt file is basically used to block certain types of content on our website from search engines, including Google. We can use this file to block certain files, folders and specific URL patterns from search engines.

For every website, there is a certain type of content that we don't want to show to search engines. The robots.txt file allows us to achieve this goal.

Action to take: Block lightweight pages and duplicate pages using the Robots.txt file

15. Keyword Density: Don't Overdo It

Keyword density is the repetition of targeted keywords in your website content.

Keyword density is calculated based on the total number of times a keyword is used in the content of your web page and divided by the total number of words in the content of that page. The result is then multiplied by 100 to get the keyword density percentage.

Suppose the targeted keyword “Online Activities” is used 8 times in the content of the page and the total word count of this page is 400 words. The density of the keyword "Online activities" in this web page will therefore be 2%.

Ideally, you should try to limit your keyword density to just 1%.

Never overdo it and be sure to use relevant keywords (LSI keywords) rather than repetitive keywords. Here you will find the Matt Cutts POV on the ideal density of keywords:

Action to take: Don't think too much about keyword density, write naturally.

16. Website loading speed is really important

Google has started to take website loading speed very seriously and it is one of the most important ranking factors in Google.

By improving the speed of your website, you can expect a better ranking in Google.

You can use Pingdom, WebPageTest or Google Developers tools speed insights page to check the speed of your website's home pages and internal pages on desktop and mobile.

Action to take: Make sure all pages on your website load in less than 2 seconds for better rankings in Google and a best user experience.

17. Add social sharing icons in prominent places

Make it easy to share your content on the appropriate social media channels.

Add important social media icons (related to your niche) in prominent places in your blog posts so that most of your readers can notice and share them.

We have also written about best social sharing wordpress plugins

18. Don't Ignore These 3 SEO Essentials

Most WordPress users forget the most essential elements to implement on their sites. Here are three of those amazing SEO elements that are must-haves for any site to get better search results.

Google XML Sitemap:

Simply put, an XML sitemap contains all the pages on your site and allows search engine crawlers to easily crawl your site. It is very useful to find your new content in search engines every time you post or update something.

You can download this plugin for free from here

Google Webmaster Tools:

Google Webmaster Tools allow you to monitor Google search results for your entire site. If you have just launched a new site or do not have access to it yet, be sure to create an account as soon as possible.

Not only is it free, but it allows you to improve the overall performance of your site by giving you access to reports, tools and resources free.

This plugin helps you find all broken or dead links your website has. It's really hard to find broken links and you can't check your sites for broken links regularly.

To solve this problem, there is a plugin that has been designed to find and fix all the dead links on your sites. So be sure to install it and use it to remove all unwanted or non-working links for better search engine rankings.

19. Be tactical when it comes to promotion

Most bloggers only think about on-page optimization and often forget the importance of off-page optimization, like getting links from other blogs, submitting to social media, etc.

Here are some actions I personally take after posting every post on my blog and I highly recommend you do the same if you want to double your website traffic.

Submit in forums: Blogging forums such as Indiblogger.in, Blog Engage, Blokube, etc. are free to submit your blog posts and give you a good social boost.

Submitting to social bookmarking sites: social bookmarking sites such as Delicious, Digg, Stumble Upon can send you lots of traffic if you have compelling headlines.

They also help you get quality links because these sites always have high DA and authority.

Share on social media: Immediately after publishing your blog posts, make sure to submit them to all social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.

We all know that social media sites can bring you massive traffic if the content and headlines go viral.

Use a friendly tone: Don't write in a corporate tone when creating content.

This is the surest way to irritate your audience. Always use the word “YOU” and avoid jargon.

Use simple words so people reading your posts can easily understand what you are talking about.

Use a call to action: Have you ever noticed how I end my blog posts? They all end with a call to action.

I always encourage my reader, i.e. YOU, to leave comments or continue the discussion on the content I post. Use the same formula if you want to get more interaction from your users.


What is on-page SEO?

On-page optimization is the practice of optimizing your website and its content to improve its search engine rankings. Optimizing titles and meta descriptions, creating high-quality content, etc. are all examples of on-page SEO.

What are the best online SEO techniques?

Here are some of the best on-page optimization techniques to follow in 2024.

  • Always do keyword research
  • Optimize your articles for the selected keywords
  • Use catchy titles and meta descriptions.
  • Use short URLs
  • Don't repeat the same keywords too often

What are the top 3 on-page SEO factors in 2024?

Here are the top 3 ranking factors for On-page SEO.

  • Optimize page titles
  • Optimize meta description
  • Write high quality content and use proper URL structures

Is SEO still relevant in 2024?

Yes, SEO is still relevant in 2024 because it can help your website rank better in search engine results. Ultimately, SEO contributes to better online visibility, high conversions, and sales.

What is the most important SEO factor?

Content is arguably the most important SEO factor. Be sure to create in-depth, high-quality content that helps your target audience.

Why is on-page SEO important?

On-page SEO helps search engine crawlers determine if a searcher's query is relevant to the content you've created. By targeting relevant keywords and optimizing your content for those keywords, you can improve your chances of seeing your web pages rank higher on Google.

Browse other tutorials:

Final reflections

If you've been blogging for a while, you know how difficult it is to increase blog traffic. But by following the on-page SEO techniques mentioned above, our chances of getting good results for targeted keywords on Google and other search engines increase.

What do you think about the increase in search traffic? Do you have any other quick on-page optimization techniques or factors that can increase a website’s organic traffic in 2024?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.