Logging into WordPress is one of the first things you should do when using or starting to build your website. Nowadays, even if you want to use one of the simplest services found on the internet, you have to log in or register for it. 

So, it's no surprise that you'll need to do this on WordPress as well. Aside from being one of the most basic tasks to get started, Logging in to WordPress is also one of the top key phrases. most searched in WordPress. This is because there are a lot of things you can do with the WordPress login page or URL, although that's just a simple term.

You can perform various tasks on the WordPress login page. Some of the most common tasks include creating a custom login page, customizing it, hiding it, limiting the number of login attempts, and most importantly, accessing the WordPress login page.

Because obviously you won't get anywhere if you can't get to the login page. Luckily we'll provide you with the best information you need to know about it in this article.

But before you start, take the time to take a look at How to install a WordPress themeHow many plugins to install on WordPress.

Then find out together our list.

How does the WordPress login URL work?

Before accessing or finding the WordPress login page, it is helpful to know how it works. Usually, it works like any other login page you find on the Internet. It simply consists of an addition to your website URL. All you need to do is add wp-admin at the end of your website url.

For example: If your website name is siteweb.com, then the URL of your WordPress login page will be website.com/wp-admin.

Then all you need to do is just enter your login credentials and you will be directed to the dashboard of your website.

how wordpress login url works

Please note: This is the same if your website URL has a subdomain name or if you installed WordPress in a subdirectory. If your website is installed in a subdirectory like website.com/blog/, then the login URL will be website.com/blog/wp-admin. Or, if your website is in a named subdomain subdomain.website.com, your login URL will be subdomain.website.com/wp-admin.

How to find and save the URL of the WordPress login page?

The WordPress login page will not be accessible to you if you are not using the connection path (wp-admin). But once you log into your dashboard from the steps above, you can find and change your WordPress login URL.

See also How to redirect users after login in WordPress

It can also be very useful if you lose or cannot remember your login URL due to some unfortunate reasons. It is usually displayed in the submenu Menus from the menu Appearance.

Just go on  Appearance >> Menus from your WordPress dashboard. Then open the option Custom Links in Edit Menus and enter your WordPress login URL and its link text. Finally, click on the button Add to Menu, then save the menu.

how to find save url page login wordpress

You will be able to see the link text on your WordPress login page in the header menu of your website. When you click on it, you will be instantly redirected to the login page and then you can log in to your dashboard.

Please note: We do not recommend this procedure because it might not be secure for your website. 

Secure your WordPress login page

Your WordPress login page is a very important part of your website. This is where it all starts, even for hackers and malware if you are unlucky. But don't worry, we've got a few steps and tips for you to follow to keep your login page away from these people. So let's see some of the best steps.

1. Hide your WordPress login page

The fewer users who have access to your WordPress dashboard, the better. It is an obvious fact. So one of the best ways to keep it safe is by hiding the WordPress login page. Most users can easily access it by simply adding the path to it. / wp-admin / at the end of your website URL. But, if you use the WordPress Plugin free WPS Hide Login, you can hide it from spammers and hackers.

Read also: How to find the connection address of your WordPress blog

It is enough install and activate the plugin and go on  Settings >> General on your dashboard. Then scroll down to the section WPS Hide Login. Here you can modify the connection URL and the redirect URL from your WordPress login page. Set your connection URL, then click Save Changes. By default, the redirect URL is a 404 redirect.

how to hide wordpress login page

Then when you enter your website login url, that is, website.com/wp-admin, will respond with a 404 redirect. You will need to enter the specific login URL entered in the settings to access your WordPress login page. Then you can provide the login URL to other users who need to access your website dashboard.

You can also use the WordPress Plugin Redirection to hide or change your login URL.

2. Limit connection attempts

This is one of the easiest but very effective ways to secure your website. Most hackers use a combination of usernames and passwords to hack your website. In order to stay away from these brute force attacks, you can simply limit the number of login attempts on your WordPress login page.

See also our 10 Marketing Tools Every Blogger Must Have.

This can be done instantly by installing a WordPress Plugin as mentioned in its name itself, Limit Login Attempts Reloaded allows you to limit the number of attempts to log into your WordPress dashboard.


It is quite easy to use. First of all, install and activate the plugin. Then go to Settings >> Limit attempts login from your WordPress dashboard.

limit wordpress login attempts

Here you can set the number of tries as well as additional options for locking. You can even get notified if someone has exceeded the number of attempts and is locked out.

There are also options that allow you to create white lists users based on their IP addresses, which is always great for securing your website. Once you have filled in the options with the necessary details, save them.

To discover also: How to add link preview on WordPress

Now you can see that the remaining connection attempts can also be seen when the WordPress login page loads. If for a particular user this number is exceeded, they will no longer have access to any attempt.

limit wordpress login attempts 1

3. Use a comprehensive website protection system

If you are launching a new website, you need to install a system that provides your WordPress website with maximum protection. There are many WordPress plugins from security impressive dedicated to this task. But some plugins like the WordFence Security can do wonders for the complete protection of your website.

wordfence security wordpress login

One of its highlighted features is two-factor authentication. So even after entering the password, there is a second factor to log in like phone or email verification. This would make it difficult for hackers to gain access to the second factor.

4. Use strong passwords

Passwords were invented for a reason and the reason was to have access to people or users with the exact same password. But with the advancement of technology, the number of skilled hackers is also increasing day by day.

See also How to find the login URL of your WordPress blog

You must therefore create a very strong password for access to your WordPress login page. Make sure it has a length 10-15 characters long and contains symbols and numbers.

You can use tools like Strong Password Generator to get a better password for your website.

wordpress login password generator

5. Do not use "Admin" as the username

The term " admin " is the default username especially when it comes to everything related to computers and technology. So the first guess that hackers might try to use as a username is "admin". 

How to fix the connection error with the WordPress database? Find out by clicking on this link 

Forget the hackers, even me personally I was able to log into a few custom internet service websites trying "admin" for username and password and I am just a writer. So, it could be very easy for the hackers.

avoid admin as wordpress username

However, it is very unlikely for most users to put passwords like admin for a WordPress website. But using it as a username isn't a good idea either.

6. Upgrade to HTTPS:

Upgrading your website to HTTPS will not only increase the security of your WordPress connection, but it will will make your website even more secure.

It will prevent hackers from accessing your website by encrypting a connection between the web server and the browser. Thus, hackers and others will not be able to access your website when you transfer data from one server to another.

update https wordpress login

While you're at it, make sure you follow a few WordPress security tips to secure your websites.

Customize your WordPress login page

We all know WordPress for its immense amount of customizable features. Likewise, the same goes for the WordPress login page for your website. The default WordPress login page can seem very dull and boring to some users.

Read also: How to protect the login page of your WordPress blog

If you need help with that, there are tons of plugins in the WordPress directory to customize your login page. LoginPress de WPBrigade is one of the best. It is quite easy to use because it uses the Live Customizer through which you can change your login page effortlessly.

free loginpress wordpress plugin

To use it, of course, you have to install and activate it. Next, you need to start customizing your WordPress login page. Go to LoginPress >> Customizer. You will be redirected to the theme's Live Customizer. You can also access it from Appearance >> LoginPress.

loginpress wordpress plugin

After that open the option LoginPress. Then you can do a ton of edits there on your WordPress login page. It has the ability to add and edit the logo, main background, welcome and error messages, form footer, and even additional CSS.

Also discover our list of 8 WordPress plugins to customize your login page

You can also change the forms, button color and size, login form, and forget form. Some options like reCAPTCHA and Google Fonts are not only available on the Pro version.

Make sure you make all the necessary changes to your login page. Once everything is done, post it. 

How to create a custom WordPress login form page

We have already mentioned that some users might find the default WordPress login page very dull and boring. Likewise, some users would also like create a full custom login page in order to log into their WordPress dashboard.

Also read our guide on: Logging in to WordPress: Everything you need to know

If you are one of those users, we have a great solution for you too. And the solution is to use the WordPress plugin User Registration

wordpress user registration login plugin

Initially, you need to install and activate it like any other plugin. Although this is a WordPress plugin for creating signup forms, you can use it to create your own custom WordPress login page. First, create a new page and paste the shortcode below to create a new default dashboard on this page. Then Publish it. 

Use the following shortcode:


custom login page publish

Un new default dashboard will be created for your website when you log in. When you log in again next time, you will be able to see your new personalized WordPress login page with your login form.

You can also add redirect settings on your shortcode if you want redirect to a specific page as soon as you connect. Just add the parameter " redirect_url As the following example:

[user_registration_my_account redirect_url = "example page"]

Likewise, you can also add a parameter " logout_redirect As the example given below for redirect to a specific page after logging out.

[user_registration_my_account logout_redirect = "page slug"]

Additional helpful tips for WordPress login page and URL

When it comes to logging into your WordPress dashboard, the main concerns are mostly security. But here are some tips to improve your User experience to connect you.

1. Use the “Remember Me” checkbox for quick connection:

As the name itself suggests, the checkbox "Remember Me" will store your WordPress username and password when you log in for the first time. The next time you try to sign in after signing out, your login credentials will automatically be updated in the Username and Password text boxes.

remember remember me wordpress

Once you check the option Remember me, sets a cookie which is a very small file. This cookie indicates that you want to stay logged in, so it does not ask you to log in next time. However, this is not a very secure measure. You have to set it so that it can sexpire after a while depending on the computer or browser. 

2. Add the connection through the social media options:

With the increase of social media platforms, people tend to rely more on them. So, adding an option to connect from any social network can also be helpful for you if needed. same though it may not be recommended for many reasons of security. But, depending on your needs, you can add social media login options to log in from your WordPress login page.

All you need to do is add a plugin like Nextend Social Login ou WordPress social login. Then you can use it to create a social media login form for your WordPress login page.

Summary :

Here are most of the basic things you can do with your WordPress login page. Some of these have also been very beneficial for many WordPress users. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you follow these tips at least to keep your website secure

Also discover some additional premium WordPress plugins 

You can use other plugins to display countdowns on your WordPress blog. In what follows, I offer you some of them.

1. Advanced Google Maps Plugin for WordPress

It is a WordPress plugin Google Maps to create unlimited locations, maps, and integrate Google Maps on your website. He is responsive, multilingual, and supports multisite features.

Advanced google maps plugin for wordpress

This WordPress plugin offers several premium filtering categories including: multiple kml / kmz layers, routes, directions, etc ...

See our article on 9 WordPress plugins to create a travel website

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2. Gravity Forms Address Autocomplete

The Gravity Forms Address Autocomplete module simplifies the process of filling out your forms and helps your users enter their address with Google Places API

Gravity forms address autocomplete wordpress plugin

You'll save them time by finding specific address suggestions and filling out forms faster with AutoFill. The administrator can use it exclusively on the selected address fields. You can also use it on as many controls as needed.

Lire aussi How to translate your WordPress blog into several languages

Admin will also be able to restrict the auto-suggestion result to specific countries.

Download | Demo | Web hosting

3. ChimpMate Pro

chimpmate is the premium WordPress plugin for creating Pop-ups for MailChimp , which will help you convert your readers into subscribers. It was designed to increase your email list without irritating visitors, with annoying pop-ups.Chimpmate pro

It is fully customizable and you will control when and where to display pop-ups. Its other features are: it works perfectly on several browsers and has several planning options, a fully customizable layout, responsive customer support, iperfect integration with WooCommerce, excellent cache management, perfect integration with several WordPress themes, Multilingual support thanks to the WPML plugin, and much more.

Download | DemoWeb hosting

Recommended Resources

Find out about other recommended resources to help you build and manage your website.


Here is ! We hope this article has enabled you to learn all about logging in or accessing WordPress websites. You can also see our guide on How to add Google Analytics to WordPress

However, you will also be able to consult our resources, if you need more elements to carry out your projects of creation of Internet sites, by consulting our guide on the WordPress blog creation.

Feel free to share this article with your friends on your favorite social networks. But, in the meantime, tell us about your Comments and suggestions in the dedicated section.
