Do you want to increase your search traffic? So write a compelling blog description for each post.

If you're struggling to get more traffic from Google, you should start by focusing on the basics.

The basic principles of SEO, such as a compelling blog description and writing effective meta descriptions for your blog posts, matter A LOT.

If you're looking for a helpful guide to writing perfect blog descriptions, this article is for you.

In this article, we will talk about;

  • What is a blog description?
  • Difference Between Blog Description and Blog Post Description
  • Examples of Great Blog Descriptions
  • How to write better descriptions for your blog (and your blog posts) and much more

Are you ready ? Let's get into the details without further ado.

Contents :

Blog Description: Everything you need to know

What is a blog description?

A blog description is a snippet used to summarize the content of a website. Search engines display blog or website descriptions in search results to let visitors know what a blog is about before clicking on it.

Benefits of blog descriptions:

Blog descriptions give you the following benefits.

  • Blog descriptions improve your website's organic click-through rates (CTR).
  • They have an impact on your website's conversions and sales.
  • They improve the indexing of your website, which allows you to be better ranked in search results.
  • They will help you attract your target audience to your site.

Difference Between Blog Description and Blog Post Description

There are generally two types of blog descriptions;

  • The description of the blog
  • The description of a blog post.

Now, let's see the difference between a blog description and an article description, with the help of concrete examples.

1. Description of the blog: A blog description is a brief summary of the blog's home page. your blog which appears under your site link in the SERP (search engine results page).

blog description

As you can see above, the blog description appears just below the blog homepage.

2. Blog post description: A blog post description is a description of your individual blog post that appears below your blog post link in the SERPs.

Here is an example of a blog post description;

As you can see above, the blog description appears right below the post title.

Did you know that pages with a meta description get 5,8% more clicks than those without?

blog description

So be sure to write a meta description for every blog post you publish.

5 examples of blog descriptions

Looking for sample blog descriptions? Here is a handpicked list of some of the best blog descriptions in various industries.

Example 1: Unsplash

Why is it awesome?

Unsplash is one of the most popular websites for downloading royalty-free images online. In a nutshell, Unsplash's blog description explains what their website is all about. She also explains why their platform is better than others.

Example 2: Udemy

Why is it awesome?

Udemy is probably the premier platform for learning and teaching various skills. She has a powerful blog description where she lists the number of courses as well as the students who use her platform. It also indicates the type of course that you can discover on its website.

Example 3: Codeacademy

Why is it awesome?

Codeacademy is an interactive online platform that offers free coding courses worldwide. His blog description includes the number of users on his platform as well as a benefit (getting the job you want).

Example 5: YNAB (You Need A Budget)

Why is it awesome?

YNAB is a popular budgeting software that uses powerful words in its blog description to entice its users to get out of debt and save money. He clearly shows the "why" of using his software.

How to write a compelling description for your blog or website?

How to create an effective blog description? Here are some of the best ways to write a description of your blog or your website that is worth clicking.

First, install an optimization plugin like Rank Math. There is also a free version which is amazing.

The SEO plugin Rank Math makes it easy to write and edit your blog's homepage description.

Once you have installed the Rank Math plugin, go to Titles & Meta and click on the Homepage tab.

This is what it looks like;

As you can see above, you will see a homepage title and a homepage meta description for your blog where you can add a description for your blog.

5 tips for creating an impactful description of your blog

Here are 5 amazing tips for creating a compelling description for your blog or website.

1. Explain the subject of your blog: The length of a blog description is usually between 120 and 158 characters, up to 920 pixels. You must therefore explain the purpose of your site taking into account these characters.

Analyze your competitors' websites. Find out how authority sites in your industry write their blog descriptions. Get inspired and write your own blog description.

2. Include your majors keywords : You need to add your principals keywords in the description of your blog in a natural way. This is how search engines like Google will understand your site content.

3. Display your expertise: One of the best ways to make your blog description unique and powerful is to showcase your expertise.

4. Include benefits: If you want to attract your target audience with your blog description, be sure to add benefits.

Answer the question “What do they have to gain by visiting your blog”.

What are the benefits they will get after visiting your blog? If you can add benefits concisely in your blog description, you will attract more visitors from Google.

Quora (which is the world's leading Q&A platform) probably has the best blog description;

As you can see above, Quora shows the benefits of using its platform. If you're looking to gain and share knowledge, you should probably create an account on Quora.

5. Add references: If you already have an online presence or a large number of fans, you should definitely add these references in your blog description. Adding references helps you stand out from the crowd.

Semrush does it best;

As you can see above, Semrush shares the credentials of its users (which are recognized by over 7 million marketers worldwide).

How do you write a compelling blog post description?

Want to learn how to write impactful blog post descriptions that drive more clicks and traffic to your website?

Here are some proven methods for creating great meta descriptions for your blog posts.

Use questions: We often use questions when writing descriptions for our blog posts. They often work like a charm because they create instant curiosity.

Use strong words: One of the best ways to attract visitors to your blog with your post description is to use strong words.

The latter are attractive and descriptive words that trigger a positive or negative emotional reaction.

Here are some of those keywords;

  • something exceptional for you
  • killer
  • effective
  • convincing
  • free
  • business
  • exciting

Do not use clickbait: Most people use “clickbait” titles in their blog post descriptions to attract more clicks and traffic.

Unfortunately, clickbait titles mislead your website audience because they contain misleading wording instead of using the right words relevant to the content.

ALWAYS write descriptions that match your content. NEVER trick your audience into clicking on your link by using clickbait titles.

Implement structured data: If you want to create compelling blog post descriptions, implement structured data.

Structured data uses a predefined schema that helps search engines easily understand the information provided on a web page.

The most common types of structured data meta tags are stars for product reviews, company names, addresses, etc.

Here is an example of a starting assessment powered by structured data;

You can use plugins like Rank Math to easily implement structured data on your blog.

How to include your main keywords in your blog description for a high CTR?

What is the BEST way to get more traffic to your blog posts from search engines? Here are some of the proven ways to get better results with your blog descriptions.

Include your main keyword in meta descriptions

Your meta descriptions are very important.

Meta description is an HTML attribute that provides a brief summary of a web page.

Be sure to include your keywords targets when you create meta descriptions for your blog posts.

How to do ?

First, do keyword research for every blog post you write.

Find at least ONE main keyword and several secondary keywords so that you can include them in the description of your blog posts.

Once you have a list of primary and secondary keywords to target, you need to include them in your content, including blog post meta descriptions.

You can install a free SEO plugin like Rank Math (we use the same) to optimize your blog posts and pages.

Include your targeted keywords in the title

A title tag is the title of a web page that the user sees in search results and is displayed as part of the search snippet.

This is what a title tag looks like;

Here are some tips for optimizing your title tags.

  • Be sure to use unique title tags. Do a quick Google search to determine if your title is totally unique or not.
  • Place your most important keyword first in the title tag.
  • NEVER include keywords in your title tags. They should be natural and appeal to your target audience.
  • Watch the length of your headline. Google typically displays the first 50-60 characters of a title tag. Stay within that limit.
  • Avoid using the title tag for the page title. The title tag is displayed in search results, while the page title is unique and displays on your blog post.


What is a blog description?

A blog description is a quick summary of your blog content. The blog description is the text that appears below your website link in search engine results.

How many characters should a blog description contain?

A blog description should be around 150 characters.

Where does your blog's meta description appear?

Your blog description appears directly below your meta title on the search engine page when a user searches for your website.

What is the best tool for writing meta descriptions?

If you use WordPress, be sure to install an optimization plugin called Rank Math, which is free to use. It lets you easily write and edit descriptions for your blog and individual posts.

Are blog post descriptions important?

Yes, blog post descriptions have many benefits, including

  • They help you get a better CTR (click-through rate).
  • Increase in traffic and sales
  • It helps you attract the right audience on Google

Other resources to read

Final thoughts on blog post descriptions

If you want to increase your search traffic, it is extremely important to write impactful descriptions for your blog and its various articles.

Be sure to keep your audience in mind, analyze your competitors, and focus on the benefits when creating meta descriptions.

What do you think of compelling blog descriptions? Was this article helpful to you? You have questions ? Please let us know in the comments.