Looking for the latest statistics on Quora for 2024? Your search ends here.

Did you know that Quora has 400 million monthly active users worldwide?

Quora is NOT as big and famous as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and such. but it is the most useful platform.

When it comes to gaining knowledge, no other platform comes close to Quora.

You'll find thousands of helpful answers on almost any topic, provided by a variety of people, including scientists, academics, engineers, doctors, and more.

Table of contents ☰

What is Quora?

Quora is the world's leading Q&A platform. It was opened to the public on June 21, 2010 (it was founded in 2009) by Adam D'Angelo and Charlie Cheever. The company has approximately 300 employees worldwide.

The PRIMARY goal of Quora is to allow you to research questions in order to get relevant and useful answers.

Quora allows users to collaborate by editing questions and commenting on other users' answers. Quora users can follow specific topics, people, and questions for updates.

Let us now go into the details of some of the statistics interesting Quora stories for 2024.

Quora Stats Marketers Need to Know [Our Top Picks for 2024]

1. How many users does Quora have?

Quora has over 400 million monthly active users across the world. (Source: Quora for Business)

The top countries with the most active Quora users are:

  • USA with 140 million users (USA is the #1 country with the most Quora users)
  • India with 100 million users
  • Southeast Asia with 29 million users
  • United Kingdom with 28 million users
  • Europe has over 20 million Quora users
stats on Quora

2. What is Quora's annual revenue?

Quora has an estimated annual revenue of between $25 million and $50 million.

Quick Note: Quora does NOT share its statistics revenue and growth in the number of users (often). These figures are therefore taken from growth in previous years and other reliable sources.

3. What is Quora's monthly traffic?

More than 780 million people visit Quora every month (Source: SimilarWeb)

The average duration of a visit is about 3 minutes; Internet users consult 2,37 pages per visit.

4. Which countries send the most traffic to Quora?

The United States (42,6%) is the top country sending desktop traffic to Quora.com, followed by India (12,61%).

5. What are the demographics of Quora's audience?

Quora's audience is 56,35% male and 43,65% female. The largest age group of visitors is 25 to 34 years old (desktop). (Source: Similar Web)

Here's a quick breakdown of the age range of Quora's audience;

  • 18 to 24 years old: 27%
  • 25 to 34 years old: 29%
  • 35 to 44 years old: 17%
  • 45 to 54 years old: 12%
  • 55 to 64 years old: 8%
  • 65 years and over: 5,53%

6. What are Quora's main sources of traffic?

Organic search traffic is Quora's biggest source of traffic.

Here is the breakdown of Quora's traffic sources;

  • Organic traffic: 74,02%
  • Direct traffic: 24,37%
  • Email: 1,2%
  • Traffic SEO : 0,13%
  • Paid search traffic: less than 0,01%
  • Display traffic: 0,02%

7. How much traffic does Quora receive from social media sites?

Twitter is Quora's biggest source of social media traffic.

Here is the breakdown of Quora traffic sent by different social media networks;

  • YouTube: 33%
  • Reddit: 18%
  • Twitter: 13%
  • Facebook: 12%
  • LinkedIn: 4%

8. How many languages ​​is Quora available in?

Quora is currently available in 24 languages ​​including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Indonesian, Portuguese, Hindi, Dutch, Danish, Finnish , Norwegian, Swedish, Marathi, Bengali, Tamil, Arabic, Hebrew, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Telugu and Polish.

Quora Earnings Statistics

Looking for Quora revenue stats? Check out this fantastic list.

1. What is Quora's net worth?

In 2024, Quora's net valuation is over $2 billion.

2. What percentage of Quora users have an advanced degree?

Quora users are highly educated. 50% of Quora users hold an undergraduate degree or above. To be more precise, 30% have an undergraduate degree and 20% a graduate degree. (Source: Quora for Business)

3. What is the average income of Quora users?

According to Quora Business, 42% of users report household income above $85 per year. 000% of adult Quora users are more likely to be in a leadership position.

4. What kind of businesses use Quora ads?

60% of businesses that advertise on Quora are B2B businesses, while 40% are B2C businesses.

In case you are curious, B2C companies are for example Amazon, Walmart and Meta. Examples of B2B are Samsung and Apple for the production of the iPhone or smartphones.

5. Do Quora ads work?

Quora Business claims that Quora ads get 4x more conversions than other ad platforms. Since the launch of the Quora advertising platform, thousands of businesses have been using Quora to promote their brand or products.

Quora Usage Statistics

Here are some of the latest usage statistics from the Quora platform.

1. What percentage of Quora users use smartphones?

Nearly 3 out of 4 people use their smartphone to access Quora. Therefore, if you plan to promote your business on Quora, be sure to target mobile audiences.

2. How much time do people spend on Quora?

On average, most users spend around 9 minutes a day on Quora. That's twice as much time on Quora than on LinkedIn.

3. What answers are promoted on Quora?

Promoted answers are sponsored answers. Most marketers use “sponsored answers” ​​on Quora to increase visibility for their brand or products. Quora Business reports that this type of ad format has been one of the most adopted by Quora over time.

4. How many questions were asked on Quora?

In May 2024, over 158 million questions were asked on Quora. This number fluctuates as Quora users post new questions and moderators regularly delete unwanted questions.

5. What is the most popular question on Quora?

The most popular question on Quora is "What can I learn/know in 10 minutes now that will be useful for the rest of my life" (here is the link to the question). The question has over 41 followers and around 000 million views so far.

6. How many topics does Quora have?

Quora has over 300 topics to explore, from science to film to technology to AI to marketing and more.

7. What is the most followed topic on Quora?

“Technology is the #126,8 most-followed topic on Quora, with over XNUMX million followers.

“Cinema is another popular topic on Quora, with over 113,2 million followers.

stats on Quora

Here are some other popular topics to follow on Quora;

  • Health (110,5 million subscribers)
  • Science (104,5 million subscribers)
  • Music (100 million followers)

8. Do answers on Quora help drive traffic to your website?

Yes, if your answers are helpful and you promote your website links strategically, you will get traffic from Quora.

Wish Pond generated over 13 pages of their website from Quora in one month.

Quora Key Stats

Here are some other fascinating Quora stats for marketers.

1. Is it true that Quora was hacked?

Yes. On November 30, 2018, Quora discovered a data breach where 100 million users' data was compromised, such as username, email, etc.

2. How much does Quora Plus cost?

Quora Plus is a premium service from Quora that provides access to ALL content ad-free. It costs $6,99 per month (or $47,88 one-time for an entire year).

Quora+ also offers a 30-day free trial to browse Quora ad-free and unlock millions of answers.

3. How many questions are asked on the Quora platform?

On average, 5 to 000 questions are asked every day on Quora. This means that over 7 to 000 questions are asked each month. The number varies and there is no specific answer to the question.

4. How many answers per day on Quora?

As a Quora user, you can post up to 50 answers per day. The limit of replies per day depends on the number of followers, the length of your replies, etc. This system is designed to minimize the possibility of unsolicited responses.

5. Who is the most popular on Quora?

Here are some of the Quora users who have the most followers.

  • Balaji Viswanathan (who is currently the most followed person on Quora with over 630 followers)
  • Adam D'Angelo (CEO of Quora, with over 530 followers)
  • Jimmy Wales (founder of Wikipedia, with over 380 followers).

In case you are curious, Balaji Viswanathan is the CEO of Invento Research (maker of the Mitra robot). He currently has over 470,2 million views of his answers on Quora.

6. Are Quora questions answered?

Yes, 99% of questions asked on Quora are answered. Whatever the topic, your question is answered within hours or days (depending on the question).

7. Who is Adam D'Angelo?

Adam D'Angelo is the CEO of Quora. He is also co-founder and entrepreneur American based in Mountain View, California. He is also the former CTO of Facebook, which will have a net worth of over $2024 billion in XNUMX.

8. What is the most followed company on Quora?

Google is one of the most popular companies on Quora, with over 2,9 million followers. Other popular brands/companies on Quora include Amazon, Starbucks, Microsoft, etc.

9. What is the average CTR for ads on Quora?

The average CTR is between 0,75% and 0,95%. Average CTR varies based on bids, ad text, ad targeting, etc.


How many active users does Quora have?

Quora currently has over 400 million active users. Unlike other social networks, Quora generally does NOT publicly reveal data about its user base.

What is Quora+?

Quora+ is a paid subscription service that provides access to the BEST content from Quora, with NO ads. It costs $5 per month and a portion of your subscription is paid directly to Quora+ creators you follow.

Does Quora have stocks?

No. As of 2024, Quora is a private company and is not publicly traded anywhere in the world.

What is the ratio of men to women in Quora's audience?

Quora Business reports that 55:45% is the male to female ratio on the platform. This means 55% male users and 45% female users.

Is Quora a good platform for advertisers?

Yes, if you are planning to promote your business on Quora, this is the BEST platform. Over 50% of Quora users hold an undergraduate degree or higher. In addition, 42% of them have an annual income above $85.

Who uses Quora the most?

Quora's audience is primarily between the ages of 25 and 34. (more than 31%).

Which countries use Quora the most?

The United States (140 million) and India (100 million users) are the top two countries with the highest number of Quora users. Southeast Asia has over 29 million users, the UK has 28 million users, and Europe has over 20 million Quora users.

Related Resources:

Final thoughts on statistics on Quora

Whether you're a student, employee, or business owner, you can use Quora to learn and share your knowledge with others.

The beauty of Quora is that you can build an online presence by writing helpful answers. If you use it correctly, you can even make money from the Quora+ program.

And the best part is that Quora is not a social network. Unlike other social networks, Quora is used by graduates (more than 50% of users are graduates), and more than 40% of them report a household income of $85 or more. This means that you will be targeting a SPECIFIC set of educated, high-income users.

What do you think of the Quora stats mentioned here? Did you find them useful? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.