Having an outstanding website seems like a must with so much competition no matter what niche you invest your time and money in. Although most people have heard of the term domain and linked it to websites, to create one you really need to know what it is.

Whether you're the one doing the programming, the one overseeing it, or just an investor, you'll probably want to know more about them. Not only are domains important, but so are subdomains.

Keep reading to learn all about them and how to use them to your advantage.

Table of contents ☰

What is a subdomain?

A subdomain is a second-level domain added to an existing domain. You can use this option for various reasons, including the following.

  • Separating the different parts of your website
  • Create multiple websites with one domain
  • Test new designs or content before releasing them. upload on the main website

For example, if you have a website called blogpascher.com, you can create a subdomain for it called blog.blogpascher.com.

What is a domain?

Before we dive too deep into subdomains, let's first see what a domain.

Un domain is the address people type to visit your website. It's what comes after the "@" symbol in email addresses. You see it represented as a URL  at the top of your browser when you visit a website.

For example, the domain name of this website is blogpascher.com.

Subdomains: description, operation, examples, etc...

What is the difference between a domain and a subdomain?

The main difference between a domain and a subdomain is that subdomains are part of a larger domain. You can create multiple subdomains for a website.

Read also: Why separate WordPress and the domain name

Each subdomain becomes an extension of the main domain. Another way of thinking is that subdomains are like folders in a filing system. Domains are like the main workbook. A subdomain is a subfolder in this file system.

What is a subdomain used for?

A subdomain allows you to separate your online material into more organized sections. This feature is crucial for your website, especially if you have different categories that need their own space.

Below are some examples of the main benefits of using subdomains.

1. Create an online store

It's relatively common for many websites to have an eCommerce store that complements their content branding. For example, the main page of the official website of the NBA is all about the schedule, player highlights and news.

If you want to browse the goods, you need to go to shop.nba.com to see a dedicated online shopping page independent from the main page. Not all visitors will appreciate seeing heavily promoted products on websites that are supposed to be for information and updates.

By having a subdomain for your online store, you will give your audience a better browsing experience.

2. Best market distinction

One of the main uses of subdomains is to tailor web content to specific countries and regions. Many international companies use subdomains to ensure that their online material is acceptable locally and internationally.

You can see this benefit being used by news outlets like Yahoo.

For example, typing » uk  "instead of just" www  before yahoo.com, you'll be taken to Yahoo's homepage with headlines, weather updates and other current events for UK-based viewers.

With this feature, your visitors have the opportunity to interact with your website without searching for the content that suits them.

A few websites use the subdomain to identify the language of the webpage. For example, you will see the subdomain » en  if you look at the English version of blogpascher.

When does it make sense to use subdomains?

Subdomains: description, operation, examples, etc...

Separating website sections isn't the only time it makes sense to use subdomains. Another way is to create multiple websites with a single domain name.

Use this option when you want to create separate websites for different parts of your business or for different products or services that you offer. You can use a subdomain to test new designs or content before releasing them. upload on the main website.

It's worth making sure everything is working properly before making changes to the entire website. Essentially, you can fix bugs without using an intermediary site.

Alternatives: subdomain vs subdirectory

Many wonder which of these two is the best choice for website building. At this point, we've answered what a subdomain is, so this time let's look at the definition of a subdirectory.

Like a subdomain, a subdirectory allows you to organize your available web pages within a domain. The most obvious distinction between the two is their placement. The first is located before the second level domain, while the second is located just after the TLD.

What is better?

As for which is the best option, it depends on your type of content and the size of your audience.

Subdomains are superior if you are building or maintaining a large business or interest with multiple categories. You will have a smoother experience managing your digital documents. This is especially if you have an e-commerce store or if you cater to a foreign audience with a different language.

Subdirectories are best if you're running a website that doesn't need too many updates in the short term. If your web pages are quite similar to each other in design, you better use subdirectories instead of subdomains.

As regards the SEO, you will see contrasting claims that subdomains are better suited for ranking purposes and vice versa. Don't let this factor affect how you choose between the two.

It's because the quality of your content is still the best indicator of a great search engine ranking.

How to configure a subdomain?

The process for creating subdomains is different for each domain registrar, but the general process is generally similar.

Name your subdomain

The process begins by deciding what name to give to each subdomain.

What do you name your subdomain?

When naming a subdomain, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Make sure the subdomain name is relevant to the content you plan to put on it
  • Be brief
  • Avoid using hyphens
  • Do not use confusing words

For example, if you're creating a subdomain for your new blog, you can name it "blog" or "news."

If you create a subdomain for a product, you can use the product name as the subdomain.

Some examples of subdomains include the following ideas.

  • blog.example.com
  • product.example.com
  • support.example.com
  • shop.example.com
  • news.example.com

Login to your cPanel

With most hosting companies, you will need to login to your cPanel to name and set up a subdomain.

How do you log in to your cPanel?

If you don't know how to login to your cPanel, the first step is to check with your web host. He can provide instructions on how to proceed. Generally, though, here's how it works to connect.

First, you need to go to your hosting provider's website and find the login page. It is usually located in the upper right corner of the home page. Once you find the login page, enter your username and password.

Lire: What is cPanel? Beginner's Guide to Getting Started with cPanel

Navigate to and enter your subdomain

After logging in, you can find the subdomain area.

How to access and enter your subdomain?

Use these simple steps in most hosting accounts.

  1. Look for the “Domains” section and click on it
  2. Scroll down until you see "Subdomains"
  3. Click on it
  4. Enter the subdomain name you want in the "Subdomain" field
  5. From the “Domain” drop-down menu, select the domain you want to use for your subdomain
  6. Click the "Create" button when you're done

Create a new DNS record

The next step is to create a new DNS record for your subdomain.

What is a DNS record?

DNS means Domain Name System. A DNS record is basically a set of instructions that tells the internet how to find your website. When you enter a domain name, the DNS system uses these records to direct you to the correct website.

How to create a new DNS record?

Log in to your DNS management tool. Find the button " Add a new record And click on it.

Choose the type of record you want to create from the drop-down menu. The most common type for subdomains is a " A-record ».

Enter the name of the subdomain in the " Name“. If you want to create a subdomain named blog, enter “blog” in this field.

In the “TTL” field, you can leave the default value. It signifies Time To Live and it basically controls how long DNS servers will cache the DNS record.

In the "IP address" field, you must enter the IP address of your subdomain. You can find it in your subdomain management area in cPanel.

It is usually listed as a " A-record"

Click Create and wait for your subdomain to resolve

Click the " Add Record " once you have finished. You will have to wait a few hours for everything to resolve and become “live” on the website. Once done, your subdomain will be set up and ready to use.

You can start creating content, setting up email accounts, etc….

Subdomains vs Subdirectories for SEO

If you're wondering whether you should use subdomains or subdirectories for your website, there's no easy answer. It depends on a number of factors, including your website's goals and structure.

In general, subdomains are best for completely different sections of your website aimed at different audiences. You may need to separate your primary domain from your online store.

Use a subdomain in this situation.

What is a subfolder or subdirectory?

Subdirectories, on the other hand, are best suited for different, but closely related, sections of your website. If you have a dog website and want to create a dog training section, use a subdirectory.

Ultimately, it's up to you to decide which approach works best for your website.

What are the SEO implications of subdomains?

There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to subdomains and SEO. First, Google treats subdomains as separate websites. This means they will need their own unique content, title tags and meta descriptions.

Second, subdomains will have their own set of backlinks. So, if you are using a subdomain to promote a new product, you need to create its link profile from scratch.

Finally, subdomains can give your website a boost in search engine rankings. If you have a well-optimized subdomain with quality content, it might rank higher than your main website.

What are examples of subdomains?

Here are some common examples of subdomains.

  • blog.example.com
  • shop.example.com
  • support.example.com
  • Secure.example.com

Here are two additional subdomain ideas to consider.

The "FTP" subdomain is a commonly used subdomain use case. It is used for FTP access to a website.

FTP means " File Transfer Protocol and it is used to transfer files between computers.

The FTP subdomain might look like this: ftp.example.com. You can also use subdomains for email. For example, you can set up an email account using the subdomain mail.example.com.

Advantages of subdomains

Using subdomains has a few advantages. Subdomains can help you segment your website. If you have a large website, subdomains can make it easier for visitors to find the content they're looking for.

A subdomain can help target different audiences. For example, you can use a subdomain to target people in a specific location.

Why use a subdomain?

You can use a subdomain to test new ideas. If you're unsure if a new website feature will work, create a subdomain. Use it to test the idea without affecting your main website.

Subdomains are relatively easy and inexpensive to set up. In most cases, you can set up a subdomain in just minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

You may still have some questions about subdomains. Here are three common questions on the subject.

Subdomains: description, operation, examples, etc...

Second-level domains are basically the same as a subdomain, right?

Not enough.

A second-level domain (SLD) is the part of the domain that precedes the dot. For example, in the field blogpascher.com, “blogpascher” is the SLD.

You will create a subdomain from the main domain. With a domain called blogpascher.com, you can create a subdomain called shop.blogpascher.com.

What is a subdomain number?

You can create digital subdomains. For example, if you have a website called blogpascher.com, you can create subdomains such as 21.blogpascher.com.

You can use them for various purposes. You can use them to redirect traffic to a specific page on your website or segment your website content.

What is a subdomain in an email address?

An email subdomain is a subdomain used for email accounts. If you have a website called blogpascher.com, you can create an email account using the subdomain mail.blogpascher.com.

Email subdomains are typically used by businesses and organizations.

Other resources


The possibilities for subdomains are endless. Use them for anything you want, including creating a separate website or section of your website.

The only limit is your imagination. Go create your first subdomain today.