Would you like to find out how to add a testimonial slider in Elementor?

Some companies use customer testimonials as a tool to sell their services or products. If you want to display your customers' testimonials on your website, this is great as it can be one of the factors to attract other customers.

People tend to trust products or services that have positive reviews from users. Elementor comes with two widgets for displaying testimonials: the Testimonial widget and the Testimonial Carousel widget.

If you want to display the testimonials in a slider style, you can use the Testimonial Carousel widget.

The Testimonial Carousel itself is a widget that can only be found in the pro version.

How to add a testimonial slider in Elementor

Since the Testimonial Carousel is a pro widget, be sure to update your version of Elementor to the pro version in case you haven't already.

In this article, we'll jump right into adding the Testimonial Carousel widget to Elementor's edit box.

Just drag the Testimonial Carousel widget from the left panel to the edit box.

Go to the left panel to do the customization. First of all, you can open the block Slides under the Content tab to modify do so. By default, the testimonial carousel creates a testimonial slider that consists of 3 slides.

To change the default content of a slide, you can simply open it by clicking on it. You can change the photo and text (your client's testimonial, name and job title).

You can repeat the steps to edit the content of the other slides. To add a new slide, you can just click on the button ADD AN ELEMENT.

Still on the block Slides, you can set the appearance of the slider on the option Skin and the layout of the slider on the option Layout. In addition, you can also set the number of slides per view and the number of slides to scroll.

Then you can open the block Additional Options to define some optional parameters. From this block, you can activate / deactivate the pagination (arrows and dots), define the duration of the transition, activate / deactivate the autoplay, define the speed of autoplay, etc ...

Customize the testimonial slider

Once you are done changing the slide content and required settings, you can switch to the tab Style to customize the testimonial slider.

There are 4 blocks of customization options available that you can open.

  • Slides

You can open this block to set the space between slides, slide background color, slide border size, border radius, and border color.

How to add a testimonial slider in Elementor

  • Content

From this block, you can define the typography (font family, font style, font size, etc.) of the textual content of the slides, the color of the text and the distance between the content of the testimony and the user information (name and function).

  • Image

You can open this block to set your user's image size, border radius and border size.

  • Navi

If you activate navigation on the block Additional options under the Content tab, you can open the block Navi under the Style tab to set the size of the arrows, the color of the arrows, the size of the points and the color of the points.

add a testimonial slider in Elementor

Here. You can publish your page after you have finished editing it.

In short

Elementor has a default widget - the Testimonial Carousel Widget - for adding a testimonials section to your page or template. You must use the pro version of Elementor as the widget is only available on Elementor Pro. You can also use another add-on like Essential Addons et happy addons.

Discover also some premium WordPress plugins  

You can use other WordPress plugins to give a modern appearance and to optimize the handling of your blog or website.

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See also How to create a sitemap on your WordPress blog

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See our article on 10 WordPress plugins to improve the visual of your website

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SEO Friendly Images is a WordPress Plugin premium which helps you automatically optimize all the alt and title attributes of the images of your posts, and pages as well as third-party plugins like Advanced Custom Fields.

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It has a free version that offers basic features, but its pro version boosts the performance of your website thanks to the technique of Lazy Load-progressive content download-. You'll also be able to optimize it with Alt and Title attributes.

See also our 7 WordPress plugins to improve your delivery system

Its features are: rautomatic filling of Alt and Title attributes, lazy load support, ooptimization of hypertext links, theupport images, thumbnails and other plugins, the support multilingual, mautomatic updates et more ...

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Other recommended resources

We also invite you to consult the resources below to go further in the grip and control of your website and blog.


Here is ! That's it for this tutorial. We hope it will allow you to add a testimonial slider in Elementor.

However, you will also be able to consult our resources, if you need more elements to carry out your projects of creation of Internet sites, by consulting our guide on the WordPress blog creation or the one on Divi: the best WordPress theme of all time.

If you have some Comments or suggestions, do not hesitate to let us know in the reserved section But in the meantime, share this article on your different social networks
