Want to add a point effect to a column in Elementor?

Elementor is perfect for create a website, in which the emphasis is on design. In Elementor, you can add animation effects to make your website more interactive.

One of the animation effects that you can add to an Elementor powered page is a point effect. You can add a point effect to a section, column, or widget.

This article will show you how to add a score to a column in Elementor. By the way, if you are new to Elementor, you can refer to our previous article to find out how to install Elementor.

How to add point effect to a column in Elementor

In Elementor, column is a required element. This is where you can add widgets - the actual design elements to create your page. As with other types of elements in Elementor, you can also customize a column to make it elegant.

You can add solid color background, image background, shadow, for hover effect. Elementor's built-in hover effect lets you use a different background, a different border, and a different drop shadow when pointing.

To start adding a point effect to a column in Elementor, first click on the handle of the column you want to add the point effect on to switch to the column settings panel.

add a point effect to a column in Elementor

In the settings panel (panel on the left side), go to the tab Style and open the block Background. In the latter, you can open the tab AU OVERVIEW to set a different background on the pointing state.

You can use a solid color background, a gradient color background, or an image background. You can also set the transition duration (the transition from the normal state to the pointing state) in the Transition duration option.

To set a different border and a different box shadow on the pointing state, you can open the block Border. Click on the tab OVERVIEW  of that block and set the border style, border size, border color, border radius, and area shadow for the pointing state.

Adding an advanced hover effect to a column in Elementor

Unlike Divi BuilderElementor does not use the CSS transform for its hover effect. Therefore, you can only add basic hover effects. But like Elementor (the pro version) you allows you to add custom CSS, you can use custom CSS to add CSS transformation to add advanced hover effect.

Rollover effects are created using the CSS transformation. To add a CSS transformation to a column, first go to the Advanced tab and open the block Custom CSS (make sure the settings panel is in column settings panel mode). Add the following CSS code.

add a point effect to a column in Elementor

The code :

selector: hover {transition: all .2s ease-in-out; transform: scale (1.1); cursor: point; z-index: 1; }

In the CSS transformation itself, there are 5 transformation styles that you can use:

  • Matrix
  • Translate
  • Scale
  • Rotate
  • skew

The CSS code above uses the scale transformation. You can simply replace it with whatever transform style you like.

Read this page to learn more about the CSS transformation.

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Read also our article on How to keep your visitors longer on your website

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Recommended Resources

Find out about other recommended resources to help you build and manage your website.


Here ! That's it for our article which shows you how to add a point effect to a column in Elementor. If you have comments or suggestions, do not hesitate to let us know in the reserved section.

However, you can also consult our resources, if you need more elements to carry out your projects of creation of Internet sites, by consulting our guide on WordPress blog creation or the one on Divi: the best WordPress theme of all time.

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