Do you want to restore deleted pages in WordPress? In this WordPress tutorial we will show you 4 methods to get there

If you accidentally deleted a WordPress page, it is possible to recover it from the trash.

In this beginner tutorial, we will show you how to easily recover deleted pages in WordPress and WooCommerce.

But before you start, take the time to take a look at How to install a WordPress themeHow many plugins to install on WordPress.

Then discover together our guide.

How does WordPress handle deleted pages?

Just like your computer, WordPress moves deleted items to a “Trash” folder. This removes those items from your website and admin screens, but they are not permanently and immediately removed.

After 30 days, WordPress automatically and permanently deletes it from the trash and your WordPress database.

If the page you deleted is still in the trash, you can restore it. We'll show you how to do it in a minute.

However, if it was also deleted from Trash then you need to try other ways to restore deleted page in WordPress.

Sometimes you can accidentally delete an important page and not notice it for a while. For example, if you have several pages with the same name and you end up deleting one that you really needed.

Accidental deletion of pages with the same name in WordPress

Another common scenario we encounter is that users accidentally delete the pages needed to WooCommerce or to their subscription WordPress plugin.

That being said, let's take a look at how to easily restore deleted pages in WordPress and WooCommerce. Here's a quick table of contents, so you can skip to the section that best suits your needs.

Method 1. Recover Deleted Pages from Trash in WordPress

This method is the easiest, and you should try it first before doing anything else.

Normally, when you delete an item in WordPress, it goes to the trash folder and you can recover it for the next 30 days. After that, it will be automatically deleted forever.

Just go to Pages »All Pages in your WordPress admin area. From there, you need to switch to the “ Basket to view all pages that have been deleted in the last 30 days.

Restore deleted pages

If the page(s) you want to recover are listed there, just hover your mouse over the page title and you will see the option “ To re-establish ».

You can also restore multiple pages at once by selecting them and then choosing " To re-establishin the Bulk Actions drop-down menu at the top.

You can now go to Pages »All Pages and find the restored page there.

It was quick and easy, but what if the page you deleted isn't listed in the Recycle Bin?

Don't worry, there are other ways to restore deleted pages in WordPress.

Method 2. Restore Deleted Pages in WordPress Using Backup Plugin

Backups are one of WordPress' best security and productivity tools. All WordPress websites should set up a WordPress Plugin appropriate backup.

All of this WordPress plugins backup Not only help you recover a hacked WordPress website, but they can also help you recover deleted content, including pages.

Note: The WordPress plugins backup allow you to restore your entire website to an earlier point. This means that any other changes you made to your website after this period may be lost.

If you know when you deleted a page, you can access the last backup before that date to restore your website.

If you don't have WordPress Plugin backup installed, chances are your host still does, and you can always restore it through cPanel.

For step-by-step instructions, you can follow our guide at how to restore a wordpress website.

Method 3. Recover Deleted WooCommerce Pages

By default, WooCommerce creates pages for checkout, cart, shop, and account management. These are important pages for your WooCommerce store to run smoothly.

WooCommerce Default Pages - restore deleted pages in WordPress

If you accidentally delete a WooCommerce page, you can first try to restore it by checking the trash (see method 1 above).

If you can't find the page in the trash, you can simply create a new one. For example, you can go to Pages »Add, then create a blank page named " Cart ».

Create a new cart page in WooCommerce

Similarly, you can also create other WooCommerce pages for shop, checkout, and account.

After creating new pages, you can tell WooCommerce to use these new pages instead of the old or default ones. Just go to the page WooCommerce » Settings and go to the " Advanced ».

Select Default WooCommerce Pages

From here, you can select the pages you created earlier in the Installing Pages section.

For the store page, you need to switch to the “ Products then select the page you want to use as the store page.

Shop page - restore deleted pages in WordPress

Do not forget to click on the button « Save Changes To store your settings.

Method 4. Restore Selected Pages from WordPress Backup (Advanced)

This method is a bit complicated, unreliable and not recommended for beginners. However, it would be useful if you don't want to restore an entire website and lose the changes you made after that backup.

You can simply restore your WordPress website from a local installation, then copy and paste the content of the page you want to restore.

First, you will need to download your WordPress backups to your computer. Simply go to the page of your WordPress Plugin database backup and you will be able to see recent backups.

For example, this is how you will see your recent backups listed in UpdraftPlus.

Simply click on the database backup to download it to your computer.

Next, you need to restore your WordPress website to a local server. You can install WordPress on your computer using XAMPP.

After that, you can install your backup WordPress plugin on the local server and restore your backed up files.

Optionally, if you only have the database backup, you can also restore it using phpMyAdmin.

Once you have restored the WordPress database, you will need to update the WordPress website URLs in the database. To do so, simply open phpMyAdmin on your local server by typing the following URL:


After that, you need to select your WordPress database from the left column and then click on the table wp_options. Switch to the Browse tab and locate the lines containing 'siteurl'and'home'under the column option_name.

Edit Site URLs

You will notice that the column option_value contains the URL of your website (the online one). You need to modify these two lines and replace your option_value to match the WordPress website on your local server.

After that, click on the button ExecuterTo save your changes.

You can now connect to your localhost installation, and you will see all your old pages listed under Pages »All Pages.

Editing a WordPress Page

Go ahead and edit the page you want to restore. All you have to do is copy the content and paste it on your WordPress website as a new page.

Copy page content

Don't forget to update or post the changes on your website.

Recommended Resources

Find out about other recommended resources to help you build and manage your website.


So ! That's it for this tutorial. We hope this article helped you learn how to restore deleted pages in WordPress. Sif you have Comments or suggestions, do not hesitate to let us know in the reserved section.

However, you will also be able to consult our resources, if you need more elements to carry out your projects of creation of Internet sites, by consulting our guide on the WordPress blog creation or the one on Divi: the best WordPress theme of all time.

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