Need to create custom shapes in Elementor ?

In web development, geometric shape is another basic thing that you need to understand other than color theory. Each geometric shape represents different meanings.

Discover How to install Elementor on WordPress

The Circle, for example, represents harmony and security.

Elementor doesn't have a specific widget to create a custom shape, but you can use the widget Spacer if you need to add a custom shape to a web page.

This article will show you how to create custom shapes in Elementor using the Spacer widget.

How to create a custom shape in Elementor using the Spacer widget

Some Elementor widgets, including the Spacer widget, have an option to set border radius values. You can use this option to create a custom shape in Elementor.

By default, when adding the Spacer widget, you will have a rectangular shape with a height of 50px. You can change this default setting to create a square, circular, or rounded shape. Please note that not all geometric shapes can be created with the Spacer widget.

Read our guide on How to add divider to create section in Elementor

You will not be able to create a triangle or parallelogram. Here's how to create a custom shape in Elementor using the Spacer widget.

  • First, create a new page on WordPress and edit it with Elementor. You can create the page from scratch or load a template instead.
  • Add the Spacer widget by dragging it to the edit box. You can place it anywhere.
create custom shapes in Elementor
  • Set the height of the space. You can define it later according to the shape you want to create.
create custom shapes in Elementor
  • On the panel left, go to the tab Advanced and set the background to the section Background.
create custom shapes in Elementor
  • Still under the Advanced tab, go to section Positioning and modify the width en custom and set the desired value. If you want to make a square or circular shape, you need to set the same width value as the high value. Also define the position sure " Absolute " .
create custom shapes in Elementor
  • Still under the tab Advance, go to the Border section to change the border radius values. If you want to create a square or rectangular shape, you don't need to change the border radius values. You only need to change these values ​​if you want to create a circle shape or a fully custom shape (irregular shape).
create custom shapes in Elementor
  • Move the shape you just created by dragging it to the area you want to place.
create custom shapes in Elementor

Repeat the above steps to create more custom shapes. Or, you can just duplicate a shape you created to save yourself time.

Just be sure to match the border radius values ​​as well as the size (height and width).

Other Resources:

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Here ! That's it for this article which shows you how to create custom shapes in Elementor. If you have any concerns on how to get there flet us know in the Comments.

However, you can also consult our resources, if you need more elements to carry out your projects of creation of Internet sites, by consulting our guide on the WordPress blog creation or the one on Divi: the best WordPress theme of all time.

But meanwhile, share this article on your different social networks.
