• How to join a Network Marketing Company (MLM)?
  • How to choose a good network marketing company?
  • How to succeed in network marketing on the internet?
  • How? 'Or' What…

In short, these are all questions that most people ask themselves who see in this activity, a real opportunity to earn money and finally achieve financial freedom.

Sadly, things aren't always that easy, behind the income potential and the work-from-home opportunity that is always put forward, there is a reality that you certainly ignore. You do not believe me ?

Tell me, have you ever heard any of these phrases?

  • Network marketing is the best business model in the world, it's the most viable
  • If you are positive then nothing and no one will stop you
  • You need a big list of contacts to succeed in network marketing
  • You have to recruit again and again to succeed
  • It's not selling it's sharing, recommending
  • The product sells itself so you will not have much to do
  • You must have a big "Why" to be successful
  • If you do what I tell you to do you will have the same results as me
  • This is not a pyramid sale because there is a product for sale
  • You will receive a free and complete training that will ensure you success
  • We are a family and we will take care of you
  • You just have to recommend the product to your friends and the rest will be done alone
  • Not really need to work long, 2 H a day is more than enough
  • This is the best opportunity to become financially independent
  • Our godfather revolutionized the network marketing industry
  • Our products are new and exclusive
  • We have the best compensation plan in the market right now
  • Etc., etc…

You know, there are a lot of myths about network marketing. The truth is there, but to find it, you must look for it and especially accept to face it. For the most part, these are lies invented by "Pseudo-leaders" unscrupulous in order to recruit, scam and ruin any people who would have the misfortune to believe.

The goal here is to seduce without having something concrete to offer, then to create a blur around three main variables: cost, risk and value. That being said, let's try to stop on some of these myths (lies):

Mlm Opportunities Scam Best Models Business Money 2This myth can also appear in the form of:

  • Earn 5000 € per week without having to move a finger
  • Discover the opportunity to never work again
  • Discover how I won 10000 € in a month ...

If this was really the case, why do over 98% of people who join MLM give up?

Normally we should rather have the reverse, that is to say, 98% success rate, right? How can anyone claim that this is the opportunity to make a lot of money when the failure and dropout rate exceeds 98%?

To earn a sustainable income, no matter the company or the compensation plan, you need to build a network of about  1000 active people. To duplicate your success, those 1000 people will need to build a network of 1 million people. Which will lead you to a network of1001.000 people, so more income and even more work for your godchildren who dream of duplicating this success again. At this stage, they will need 1002.001.000.000 (two billion thousand million people).

Oops!  I believe the world population is only 7 billion people… There is something wrong, isn't there?

In fact the money of the few winners comes from the constant inscription of an army of future losers. It's not the lack of limits on the number of distributors that will fix things. If there is one thing that network marketing can guarantee you at least at 98%, it's fine failure.

The network marketing system itself is simply inherently unstable. In fact, all MLM systems are designed to allow only a small number of people to earn a lot of money. So even when I say it has nothing to do with MLM, my reasoning is a bit limited. The system itself has flaws like any other.

Rest assured, the people who recruit you will suffer from what I call "Voluntary amnesia", that is, they will simply "To omit voluntarily" to emphasize this detail. Do not blame them once you become part of "System"you will not do better. Unless you are living with the urge to change things. I wish you a lot of courage, because a big building site and many wars await you.

The goal here is to undervalue risk and cost. Don't watch out for all those deceptive testimonials that are meant to influence a positive decision on your part. The testimonial is supposed to show you that the system is proven and works.

According to you:

  • What are your chances of recruiting as many people as your sponsor?
  • How long will it take?
  • How much is it going to cost you?
  • What are you going to have to give up?

You will take all the time it takes to respond, for the moment, we must move forward.

  • If Network Marketing is such a good and long-lasting opportunity, why are you being prompted to sign up so quickly?
  • What's the difference between signing up now and signing up since there will always be people ordering?

I let those who are giving you this kind of speech respond to it.

Mlm opportunities scam everyone earn money with mlm 1

So, I did not know that we are clones and we have the same abilities.

This myth can also take the following forms:

  • It's so easy that even a child can do it
  • I know a lady of 82 who has been so successful it's easy
  • We already have more than one million members around the world who live off this opportunity.
  • If I could do it, then you can do it too

Yes, there are some who certainly earn money in the MLM, but they represent only the tip of the iceberg that I remind you is made up of less than 2% Distributors. The rest will give up after a few weeks.

Why don't they ever say you'll need to master the greatest sales principles as well as the greatest marketing strategies? You cannot be successful in this business if you are neither a good salesperson nor a good marketer.

If more than Present in several = 98% those who do it are doomed to fail, so I think that's the proof that not everyone can do it. We are not clones, so we do not have the same abilities, the same gifts and even less the same assets. Everyone can succeed, but not everyone can succeed in a specific area.

Everyone has their experience and skills, its advantages and disadvantages. Let's say that we succeed only in areas compatible with our potential. Even if it is true that whoever wills, I tell you that faith is not enough.

Several factors come into play:

  • the competence
  • the availability
  • money
  • willingness
  • passion
  • the determination
  • And much more…

Any citizen can become president of his country and yet there is only one place of free. If Network Marketing (mlm) is so easy, why isn't the earth filled with billionaires? And sometimes, to be successful in this area you have to be in bad faith ...

Perfectly duplicable system mlm opportunities scam 1

This lie is closely related to the first and many others. Many sponsors will tell you "Don't try to reinvent the wheel because someone has already done it for you, just work with the system we have set up and you will get the same results as us".

I have nothing against this way of thinking because I know we all need examples at some point to avoid making the same mistakes as those who have started in network marketing before us. However, I wonder if we owe a blind trust to his godfather and the system put in place ...

Well, I think if the wheel I'm using is slow, rusty, or not working properly, then either I'm going to look for a new one, or I'm going to get one that's faster, more efficient, and works properly.

The argument is: "These people have had success with their methods, and if I listen to them and put into practice what they mthey say, then I too will have the same success as them ”. This is true, but only in part.

No success is perfectly duplicable! Whether in network marketing or outside.

For duplication to be perfect, you must meet the same people at the same time, with people with the same states of mind and budgets at the same time. You have to relive the course of the one who succeeded, immerse yourself in his time, in the same socio-economic context, etc ... If it is impossible for you to relive your own past, then imagine how difficult it will be to relive someone else's ...

Let us dwell a little on the context if you will.

This is another problem of perfect pseudo duplication. We are talking about proven methods in the United States, and we forget (by importing the method) to specify that the contexts are different, you simply can not get the same results.

For example, not all network marketing companies sell direct. There are some that exist only on the internet. So if you can't do direct sales in addition to internet sales, how do you expect to achieve the same results as the american distributor who can do both?

So why ask you to apply the same principles when the data is already skewed from the start? So you understand that legislation can also be an obstacle to your success in mlm.

What needs to be duplicated in network marketing isn't really. And here I am talking about:

  • Improving the quality of relations
  • A better understanding of the needs of prospects
  • altruism
  • The competence
  • The respect
  • A better knowledge of the company and the products it sells

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Not very far from the myth about perfect duplication, this lie very often takes the following form: "Our system is proven".

In fact, the only thing that the system is proven to do, it is to cause a massive failure. You will be thrown into the lion's den while being careful to ask you to tell everyone about your product including people who are hostile to network marketing as well as those who have no interest in buying your product.

Scam opportunities mlm failure problem motivation

Here is one that we hear every day. The perfect excuse for all these millions of godfathers who have been lucky enough to be above their godchildren, but who are unfortunately unable to turn them into real leaders. They refuse to acknowledge their shortcomings and try to make you believe it's your fault if you do not succeed in your mlm company.

The worst is that deep inside you, you feel that there is something wrong. But you say to yourself how they told you it's just a matter of time, everything will work out, just have a big " Why " and enough motivation and everything will be better. But the more time passes and the more you are disgusted, helpless and frustrated ... And here is the abandonment that is the appointment ...

Listen, you can have:

  • the firmest faith in the world
  • utmost " Why " that we can imagine
  • the biggest motivation of the world

But none of this will be helpful if you use the wrong techniques if you have the wrong approach. In fact, everyone at one " WHY " what you need most is a  " HOW? 'OR' WHAT "  and especially a  " FOR WHO " .

Scam opportunities mlm fail exclusive new products

The value of a product depends mostly on its marketing. With a good marketing strategy you can sell anything. Coca-Cola made a fortune selling tinted sweet water.

McDonald's does not make the best burgers and yet he is the world's largest seller.

The novelty or exclusivity of a product does not guarantee its success. If we push this theory further, then it assumes that as soon as he is "old" his success will disappear with him. Ah I was going to forget, WITH YOU TOO!

Believe me, if these products were so good, these companies would not use network marketing for promote. In fact most "New" products in network marketing are just improved and renowned versions of already existing products. The worst is that some of these new products do not sell at all.

As we often say: "They need it but they don't know it yet"… I always wonder who is it that could invent such stupidity… It is aberrant!

Tell me, when you enter a hyper-market, do you buy all the products on display or only the ones you need? If you only buy the ones you need, how can you think everyone needs what you have to offer? Does the product you are promoting through mlm cure all ailments? I do not think so.

So be careful with the novelty!

Scam opportunities mlm failure build network place

Oh that's very sweet and very touching. Thank you very much for all this love!

If only all this could be true ...

This lie can also take one of the following forms:

  • We have a team of experienced leaders who made a fortune in the mlm
  • Alain Dupont who is a leader in this field is part of our team
  • We are a family and we constantly help each other

To recruit you and especially reassure you, there is a good chance that your future godfather will tell you these things one day. In most cases, as soon as you have finally made the decision to join the company, then also begins your descent into hell.

  • You're getting less and less attention
  • You receive (luckily) “pseudo” training on the tools and resources
  • You're told you need a big "why" to be successful
  • We explain that you need to generate web traffic to achieve this
  • We ask you to distribute thousands of flyers per week
  • We recommend tools in the wrong order (you only need to have a blog when you have value to publish it)
  • Your sponsor begins to tell you that it's up to you to go to him and not the opposite
  • You find yourself more and more abandoned to yourself
  • Etc ...

At the recruiting stage, we will always do everything to make you believe that everything is easy, and yet the reality is more cruel than it looks.

In this environment, criticism is not always welcome and the real value is very often considered as an obstacle. Team spirit is only a facade, everyone is there for his interests in most cases. As soon as you raise fairly pointed questions about one of the group leaders of your network marketing company, you start to be considered a traitor.

Now that we have recruited you, we can move on to another recruitment, it's up to you to get by because we do not have enough time to devote to you. They are not really bad, they just do not have enough time to lose with you. They need to recruit more people. So is the system.

It is still important to recognize that they (distributors) are not all the same. I have met a few who are really knowledgeable, caring and trustworthy.

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Between us,

  • If it's not a sale then why are you being promised commissions?
  • Why do you absolutely need the skills to make it happen?
  • Why are the products just not being offered?
  • How many distributors are focusing their talk on the real value of the product they are promoting?

If you notice, they will always tell you about the business plan and all the money you could earn instead of meeting your needs by telling you what the product can do for you. Oh, I was going to forget that it's not always the product that interests you.

Go to Facebook, and you will notice this: barely you say hello to someone than they already answer you:

" Good morning or good evening. If you wish, I offer you the opportunity to earn 5000 € per month for only 30min of work per day. If you want to know more, tell me, I will send you the file here or on your email. It's a world exclusive and a revolutionary new concept. See you soon. ".

I do not know about you, but I do not see any sharing in this attitude. I see only interest and especially someone who speaks of what he does not even control. You are mirrored by a facility that will have the gift of guaranteeing you failure in network marketing. It's not child's play, it's selling products and services.

New distributors are made to believe that it will be a pleasure, it will just have to work 2H a day and the rest will come alone. Unfortunately, reality has the gift of catching up with those who try to flee it. One of the reasons people tell this lie is because they do not want to scare new prospects.

Let's get it clear once and for all, SELL IS NOT SHARE, SHARING IS NOT SELLING!

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Many people think that MLM is an activity that can be practiced part-time and in addition to their existing job ... What these people do not know is that network marketing is a full-time job once you have exhausted your social circle (friends and family).

Between us, quote me one job as lucrative (potentially) as network marketing that only requires 30min to work a day ...

Do you have one in mind? I can't hear anything, what are you saying? …………

Ah OK, that's what I thought, there are none, is there? To be successful in this area, you are going to have to work very hard for a long time.

In fact, the freedom we are talking about here is illusory. Only leaders are successful, and to become successful you will probably have to work two to three times more than others. And I can guarantee you that 2 to 3 hours a day will not even be enough to do half the job on time. Unless you are in no rush to achieve success. In this case, review your lifespan with your creator OK?

  • Who will do the research for you?
  • Who will take care of writing your articles?
  • Who will take care of sending emails to your prospects?
  • Who will distribute the brochures for you?
  • Who will create the videos for Youtube for you?
  • Who will respond to messages from prospects for you?
  • Am I going to make the phone calls for you?
  • Who will manage your network for you?
  • Who will accumulate the experience you need to succeed?

Do not rely on your sponsor to handle the generation of your web traffic

This is only a preview, there is more work than that. MLM is no fun. It will never give you the results you expect if you consider it a hobby.

One last thing: ask your sponsor how long it took to create his own current network and especially how many people make up this network. Then compare these results with the time he spent in this company added to his own experience. Do it and you will see that there is more work than it tries to make you think.

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This myth often takes the following forms:

  • You will earn so much money that you can finally say goodbye to your boss
  • Money will no longer be a problem for you and you will not even need to work anymore

But if it did,

  • Why does this person who says it to you still work in this mlm company?
  • Why does she still need your money?
  • Why is she working for a network marketing company?
  • Normally she would be at the head of his, right?

Do you smell the same lie?
I feel it so far so much she is strong.

The truth is that if you leave your current boss, it will be to join another. I do not know about you, but I do not see any freedom in there.

Why quit a job which guarantees you a monthly income to join a company which is unable to guarantee you a minimum of 30 € monthly after 6 months?

Have no illusions, you will never be your own boss as long as you work for someone else. It's not fun. To be your own boss, you need to start your own network marketing business. And it doesn't matter if you work from home, you won't be freer than you are now. Those who tell you that 2 hours a day will be enough are either liars or ignorant.

"It is impossible to take charge of your life when you choose to blindly obey others"

Minimum investment failure mlm scam

All of this is true, but only in part. You should also consider the following points:
1-The kits - Most distributors are encouraged to purchase the larger "starter kit", depending on the companies, this kit will cost $ 500, $ 750, $ 1000 and even more. Some companies also recommend training courses that will cost several hundred dollars.

2-Promotion. Paid advertising won't give you any freebies at this level and sometimes you will need a good training. For example, if you don't know how to use Google AdWords, you will simply ruin yourself very quickly.

3-Paying courses. Most of my students have often spent up to € 2500 for 8-week private coaching… Sounds like I'm expensive, right? but as they say, quality comes at a price. So if you add the paid training which by far is of better quality than those offered by your company, then it is the note which only increases. Chances are your upline will tell you they're useless.


  • do you know how to set up a blog? what training do you have on blogging?
  • do you know how to set up an autoresponder?
  • who will take care of the personalization of your promotional tools?
  • Maybe the initial investment is small, but there are many other expenses that are simply not mentioned when recruiting.
  • You can also use your earnings to finance the rest you are told, but how long? With what income?
  • Do you plan to do it with the less than 30 € monthly that you will earn after 6 months of work without effective training?

Believe me, the more you advance in this industry, the more you will realize that the reality of network marketing is totally different from the one presented to you at the beginning. The expenses will become more and more astronomical.

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No one can guarantee you success! Everything depends :

  • context
  • the opportunity
  • your personal development
  • of your competence
  • your approach
  • luck
  • of your money of course

You need to be in the right place at the right time with the right skill and the right approach. Marketing is not a mechanical process. The one who tells you: "Spend that amount at a certain time and for such things, and you will have such income" is a liar. It does not work like that ! Success either.

Spending more time, energy and money will never guarantee success. Anyone who does this kind of talk just makes fun of you and tries to take advantage of your naivety. If success were so easy to achieve, it would certainly have fewer poor people in the world.

This myth is very often used to make you believe that it is your fault that you are not yet successful in the network marketing industry. More, how can we blame you for not investing enough while in your recruitment, you were told that the investment is low?

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This myth can also take the following form:

  • The product is in high demand so you will not have much to do
  • The orders keep coming, you must absolutely benefit now
  • And if the product really does sell itself, why is that person who tells you so still trying to sell it to you?
  • Do you know of a product that will sell itself?

Google- Microsoft - Apple and many others have very popular products and yet they promote them. If you don't market your product, how do you want people to know it exists?

The other negative aspect of the popularity of a product is the competition.  The history of mlm has seen the birth of dozens of products from the popularity of others. Your profit per sale can be high, but if you do not do enough, then the profit margin loses its value.

You Choosing a high-demand market does not guarantee you the success promised by your sponsor ... Several other factors come into play and complicate the equation, but I'm not here to confuse you so I prefer to stop there.

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Is that so ? And what about:

  • Competition from other distributors in your company?
  • The hundred competing companies that distribute the same products around the world?

Each distributor who joins your company limits your field of action. The more he recruits, the less likely you are to make a lot of money. If you recruit your downline from among your friends and family, they will end up fighting with each other instead of expanding sales and network beyond their immediate social circle.

A market will always be saturated because its radiation is limited. Your product does not solve all the problems of the world so does not necessarily address everyone, which greatly limits your target audience. In addition you are not the only one to offer this type of solution.

There will always be people to consume products, it is true, but there will not always be people to consume yours. Network Marketing cannot guarantee you anything!

Work Residual Income Network Marketing Own Life Boss Financial Independence

The residual network marketing income is based on the hard work of your referrals. It is still necessary that they remain active (they pay their monthly subscriptions). They must also sell products, recruit more people who will replace those already abandoned.

Your success in MLM depends only on the quality of your referrals. It is up to you to train them, to give them the value they need so that they, in turn, build and expand their own networks. If you yourself have no value, it will simply be impossible for you to give to your godchildren. Hence the importance of following a good training.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of training offered by network marketing companies is limited to (sometimes bad) recruitment techniques ... And yet, you need more than that. At this point, it is your eternal laziness that is exploited.

These are not the only myths, however I am not here to crucify MLM. So, I prefer to stop here. Hope this helped you understand Network Marketing.

now, I am curious to know what you think of this article. Please let me know by leaving a comment below.