We often like to think that “Content is King”. This should mean that you can't rank for a keyword if behind it there isn't meaningful and original content about it. In this tutorial on SEO basics, I will explain why you absolutely need content to make your site attractive to your customers. visiteurs. Also, I will clarify why Google doesn't like quality or content slim and what you can do about it.

Thin Content: What is it?

So what do we mean by thin content? Thin content is content that has little or no value to the user. Google considers DoorPages, low quality affiliate pages or just pages with very little or no content as thin content pages. But don't fall into the trap of simply churning out pages with similar content: unoriginal pages, pages with scraped and duplicate content, are also considered thin content pages. On top of that, Google also doesn't like pages with keywords. Google has gotten smarter and learned to distinguish between quality and low quality content, especially since the Google Panda update.

What does Google want?

Google tries to provide the best results that match the user's search intent. If you want to rank high, you have to convince Google that you are giving the answer to the user's question. It's not possible if you're not prepared to write extensively on the topic you want to rank for. Lightweight content is rarely considered the best result for Google. At a minimum, Google needs what your page is about, in order to serve it to visiteurs depending on what they are looking for. So you need to write enjoyable and informative copy, to make Google, but above all, your users happy.

Be the best result

We recommend that you write a meaningful copy of the keywords you want to rank for. If you blog about your favorite hobby, that shouldn't be a problem, right? If you're writing about something you love and have a pretty good grasp on, then it's easy to show Google that your pages have the expert answer they're looking for!

We understand that every situation is different and that it is not always possible to write an elaborate text about everything. For example, if you have an online store that sells hundreds of different computer parts, it can be difficult to write full text on everything. But at least make sure every page has original intro content, instead of just an image and a buy button next to the price. If you sell a lot of products that look the same, you can also choose to optimize the category page instead of the product page or use canonical links to avoid duplicate content issues.

How can you fix it

Le Yoast SEO plugin helps you write impressive copy. It does this by providing verifications ofanalysis of content. One of these checks is to write at least 300 words per page or article. We also check if you haven't used the same keyword before, preventing you from creating similar content repeatedly. Another useful check in this regard is the keyword density check. If your score is too high, you're probably stuffing your keyword into your copy, making it look unnatural. So make sure at least these dots are green.

thin content suggestion yoast seo.png

In addition to that, you can use the readability check to make sure that the quality of your text is good and that readers can easily understand the text you have written.

That's it for this tutorial, hope it helps you understand what is meant by thin content and how to avoid it.