« Let Encrypt Is an open service that offers free SSL certificates for as many domains as you want, and now there are easy ways to integrate it into cPanel with one click, for installing a certificate that only takes a few seconds.

Installing an SSL certificate with the " Let Encrypt is already fast, but if you're a business owneraccommodation, if you are a developer who manages your clients' sites, or if you want an even faster solution, then there are three plugins " Let Encrypt Which can be integrated into your cPanel.

In this tutorial, which will consist in 3 parts, I will show you how to install Let Encrypt for WordPress.

Server configuration

To perform one of the three methods to use " Let Encrypt Your cPanel must fulfill some preconditions:

  • You must install a cPanel with a valid license
  • Have access to root and SSH on your server

What is required for the use of " Let Encrypt "

  • OSes of type Unix with Python 2.6 or 2.7

For the official cPanel plugin:

  • Versions cPanel and WHM 58.0.17 or above

For the plugin found on GitHub, you must:

  • A Centos Server 5, six or seven
  • A static IP address if you have Centos 5

For the plugin « Let Encrypt For cPanel, you need

  • From an i386 or x86_64 CentOS 6 or 7 processor (5 version is not supported)
  • WHM 11.52 or higher (CloudLinux and LSWS compatible)
  • A generated remote access key (/root/.accesshash)

If you do not have a generated remote access key but would like to use Let Encrypt with the cPanel plugin, log into WHM and navigate to " Clusters> Remote access key And click on the button to generate a new key.

It may be important to note that the plugin " Let Encrypt Â» for cPanel is the only premium option on the list. It costs almost $30 and there is a trial free also. If you want to try it before purchasing a license, you can install it with a trial license automatically.

If you decide to purchase a premium license, you can replace the free license on your server with the premium license file. Here are more details on installing " Let Encrypt On the cPanel.

Once you meet all the requirements for the plugin, you can go ahead and install it. Do not hesitate to go directly to the method that suits you the most:

  1. Let Encrypt - Installation via cPanel (included in this tutorial)
  2. Let Encrypt - Github Plugin free for cPanel
  3. Let Encrypt - Free Official Plugin

1 - Let Encrypt - Installation via cPanel

Log in to your SSH client at the root level, then add the repository of " Let Encrypt With the following command:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ && wget https://letsencrypt-for-cpanel.com/static/letsencrypt.repo

Then install the plugin for the cPanel with the line below:

Yum -y install letsencrypt-cpanel

The installation process usually takes about a minute. If all is well and the installation was successful, a test should be run automatically.

If a similar return is displayed, you can continue:

The-cp self-test [SELF-TEST] Can read config ............ SUCCESS. [SELF-TEST] Can connect to daemon and check license ............ SUCCESS. [SELF-TEST] Can connect to Lets Encrypt ............ SUCCESS. [SELF-TEST] Can talk to WHM API ............ SUCCESS. [SELF-TEST] Can talk to RPC plugin ............ SUCCESS.

You can login to your cPanel account and install your first SSL certificate.

Installing a certificate

Once you are connected to the cPanel, you should see one of the buttons Let Encrypt In the security section. Click on it to access your list of active domains to install a certificate.

security domain active certificate

Towards the bottom of the page, you should see a section New certificate "(Issue a new certificate). You should see a list of all your active domains, including variations of those with and without www prefix.

You can check multiple boxes to install more than one certificate at a time or click the single issue link next to the domain where you want your certificate installed.

If you check several boxes, click on the link " Issue Multiple links At the top or bottom of the list.

Multiple links wordpress certificate list

Next, click on the boxes next to the domains you do not want to include, if you have selected several from the list on the previous page. Also select which domain you want to define as the principal that users will visit.

If you are using one of the following domains to access your email, also check the " Install mail SMTPS / POP3S / IMAPS SSL certificate". Finally, click on " Issue To install your certificates.

Certificate installation

The installation process takes approximately 10 seconds, but can take up to 45 seconds depending on the number of certificates you have chosen to generate. When the process is complete, you should see a message letting you know everything went well.

If something does not work well, you can try again. Everything works properly usually the second time.

When you return to the main page, you should see your domains with installed certificates listed at the top of the page. You can click on the links " Remove To remove the certificates one by one, or the link " reinstate To renew certificates before the expiration date.

 That's it for this tutorial. In a next one, we will explore how to install a cPanel plugin available on Github.