Smoking, eating fried foods using outdated e-commerce strategies can get you in trouble. But habits die hard, especially when that habit has caused a slight increase in traffic to your site. It's too easy to get used to practices eCommerce obsolete that allowed you to make a profit at one time. That's why it's important to constantly re-evaluate your approach.

Today, we are going to outline three outdated ecommerce methods that you should stop using. Then we'll show you what to do instead.

1 - Stop posting content with low content

The structure, volume, and quality of your site's content has a subtle, but important, effect on your bottom line. There are a few compelling reasons to invest in more consistent content on your e-commerce site. Weak content is a term used to describe text with little value or a lack of relevant information. We consider that content of less than 500 words is not enough.

Although very few people know exactly how Google's algorithms work, but it is important that you have what. Despite the fears newspaper publishers have about long content, the future of long version is alive and well in digital publishing.

How to fix this

An e-commerce site « small » can have more than 3000 pages. Many of these pages are products. It can be difficult to find unique content for each product. You can find a great example of SEO effective for a good description of your products.

Some tools to work

2 - Do not ignore the user experience

User experience

Part of your strategy SEO can have a negative effect on the user experience, which can have a negative effect on your profit margin. The modern web is a minefield for user experience and UI issues. As information design guru Edward Tufte said:

The most common user action on a website is to leave

Over-reliance on hidden burger menus, pop-ups, poor intrusive taxonomies, unresponsive pages, and long page load times are just a few of the more obvious suspects for a poor user experience. . Ideally, user experience and SEO coexist, but that's not always the case.

The problems encountered

  • Decreasing returns: Often what is good for the SEO can harm your business in the long run, that's exactly what happened To the scandal JC Penney : A case where short-term gains have led to a long-term catastrophe. It is important that visitors can browse your site with ease, not just search engines.
  • Low on-site traffic: The competition is tough and the average user expects a seamless experience.
  • The drop in SERP rankings: Google will penalize you for a number of user experience issues, including pop-ups, lack of " responsivity ", And the loading time of the page.


  • Learn about ease of use: You can do several tests on the usability of your website.
  • Management: You must have a plan. The project was full of problems from the start. Most of them have had to deal with the expectations and lack of expertise in today's technology so make sure you know what you are planning to do before you dive into it.
  • Your target audience: Determine what they want and deliver it what they want with usability testing.

Tools to help you

3 - stop posting duplicate content

Post duplicate content

Stop the " cannibalization " on your website! Cannibalization is a catchy term devised by SEO specialists to describe the duplication of internal content. This obsolete e-commerce strategy is not intentional, but many sites are guilty of doing this. Similar or duplicate display of content will greatly compromise your performance in SERPs. There are four types of cannibalization and they are all problematic:

  • Keyword cannibalization
  • Cannibalization of sub-domains
  • International cannibalisation
  • Cannibalization of the semantic flow

Solutions to the problem

Things are more connected than ever. That's why it's important to consider all aspects of your business as part of an interconnected ecosystem.

Audit your site to discover duplicate content: WordPress has many SEO plugins that you can use to help you in this process.

Consolidate your web pages: If you can afford to lose a page, drop it. This will make life in your exploration budget.

Create the unified website structureMany large e-commerce sites have multiple departments and are spread across multiple TLDs.

Sharpen your management skills: Inventory and supply chain management, communications, resources, promotion, marketing, and overall business structure have a big impact on the success of your website, which will affect your bottom line. It is therefore sometimes necessary to hire a consultant to help you organize your business. If you can't afford it, consider attending events where you can learn new skills and make new contacts.

That's all for this tutorial, I hope you will learn a lot of things that will save you from losing customers.