Most of the features that WordPress offers are represented in tabular form. This is the case for articles, pages and formats of personalized publications (Galleries, Testimonials, etc.).

Still, some plugins with their own Organisation, may not always match you, and in some cases you will need to modify theOrganisation of these tables.

If you want to customize the columns of the different tables on your WordPress dashboard, then you can use the plugin " Admin Columns ". Developed by CodePress, it is a plugin free which is actively installed on over 60 thousand sites which allows administrators to add, remove and reorder columns.

Each type of column has its options where you can control parameters such as width, label, and selected image (Top News) and preview size among others.

Admin Column plugin WordPress

There are a number of columns available, but if you need flexibility there is a custom field on the column type. " Admin Columns Which also proposes the advanced edition of columns.

One of the things that I found particularly useful as a new user is the “Help” tab. This tab in the upper right corner of the screen is often overlooked or not used by plugins. " Admin Columns Uses the tab to provide basic information about the plugin and how to navigate its user interface.

Admin Columns WorDPress Help Tab

While the free version probably supports most use cases, there is a retail version available that adds sorting, filtering, import / export, inline editing, and multiple sets of columns. If you maintain a number of sites that use " Admin Columns You have the option of importing export column configurations can be a huge time saver.

I carefully tested Admin Columns on WordPress 4.6 beta 3 and I don'tai encountered no problems.

How to use the Admin Columns plugin

The installation is actually quite easy. All you need to do is locate the plugin from your dashboard with the word " Admin Columns ».

Admin Columns WorDPress Help Tab

Follow our procedure to install WordPress plugins, to successfully install the plugin.

Once the plugin is installed and active, a new submenu (Admin Columns) will be added to the menu Settings ". Clicking on it will bring you to the plugin's configuration interface.

Admin column settings WordPress

All you have to do from this interface is to choose the publication format you want to customize (articles, pages, etc.)

Selection of the type of publication WordPress

THEOrganisation of columns is quite simple. Everything is done by “ Drag and Drop ". So you can rearrange the columns as you wish without problems.

Organizing columns admin columns

It's as simple as that. Do not forget to save your changes.

That's it for this tutorial. Do you find this plugin interesting? Leave your opinion in the comments section.