How do you imagine a perfect birthday party? A noisy meeting at your place? Perhaps you prefer to spend this time with your family or loved one? TemplateMonster is a famous marketplace who wishes to invite each person to his party 17e anniversary. In fact, it will be a whole new kind of party. No, we're not talking about dresscode in the colors of her Website.

We are talking about a party where you will receive tons of TemplateMonster gifts. Exciting, no? So keep reading for more ... When you go to a regular birthday, you have to prepare a gift. June 17, there is no need to bother with such thoughts. Because it's good YOUR hands will be full of gifts after this birthday party. We hear your hearts are beating a little faster now.

templatemonster birthday

Join the party
In our opinion, TemplateMonster really knows how to throw a real birthday party. In order not to miss this event, you need to sign up for the monstrous birthday party launch notification. Then you will know when a pre-party is going to start and when you will receive your first gifts. Among them you will find a package that includes:

  • a premium landing page;
  • a PowerPoint template and two packs of illustrations;
  • a social media template pack;
  • a pack of animated banners.

Pre party tmIf you are ready to party all night, you must not forget one thing. You will be able to buy all the popular digital items you've always dreamed of with reduction of up to 50%.

Tm birtday discounts
Join the party
To be honest, the night will still be young when the party is over. Do you want to continue ? In that case, don't forget to visit a wonderful after-party that will offer you:

  • 1 year ofaccommodation premium;
  • Draftium PRO (a turbo prototype tool);
  • model installation service and others.

Keep calm and party with TemplateMonster on the occasion of its 17e anniversary !