When you create a custom header for your Website, using Divi's theme builder, you'll find yourself looking for the perfect way to add an AAL (call to action). One way to do this is to add a Contact form scrolling. This will help you keep the overall look of your header clean while providing the ability to enter contact with you, without having to scroll down. In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a Contact form drop-down using Divi and JQuery & CSS code. You will also be able to download the JSON file for free!

Let's go.


Before we dive into the tutorial, let's take a look at the result on different screen sizes.

Divi drop-down menu

1. Go to Divi Theme Builder and start creating a global header

Go to Divi Theme Builder

Start by going to the Divi Theme Builder in the backend of your WordPress site.

Global divi header

Create a global header

Click "Add Global Header" and select "Create Global Header" to start creating a custom global header.

Build global divi header

2. Build the header design

Section settings

Background color

Once inside the overall header template, you will notice a section. Open this section and use a white background color.

  • Background Color: #FFFFFF
Background adjustment


Then remove the default upper and lower padding from the section.

  • Upper padding: 0px
  • Bottom padding: 0px
Padding configuration

Shadow box

Also apply a subtle box shade.

  • Box Shadow Blur Strength: 50px
  • Shadow color: rgba (0,0,0,0,15)
Divi shadow configuration

Add a new line

Column structure

Continue adding a new line to the section using the following column structure:

Choose a layout


Without adding more modules, open the line parameters and modify the sizing parameters as follows:

  • Use a custom gutter width: Yes
  • Gutter width: 1
  • Equalize column heights: Yes
  • Width: 95%
  • Max width: 100%
Configure divi line dimension


Then add custom upper and lower padding.

  • Upper padding: 1vw
  • Bottom padding: 1vw
Section spacing configuration

Main element

And align all column content by adding a single line of CSS code to the main element of the row.

align-items: center;

Custom css

Column 2 Z Index

We also make sure that the second column has a higher z-index value for reactive purposes.

  • Z Index: 12
Column parameter

Add an image module to column 1

Download logo

It's time to start adding modules! Start with an image module in column 1. Upload a logo.

Image divi module


Then change the alignment of the module.

  • Image alignment: center
Alignment image module


Also change the width.

  • Width: 3vw (desktop), 5vw (tablet), 7vw (phone)
drop-down contact form

Add a menu module to column 2

Select the menu

In the second column, we will add a menu module.

Divi menu module customization


Switch to the module design tab and change the layout style.

  • Style: Centered
Menu module style

Menu text settings

Then change the text settings in the module menu.

  • Menu font: Open without
  • Menu font weight: Semi bold
  • Menu text color: # 000000
  • Menu text size: 0.8vw (desktop), 2vw (tablet), 3vw (phone)
  • Menu letter spacing: 1px
Divi menu text

Drop-down menu text settings

Then change the color of the line in the drop-down menu.

  • Color of the line of the drop-down menu: # 007dff
Divi drop-down menu


With hamburger menu icon color.

  • Hamburger menu icon color: # 007dff
divi icon menu

Add the 1 text module to the 3 column

Add a copy

Let's move on to the third module! Add a text module with a copy of your choice.

Contact us divi module

Background color

Then add a background color.

  • Background Color: # 007dff
Divi background

Text settings

Switch to the module design tab and change the text settings accordingly:

  • Text font: Open Sans
  • Font weight of the text: bold
  • Text color: #ffffff
  • Text size: 0.8vw (desktop), 2vw (tablet), 3vw (phone)
  • Alignment of the text: center
Divi font color


Then modify the module sizing parameters.

  • Width: 33%
  • Alignment of the module: center
Sizing section text divi


Then add custom upper and lower padding.

  • Upper padding: 0.8vw (desktop), 2vw (tablet and phone)
  • Bottom padding: 0.8vw (desk), 2vw (tablet and phone)
Text module spacing configuration


And complete the module parameters by adding a border radius.

  • All corners: 100px
Text module border configuration

Add the 2 text module to the 3 column

Add a symbol to the content area

Let's move on to the next module, which is another text module. Add the following arrow in the content area: "▼".

Divi fleche text module

Text settings

Switch to the module design tab and change the text settings accordingly:

  • Text font: Open Sans
  • Text color: # 007fff
  • Text size: 3vw
  • Height of the line of text: 0em
  • Alignment of the text: center
Font divi text module

Z Index

We also increase the z index of the module.

  • Z Index: 11
Divi text module position

Add the contact form module to column 3

You can now add a Contact form just at the bottom of the text module which contains the arrow. This module is quite simple to use, so you will need to customize which fields you want to make visible.

Contact form module

3. Customize the elements to create a contact form in one click

Add the height of column 3

Once all the mods are in place, it's time to create the effect. The first step towards achieving the desired result is to open the settings in column 3 and add responsive custom height in the advanced tab.


height: 3vw;


height: 5vw;


height: 6vw;

Sample leaflet contact form

Add a CSS class to the button and the arrow

Then we will add the same CSS class to the first two text modules in column 3.

Add show contact section

Add a CSS class to the contact form

We will also need a custom CSS class for the Contact Form module.

Add a class to the divi form

Hide the Contact form module

Continue by adding an additional line of CSS code to the main element of the Contact Form module. This will allow us to hide the module before clicking.

display: none;

divi css style

Add a code module to column 3 with JQuery and CSS code

And to create the click function, we will need some JQuery code. We will also use custom CSS code. Add a new code module to column 2 with the code. Make sure to place JQuery code between script tags and CSS code between style tags.

jQuery(function($){$(".show-contact").click(function() {$('.contact-form-module').slideToggle();});});

.show-contact {cursor: pointer;} .et-menu>li {padding-left: 0.7vw !important;padding-right: 0.7vw !important;}

Add javascript code


Now that we've gone through all of the steps, let's take a final look at how it looks on different screen sizes.


Design example

What you must remember

In this article, we've shown you how to add a drop-down contact form to your custom header. It's a great way to trigger action early on.