Need to find WordPress security tips? Here's the expert guide to WordPress security to protect your sites from hackers in 2023 and beyond.

Did you know that on average, more than 30 new websites are hacked every day ?

Nearly 60% of hacked WordPress sites were due to compromised plugins.

hacked wordpress sites

WordPress is an easy target for hackers due to weak passwords and plugin vulnerabilities.

Most beginners don't know how to secure their websites and the majority of them don't even think about securing their WordPress sites. If you are one of them, you are in danger.

Some time ago, some links from search engine results were stolen by hackers. A malicious backdoor script was injected into some of my blog files to steal backlinks. This was very painful for us, not only because it cost a lot of money, but also because it ultimately caused the blog's sales to drop.

It wasn't until the security attack happened on BlogPasCher that we started taking more precautions to secure WordPress sites.

If you are also one of those people who never bothered about securing WordPress sites, stop wasting time and secure your WordPress sites as soon as possible. Otherwise, even your blog links could also be stolen by hackers.

That being said, this detailed article is written with the aim of securing your WordPress sites from hackers who steal your backlinks, data or passwords. Let’s get into the details without further ado.

Table of Contents

How to secure your WordPress sites from hackers

security tips for WordPress

Secure your WordPress sites from malware and viruses

This is the reason why our blog was hacked. This was a malware attack, which consisted of a backdoor script inserted into one of our blog files to steal over 100 links. The problem is now resolved and my blog is completely protected against attacks.

This can also happen with your blog and you never know who will hack your site by injecting bad files into your website folders.

We strongly suggest you install the anti-malware security plugin of WordPress as it can secure your WordPress sites against all malware and viruses.

This plugin runs a total file scan of your website to automatically remove all security threads and backdoor scripts (if you have any). This will also protect your blog from known vulnerabilities.

Here are some features of this WordPress security plugin.

  • It secures your blog against known threats.
  • Also helps prevent connection vulnerabilities.
  • Protects it from backdoor scripts.
  • This will limit others' access to .htaccess scripts.
  • Also gives more protection to timthumb exploits.

If you want to protect your blogs from malware attacks, you should definitely install the plugin above.

Protected against WordPress Brute Force attacks

The Bruce force attack is the easiest way for hackers to gain access to your WordPress sites. This is a password guessing attack that usually aims to steal all your data or backlinks from your sites.

If you are not prepared to fight against these attacks, your WordPress sites could be easily hacked.

This is what it looks like;

brute force attacks

As they say “better safe than sorry”, here are some easy ways to secure your WordPress sites against brute force attacks. You can easily avoid them by implementing the following techniques.

  • Install a security plugin (limit login attempts)
  • Use Stronger Passwords
  • Change your passwords often (at least once a month)

Secure your .htaccess file

The .htaccess file is one of the most complicated files in your WordPress setup.

If done right, you don't need to install any of the plugins mentioned above and simply by editing the .htaccess file you can save your WordPress site from hackers. This is such a powerful file.

But I don't recommend anyone (unless you know what you're doing) to edit the file because it can shrink your WordPress sites as soon as they open.

So how do you secure your .htaccess file?

By using the BulletProof security plugin of WordPress. Again, this is a free tool for WordPress users, but it has a ton of features for securing your WP sites as well as securing the .htaccess file.

This plugin completely protects your .htaccess file by providing a toggle firewall around it. Without your permission, no one can access your root files and it also restricts access to the admin dashboard. You can also prevent directory browsing by using a firewall around your .htaccess file. And this plugin does just that.

Apart from the above security features, this plugin also helps you in the following areas.

  • Real-Time File Monitor (IDPS)
  • DB Monitor Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
  • Database Backup: Full and partial database backups. Manual and scheduled database backups and Zip backups via email.
  • Firewall plugin (IP Firewall): automated whitelisting and real-time IP address updating
  • Idle Session Logout (ISL)
  • Authentication cookie expiration (ACE)

Configure website firewalls

A firewall is a security network that protects your computers and websites. Having a firewall setup is essential if you want to strengthen your website file security levels.

Every firewall uses filtering to filter all data arriving at your servers, networks and websites. It also analyzes data by inspecting all files so that you are safe from hacking attacks.

firewall security

If you are wondering how to set up a powerful firewall system on your WordPress sites, there is a great plugin available for you called “Ninja Firewall”.

This plugin itself is a Web Application Firewall, a standalone firewall system placed in front of your WordPress sites to secure your files.

This plugin can scan, inspect or reject all HTTP requests sent to PHP scripts on your websites securing your files from malware or other security vulnerabilities.

Besides the PHP scripts coded above, hackers' shell scripts and backdoors will also be filtered by NinjaFirewall.

Here are some amazing features of this plugin.

  • This plugin is a fully standalone web application firewall. This works before WordPress loads.
  • It has a powerful filtering engine.
  • Supports a wide set of encodings.
  • It also has an anti-malware scanner.
  • Blocks/allows downloads, cleans downloaded file names.
  • Blocks suspicious bots and scanners.
  • Hides PHP error and notification messages.

Take regular backups of your website files

Creating regular backups for your website is key to ensuring its security.

Worst case scenario, even if your site gets hacked, you don't have to worry about losing all your blog posts, pages, comments and links.

You can simply restore your data points to get all that data back. Even though your site may not be hacked or you may simply lose all the data during design changes to your sites, regular backups can also help you immensely.

We highly recommend you start using BackupBuddy. It is a premium tool to regularly backup all your website files and you can restore them anytime in case of file loss.

If you're looking for a free option, try BackWPup . It is a useful free plugin for backing up all your files, including your databases.

This plugin automatically saves your complete installation, including /wp-content/, and saves them to an external backup service like Dropbox, S3, FTP, etc.

BackUpWordPress is also another great (free) WordPress plugin to take a regular backup of all your website files. This plugin works in low memory "shared host" environments, so your site speed won't affect much and it also has options for each backup file to be emailed to your mailbox. reception. You can also exclude a few files that you don't want to backup.

So what are you waiting for? Make sure to use one of the plugins mentioned above to start taking backups of all of your sites. We recommend making backups every week (at the very least) to avoid regrets in the future.

Top 10 Best WordPress Security Plugins

WordPress is arguably the most popular CMS in the world, used by millions of websites. WordPress is also the #1 platform most targeted by hackers around the world.

This is the reason why you should always secure your WordPress site against all security attacks. Fortunately, there are a multitude of WordPress security plugins available that can help you easily secure your sites.

Here is a list of the 10 best WordPress plugins security tips (in no particular order) that you can use in 2023 to protect your blog from hackers.

1. Wordfence Security

It is one of the most downloaded and popular WordPress security plugins. It includes an endpoint firewall and malware scanner to protect your WordPress sites.

The benefit of their firewall is that it identifies and blocks malicious traffic so you can avoid incorrect traffic and clicks (which can be especially useful if you use AdSense ads on your site).

And it also offers you a built-in malware scanner that blocks requests that contain malicious code or content. Using this plugin you can also prevent brute force attacks by limiting login attempts.

2. IThemes Security

iThemes Security formerly known as Better WP Security, is another most popular security plugin used by millions of people around the world as it offers you over 30 ways to secure your WordPress sites.

It gives you a ton of features, including the ability to prevent brute force attacks, scan your site for security issues, change URLs for WordPress dashboard areas including login, administration, and the list goes on.

Importantly, it also helps you detect any hidden 404 errors on your website that affect your SEO, including toxic backlinks and missing images etc.

3. All In One WP Security and Firewall

This security plugin gives you a wide range of security features along with a firewall to prevent malicious attacks on your site and also offers a login attempt throttling feature.

This is what the backend of this plugin looks like;

wpsecurity plugin

All in one WP Security easily detects if there is a user account that has the default username “admin” and easily changes the username to the value of your choice for better security.

You can also easily backup your original .htaccess and wp-config.php files if you need to use them to restore broken functionality to your WordPress websites.

4. Bulletproof Security

This plugin can be considered as an all-in-one security plugin that gives you a ton of security features including malware scanner, firewall, login security, database backup, anti-spam, etc. and also offers you a one-click setup wizard to easily configure this. plugin on your WordPress sites.

Using this plugin you can easily access your .htaccess and configure these files and you can use their database backup to make partial or full backups of your WordPress websites.

Overall, this is a great plugin even for beginners who are looking for an easy-to-use, all-in-one security plugin to secure their sites.

5. Sucuri Security

Sucuri Security is another most effective WordPress security plugin that helps you perform auditing, malware scanning, security hardening, etc. on your WordPress sites.

secure firewall

There are a ton of security threats that you can avoid using this plugin as it provides you with great features like

  • Audit of security activities
  • File Integrity Monitoring
  • Remote Malware Scanning
  • Blacklist Monitoring
  • Effective strengthening of security, etc.

The best part is that if your site gets hacked for any reason, this plugin offers you to take security measures after the hack, which includes a section to help you go through the 3 important things you should do after a compromise.

6. Two Factor Authentication from UpdraftPlus

It is the most popular 2-factor authentication plugin for WordPress with over 2 million active downloads and it is also developed from the #1 WordPress plugin called UpdraftPlus.

If 2-factor authentication is enabled on your site, you will need a one-time code to log in. This plugin supports standard TOTP + HOTP protocols and also supports Google Authenticator, Authy, etc.

It also displays graphic QR codes for easy scanning in apps on your phone or tablet. So if you want to add extra steps to log in to your WordPress dashboard, a 2-factor authentication plugin like this is essential.

7. Restricted Site Access

If you want to limit access to your site to visitors logged in or accessing the site from a specified set of IP addresses, you can use this plugin.

This plugin is especially useful for multi-author websites or if you aaccept guest posts a ton of other users who need to access your site to post these posts. You can also use this plugin to send restricted visitors to the login page, redirect them or view a post or page, you will literally have full control over your site.

You can easily customize the redirect location or send them to the same requested path and set the HTTP status code and the list goes on.

8. loginizer

Want to prevent brute force attacks? Want to add 2-step authentication to log into your website for added security? Then use this plugin as it blocks connection to the IP address once it reaches the maximum number of attempts allowed (you can also set the maximum limits).

Additionally, you can blacklist or whitelist IP addresses for login using this plugin and this plugin provides you with a wide range of features including 2-factor authentication, reCAPTCHA, wireless login password, etc. to improve the security of your WordPress website.

It is also one of the popular WP security plugins downloaded by almost a million people and also offers you features like renaming WP login page, admin URL, etc.

9. Hide login page

Most hackers try many different ways to log in to your website and also use techniques to find your login details through your login page, WP admin URL, etc.

This plugin helps you securely rename wp-login.php and closes access to the WordPress admin panel. The good news is that it doesn't change your site code, rename files, or make any changes to your server configuration.

You can do a ton of things including hiding wp-login.php, wp-signup.php and blocking access, hiding the WP admin directory and blocking access, and it also allows you to easily rename the Login URL.

10. Security Ninja

This plugin performs security checks on your website to detect if there are any security vulnerabilities on your site.

It also helps you prevent 0 day exploit attacks, optimize and speed up your databases, check if WordPress core is up to date, check if automatic WordPress core updates are enabled , to check if the plugins are up to date, etc.

Best of all, this plugin instantly runs 50+ security tests and discovers issues you didn't even know existed so you can easily boost the security of your WordPress sites. Overall, it is a time-saving plugin to protect your site from security threats.

Top 3 Most Secure WordPress Hosting Sites

One of the best and easiest ways to secure your WordPress sites is to invest in a secure web host. Yes, this is clear and simple advice.

A few years ago we were hosted on HostGator (it sucks security wise and the customer support is pathetic too) and our site got hacked. That’s when we moved to WPX hosting.

Although it is a bit expensive compared to HostGator, we have not encountered any security issues so far. This is why we strongly recommend that you invest in a secure host.

Here are the top 3 most secure WordPress hosting sites for all kinds of budgets.

Let's talk about each of them so that you can choose the one that best suits your budget and website needs to protect your WordPress site from all hacker and malware attacks.

1. WPX Hosting

WPX hosting is the same host we currently use and we are extremely happy with their security features and their cloud hosting is what gives you super fast website speeds.

Why should you use WPX hosting?

WPX hosting offers you a “fixed for you” guarantee.

One of the main reasons to invest in a web host like WPX hosting is that they offer you an amazing service called “fixed for you” guarantee. For example, if you have a technical issue on your website, you can contact their support team and they will instantly resolve the issue for you, FOR FREE.

The good news is that their support system (live chat) is extremely fast and responds to your queries within 30 seconds (Yes, you heard right). Explain your problem and they will take care of it and repair your site for free.

How much does WPX hosting cost?

WPX hosting offers you 3 pricing plans listed below.

  1. Business  : This is the basic plan of WPX hosting which costs you $24,99 per month (or only $20,83 if paying annually) and you can host up to 5 websites with bandwidth of 100 GB as well as 10 GB of disk space.
  2. Professional  : This is the most recommended WPX hosting plan that costs you $49,99 per month (or just $41,58 when paying annually) and you can host up to 15 websites. with 200 GB bandwidth and 20 GB disk space
  3. Elite: Costs you $99 per month (or just $83,25 when paying annually) and you can host up to 35 websites with unlimited bandwidth as well as 40 GB of disk space.


WPEngine offers you “managed hosting for WordPress” and this is the reason why all sites hosted on their platform load extremely faster. Additionally, WPEngine is known for providing rock-solid security to all sites hosted on it.

Why should you use WPEngine hosting?

WPEngine hosting offers you in-depth analysis.

If your website is affected by malware, the WPEngine customer support team will perform a thorough scan and malware cleanup to help you get back up and running.

WPEngine also automatically updates all WordPress sites hosted on their platform so you don't have to worry about installing the latest version of WordPress on your site.

How much does WPEngine hosting cost?

There are 4 pricing plans offered by WP Engine, listed below.

1. Startups  costs $30 per month (you can save $90 by getting 3 months free with annual prepayment) and includes:

  • 1 WordPress installation
  • 25 visits per month
  • 50 GB bandwidth
  • 10 GB of local storage

2. Professional  : This is WPEngine's most recommended hosting plan, which costs $58 per month (you can save $177 by getting 3 months free with annual prepayment) and includes:

  • 3 WordPress installs
  • 75 visits per month
  • 125 GB bandwidth
  • 15 GB of local storage

3. Growth : This plan from WPEngine costs $115 per month (you can save $345 by getting 3 months free with annual prepayment) and includes:

  • 10 WordPress installs
  • 100 visits per month
  • 200 GB bandwidth
  • 20 GB of local storage

4. Scale  : This is WPEngine's advanced hosting plan which costs $290 per month (you can save $870 by getting 3 months free with annual prepayment) and includes:

  • 30 WordPress installs
  • 400 visits per month
  • 400 GB bandwidth
  • 50 GB of local storage


If you are looking for a highly secure web host with ultimate speed and performance, Kinsta hosting is for you. 

Kinsta offers powerful hosting features like free backups, Cloudflare enterprise-grade protection, 24/24 expert customer support, free unlimited website migrations and much more.

Read our honest review by Kinsta to know more about this web hosting along with its advantages, disadvantages, features, etc.

Why should you use Kinsta hosting?

Kinsta hosting offers a wide range of security features, including:

  • Automated backups
  • Cloudflare DDoS Protection and Free SSL
  • Two-factor authentication that you can enable for added security

Kinsta hosting also offers SFTP/SSH protocols. Basically, SSH (Secure Shell) is a network protocol that allows secure remote access over an encrypted connection. 

This way you can easily manage all your website files as well as folders and perform other tasks like changing their permissions, editing files directly on the server, etc.

SSH access also helps you easily prevent brute force attacks on your website, as they are often carried out on the root user of a server. By making the root user inaccessible via SSH, you can easily prevent such attacks.

Kinsta also offers an incredible uptime guarantee of over 99,9%.

availability of Kinsta

How much does Kinsta accommodation cost?

Kinsta hosting offers several pricing options listed below.

  • The Starter plan costs you $35 per month and provides 1 WordPress installation. This plan can handle up to 25 visits, offers 000 GB of disk space, and provides free SSL and CDN.
  • The Pro plan costs you $70 per month and offers 2 WordPress installations, handles up to 50 visits, offers 000 GB of space, and provides free SSL and CDN.
  • Business plans come in four different pricing tiers and the price starts at $115 per month, where you can get 30-60 GB SSD storage, 1-4 free site migrations, and 50-400 GB server bandwidth . 
  • Enterprise plans also come in four pricing options starting at $675 per month and give you 600 to 1 GB of server bandwidth. You can manage up to 500 to 60 WordPress sites and you'll get 150 to 100 GB of server bandwidth. 250 GB SSD storage.

Kinsta also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee and no long-term contracts. This means you can get a full refund if you cancel your hosting account with Kinsta within 30 days.

8-Point WordPress Security Checklist

If you want to protect your WordPress sites from hacking, make sure to use and follow the following 8-point WordPress security checklist because it covers almost everything.

  1. Update WordPress regularly
  2. Update your themes and plugins
  3. Take backups of your website often
  4. Limit login attempts for login protection
  5. Install a security plugin
  6. Create a custom WordPress login URL
  7. Move your WordPress site to https
  8. Use a secure host

Let's briefly talk about the above items so that you can better understand and use this WordPress security checklist effectively.

Important Note: make sure to always back up your files before updating plugins, WordPress, themes, etc. This way, if something horrible happens, you can still restore them without losing any data or content from your blog.

1. Update WordPress regularly: From time to time, WordPress releases new updates that are helpful in fixing common security threats and other things. So it is always better to update to the latest version of WordPress.

There are few web hosts like WPX hosting, WPEngine, etc. which update your website every time a new version of WordPress is released (so you don't have to worry about updating them manually). Or you can simply choose accommodation optimized for WordPress from web hosts like Bluehost to benefit from automatic WordPress updates.

2. Update your themes and plugins: Most of us use many themes and plugins on our WordPress sites and many of them are updated regularly. It is always better to update to their latest versions because most of these plugins and themes are updated to fix bugs and security threats.

3. Make regular backups of your website: There are many backup plugins available for WordPress such as VaultPress (premium version backup plugin that we use at BlogPasCher) or BackupBuddy which can easily help you perform regular backups of your site.

This way, if you accidentally lose data, you can easily recover all your files. There are web hosts like WPX, Kinsta, WPEngine that perform regular backups, so you may want to consider them if you want regular, free backups.

4. Limit login attempts to protect the connection: Most attacks on WordPress sites are due to weak passwords, as hackers try to guess your passwords (or use tools to guess your passwords) to log into your site.

This is why limiting login attempts from the WP login panel gives you extra security as you can limit the number of brute force attacks. You can easily do this by installing a few security plugins already mentioned above.

5. Install a security plugin: We have already discussed the 10 best WordPress security plugins above (in case you missed it, reread this section) and choose 1 or 2 best plugins from them to secure your WordPress sites. pirates.

6. Create a custom WordPress login URL: Don't use the default custom WordPress login URL.

We all know that by default, WordPress sites all use identical URL structures for this page. If your website domain is, for example, you can log in by visiting or

But this is the easiest way to allow hackers to log into your site using the default URL login system. Instead, use plugins like WPX hide login to easily change your login URL to the one you want.

7. Move your WordPress site to https: Https version is useful for encrypting sensitive information transferred between browser and hosting servers.

You must install SSL certificates if you want to move your WordPress site from http version to secure https version. There are few web hosts like WPX hosting, Kinsta, Bluehost, etc. who provide SSL certificates for free.

Or you can simply use sites like CloudFlare to get free SSL certificates. Not only will you be able to move your site from http to https with the free Cloudflare CDN, but it will also increase the performance and loading speeds of your website.

8. Use a secure host: We have already talked about the 3 highly secure web hosts for WordPress including WP Engine, WPX hosting and Kinsta. By using these secure web hosts, you can definitely improve the overall security of your WordPress sites as they take security precautions such as frequent network monitoring, SSH access, malware protection, etc.

Stay safe from the most common WordPress security threats

WordPress has its own security threats and vulnerabilities, including the following.

  • Brute force login attempts
  • Malicious redirects
  • Cross-site scripts (XSS)
  • Denied service

If you want to protect your WordPress from hackers, you should keep an eye on fixing the above WordPress security threats. So let’s briefly talk about these WordPress vulnerabilities to keep your WordPress site secure in 2023 and beyond.

Denied service

A denial of service (DDoS attack) is one of the most common cyberattacks carried out by hackers to gain access to a site where the attackers attempt to prevent legitimate users from accessing the service.

This is what it looks like;

ddos attacks

Hackers usually send a ton of random messages asking the network or server to authenticate requests with invalid return addresses. This way they get their hands on your site.

The best way to prevent such attacks is to create a firewall around your site and you can check out our best security plugins section (mentioned above) to easily create firewalls using a few plugins.

Malicious redirects

Malicious redirects simply mean that hackers or attackers gain access to your website and modify your pages to redirect to other websites (that they own or approve). This way, you not only lose your traffic, but also your sales if these attacks are carried out on the sales pages of your site.

We actually faced this issue over 3 years ago when our blog was hosted on HostGator. Their customer support team couldn't help us anyway and that's when we migrated to WPX hosting and they fixed this malicious redirects issue within a day.

The best way to resolve this issue (or prevent a malicious redirect issue from occurring on your website) is to create a firewall and scan for malware often. You can also use web hosts like WPX hosting so that this type of problem does not even happen.

Cross-site scripts (XSS)

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of security vulnerability in which attackers inject client-side scripts into web pages and this is mainly found in web applications and plugins.

The best way to solve this problem is to create a firewall, install antivirus software on your PC (or laptop), and secure your databases.

Brute force login attempts

A brute force attack is trial and error and one of the most popular password cracking methods used to access your WordPress website.

Whether you know it or not, around 80% of confirmed data breaches are due to weak or stolen passwords. This is the reason why you should always make sure that your WordPress login passwords are really strong and hard to guess.

The best way to prevent such brute force login attempts is to limit your "invalid login" attempts and use stronger passwords. Change your login passwords regularly for added security.

3 other essential things we did at BlogPasCher after the security attack

Here are some of the most important steps we have taken at BlogPasCher to protect it from hackers.

1. We ditched HostGator and switched to WPX hosting

HostGator hosting sucks. They don't appreciate their customers when help is needed most. They also care less about ensuring the security of the sites hosted on their servers. If you are looking for reliable and secure hosting, don't even think about HostGator.

We upgraded to WPX hosting and they are amazing. They also ensure total site security as well as daily backups. We highly recommend checking out their hosting plans if you want a secure, fast and reliable hosting service.

2. We started using VaultPress

The reason you use VaultPress is because it is hands down one of the best tools for taking backups and securing your WordPress site from hackers.

If you use VaultPress, you are safe from hackers, host crashes, viruses, user errors, malware attacks, and exploits. This is very useful for performing real-time backups and also for automated security scans.

3. Try Sucuri

Sucuri is a great platform for securing your WordPress sites against all kinds of attacks. When BlogPasCher came under a security attack, many guys recommended it.

So, if you are looking for a peaceful tool that saves you from various WordPress attacks, try Sucuri. This is the #1 security team to protect your sites from hackers, malware, blacklists, DDos attacks, and more.

WordPress Security FAQ in 2023

Here are some important questions around WordPress security to secure your websites in 2023 and beyond.

1. What are the most common WordPress security issues?

While there are a ton of security vulnerabilities on the majority of WordPress sites, here are the most common WordPress security issues.

  • Brute force attacks (which mainly occur due to password guessing and password decoding tools)
  • Malware attacks (where hackers install malicious code into your website files to divert traffic from your website to other sites such as adult sites, gambling sites, gambling sites spam, etc.)
  • SQL injections (where hackers gain access to your website databases to insert malicious data into your databases)
  • Cross-site scripting (this mainly happens because of WordPress plugins, so make sure you only install plugins from trusted developers with a proven track record)

2. What are the best WordPress security tips and tricks for 2023?

Here are 3 quick WordPress security tips and tricks you can use in 2023.

  • Opt for premium WordPress themes over free themes
  • Use a secure host like WPX Hosting as they take strong security precautions and offer features like guaranteed “fixed for you” in case of cyberattacks on your site.
  • Install a firewall for your own computer (and don't download apps, files, etc. from unauthorized sites)

Lire: Best Affiliate Marketing Tools for Bloggers in 2023

Here are some simple but effective ways to secure a WordPress blog in 2023.

  • Take regular backups of your website (it is better to have a host like WPEngine, WPX which automatically takes backups of your site or you can use premium tools like VaultPress, BackupBuddy)
  • Install a security plugin
  • Limit your login attempts
  • Change your default WP admin login to something else
  • Use stronger passwords and change them frequently for better security (to avoid brute force attacks)

4. What is the best security plugin for WordPress?

We have already mentioned 10 of the best WordPress security plugins in the same article (make sure to check them all out). If you are still curious, here are the 3 best security plugins you can consider.

  • IThemes Security
  • Sucuri security
  • Wordfence Security

5. How to Perform WordPress Security Scans to Find WordPress Vulnerabilities?

The great thing about using WordPress is that it gives you some great plugins to easily scan your WordPress sites to see if there are any vulnerabilities. Here are some WordPress vulnerability scanners to perform WordPress security scans in 2023.

  • WPScan plugin
  • Sucuri (one of the most used plugins for malware scanning)
  • WP Sec (this is a great website to scan your entire site for automated WordPress analytics)

Browse more blogging resources:

Final Thoughts on Securing Your WordPress Site From Hackers

Every WordPress security attack is different. Hackers can access your sites in different ways like password guessing, inserting malicious codes into your files, brute force attacks, etc.

So you must always be prepared for all attacks to secure your WordPress sites against hackers or intruders. You never know who will hack or hijack your website files.

Performing backups, protecting your websites from malicious codes, installing the most essential security tools like BulletProof security, iThemes security can save you a lot of time, money and effort. NEVER take your WordPress security lightly, because prevention is better than cure.

So make sure to implement the WordPress security tips mentioned in this guide to boost the security of your WordPress sites.