Writing blog posts in different languages ​​is a great way to expand your influence online and attract readers from all over the world. However, it can also be a voluminous process that requires special skills and abilities.

write blog posts in different languages

In this article you will learn how to write a blog post for different language versions using tools such asartificial intelligence, SEO localization and cultural and religious language features.

Decide how you want to publish your content

Before creating a multilingual blog strategy, determine exactly how you plan to publish your content. To answer this question, analyze the platform you write on, for example:

  • You write on your website. In this case, the best solution is to create a separate language version for each page in different languages.
  • You write on social networks. In this situation, you can publish language versions of your articles in one or more articles at a time. Or create separate accounts for specific language versions.

In addition, it is possible to create thematic articles. Instead of translating the same content into different languages, you can write different articles, depending on the version you choose.

Usually, this strategy is used by authors whose content aims to cover local news and events that require the attention of readers in specific countries.

Do you translate or write?

The next step after understanding how to publish your content is how you write your articles. How you approach this question will determine the success of your multilingual blog. You only have two options:

  • Translation. In this case, you create content in the language you understand best and then translate it manually or with special programs.
  • Writing separate articles for the chosen language. This method is complicated and requires a high level of concentration and understanding of the languages ​​you are writing in. 

The choice of writing principle is a completely unique process. You need to soberly evaluate your knowledge and understand the culture, phraseology and other features of the chosen language.

In addition, you always have the possibility of turning to specialized companies like the Essay Tigers writing service , where professionals can create the best language versions of articles on any topic for you.


One of the translation tools you can use is to add GTranslate to your site so that it translates the entire website for you. Our website uses this tool.

Know your audience

To create an effective language version of your blog, you need to clearly understand who your readers are. From sex to hobbies, you need to have a complete picture of your audience.

Here are some practical tips to help you understand this:

  • Call on specialized services. Today there are a huge number of analytics sites that can give you a complete picture of who visits your resources.
  • Collect feedback. If your platform allows you to leave comments, encourage readers to write them. Ask questions about their preferences, hobbies, and interests.
  • Analyze your competitors' audience. If you are just creating your blog, the best solution is to analyze your competitors in depth. Find out who likes and replies to their posts, who reposts them, etc.

The most crucial parameter in this question is the location of your readers. When creating a language version of your blog, the countries from which your resources are viewed will determine the list of languages ​​chosen.

Keep in mind that in some countries people speak different languages. For example, you can hear German, English and even French in Switzerland. Keep this in mind during your analysis.

Set goals

Any strategy must have a clear and understandable objective. Creating a multilingual version of the blog is no exception. This makes it easier to plan your actions and create a content plan for future articles and translations.

We have prepared a list of questions you can ask yourself to determine a clear objective, namely:

  • What national audience do you want to attract?
  • How many new readers should visit your site?
  • What role should your writing language play?

Set SMART goals. Create a breakdown of your actions and track your progress. This way you will know if you are going in the right direction.

Localize your content

The translation of the text must fully reflect its ideas. It is not enough to simply paste the original article into a translator and upload the result to the site. This way, your company blog or other industry-focused resource center will be less attractive to users from another language group.

When creating a multilingual blog, study the culture, religion and local characteristics of the region in which the language you are writing is spoken. Before posting, check whether your content offends members of a religion or minority group.

Here are the key aspects of writing different language versions of a blog that you should pay attention to:

  • Culture. Describe situations in a specific region, mention opinion leaders, and reference things that might be of interest to a reader from a specific region.
  • Linguistic specificities. When translating, you need to accurately convey all the ideas you put in the content. Consider language features such as phraseology, grammar, meaning of different words, etc.
  • Religion. Most of the world's population practices one religion or another. Sometimes when translating, content creators can hurt the feelings of believers without even realizing it. Keep this in mind when writing articles.

Images are also an essential part of localization. If you use images, for example in English, the best solution is to translate their textual content into the language of the article.

If you use statistics or charts, try to find distinct indicators depending on the language you are writing in. For example, if you are talking about football, mention the local clubs for each language version.

Don't just rely on machine translation

Translators are clearly of great value to content creators in different languages, but you shouldn't rely on machine translation alone. Often you need to do your research on the meaning of words before including them in your articles.

It turns out that a word can have multiple meanings in different languages, depending on the context. After using machine translation, entrust the text to professional translators for review or request their services first. When working with remote translators, it is best to use Zoom to discuss all the details outside of instant messaging.

There have been cases where companies translated their slogan poorly due to poor copywriting when expanding into other markets. Be careful when using translators to avoid such situations.

Optimize SEO localization

Perhaps the most important part of your work in creating a multilingual version of your blog will be the SEO localization of your web page. No matter how good your copy is, people should see it.

Before you start exploring practical steps to improve your SEO, let's understand the advantages of such an approach, namely:

  • Scalability. Search engines pay attention to quality-optimized sites. You're one step closer to increasing your online presence by improving each web page.
  • Opportunity to conquer new markets. Thanks to the SEO local, you can attract the attention of users of one language group and readers from different regions.
  • Greater reach among readers. The higher a web page is ranked in search engines, the more likely the reader is to click on it. By improving your SEO, you increase the number of clicks to your site, creating a greater reach of users.

Remember that SEO localization is as essential in creating a multilingual website as direct translation of the text. You can do it yourself or turn to specialized promotion companies.

Create a separate URL for each website

The appropriate URL allows the search engine to crawl, rank and index your web page. This is where the SEO localization process begins.

Specify a language flag in your web page URL. For example, a website with no language affiliation looks like "www.example.com" and the English version of the web page looks like "www.example.com/en/". 

There are several types of ways to specify the language flag, namely:

  • Top-level domain – “www.example.en”
  • Subdomain – “www.en.example.com”
  • Subdirectory – “www.example.com/en/”

Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the right one is a unique process that depends on your overall SEO strategy.

Add the “hreflang” tag

Use the hreflang tag to tell Google what language your web page is written in. If you have multiple language versions, include as many hreflang tags.

The more language versions your website has, the more complicated this process can be. It would be appropriate to consider contacting an SEO specialist to improve the search engine performance of the web page.

Use location-based keywords

Users often create a query by specifying a particular location. For example, residents of the United States are more likely to write "buy something in California" or another state. 

Additionally, readers from different countries may phrase the same queries differently. You need to thoroughly research your audience and the product you are offering to create location-based keywords.

Use AI

THEthe Artificial intelligence makes it possible to simplify the writing of texts and their translation. Most AIs have an extensive database of linguistic features and expressions and understand slang and cultural differences.

With the right query, AI can help you translate small sections of text and an entire article. As attractive as the benefits of AI may be, remember that it is a machine program that is prone to errors.

There are experts in the job market today for creating prompts. They know how to properly create an AI query to get the most effective results. You can try to figure out how to interact with AI yourself or find similar specialists.

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Writing blog posts in different language versions requires a high level of language skill and experience, as well as the ability to analyze the different cultural and religious backgrounds of your audience. Be individual and test several writing options to find the most effective one.

Keep in mind the SEO optimization of each language version. Whether or not users discover your site depends entirely on it. Use the tips in this article to create the best multilingual blog on the Internet!