Blogging is not just an end in itself. It can also help you generate more referrals for your business. And for some, the income generated by a monetized blog can become their main source of income.

However, one of the hardest things about blogging is finding the time to put virtual pen to paper. Therefore, in this tutorial, we are going to cover the management of time for bloggers to help you find time to blog even if you work full time. Whether you are still in a lucrative job or have already started on your own and want to use blogging to improve your current situation, this article is for you.

Why is time management for bloggers important?

Wordpress blog time management

Between keyword research, writing, search engine optimization, social media, email marketing, and editorial strategy, bloggers have a lot on their plate. If you work full time on top of that, you have more pressure because you'll have just as much work to do on your blog, and in less time. All this allows you to control the management of time for bloggers, which is essential if you want to enjoy the benefits of Content marketing On your blog.

1 - consider your priorities

Whether we like it or not, we as humans are limited in how many things we can pay special attention to at a time. You can't have ten priorities; If you do, then the word “priority” would lose its meaning. Some people say that even having more than one priority is too much.

For the most part, three priorities are realistic. Giving more time to multiple important activities will prevent you from making difficult decisions about what can be left and what to do right now.

Think about your top three priorities. What are they? If your blog can not be one of your top three priorities, seriously consider whether you have the time or desire to blog. A blog can help you grow your business or independent organization, but that should not be spent by the time you have to devote to your customers.

2 - Find a suitable time interval

Once you've found a place for your blog in your top three priorities, it's time to put a magnifying glass to your schedule and find the right time frame. This is the key in management of time for bloggers and in general.

Blogger calendar time interval

So suppose you have to work for eight hours. Do you have to have lunch? Could this be used for your blog, maybe it can be used to manage emails or schedule social media posts?

You have a few hours between the end of your work day and the time you go to bed. How can you leverage those hours for your blog?

Maybe you don't have enough energy at night. If so, could you go to bed earlier, and wake up an hour earlier to work on your blog?

Could you use your route more efficiently? Maybe you could listen to a podcast that will help you improve your workflow?

The first step in mastering time management for bloggers is finding that time in the first place. And sometimes it's not really about finding the time. Instead, it's about reorganizing the time for activities that aren't high on your agenda.

3 - Work seriously

Cal Newport's Deep Work can radically change the way you approach simple activities like email management. Why spend time writing a response to 400 words on an email when you could channel this energy to write a post on the blog?

If you haven't had a chance to read the book, here are some of the biggest tasks you need to do, from a blogging and marketing perspective. Content marketing:

Your writing time is sacred. Don't let frivolous activities steal that time and focus on you, like checking email or responding to Facebook activity.

We live our life in a state of superficiality, therefore, you must force yourself to have a targeted mentality by changing your decor for a place devoid of distraction. Set a timer for an hour and just concentrate on publishing the blog post you're writing all the time, with the countdown right in your field of view to really put you under pressure.

Disconnect from the internet. You probably use it a lot while writing to watch something, but every pause to retrieve information slows you down. Write the entire article and come back to fill in the gaps later.

4 - Batch processing

Batch processing is a popular productivity technique. When you proceed in batches, you use your energy more efficiently by grouping similar tasks together.

Work in batch wordpress blog writing

As a blogger, you can batch process more activities than you do separately. Here are some of the things that can be done together:

  • Keyword research. Instead of finding the best keywords at the time of writing, do it ahead of time for ten or more keywords at a time.
  • Scheduling social media posts. This activity should be batch processed. Make sure you have written all updates in advance, so you don't need to stop theOrganisation to write again. First, you need to mass-write the updates, then do the planning.
  • Write articles on the blog. Yes, you read correctly! If you find yourself in a writing mood, go for it. Write three or four articles in one sitting and you will feel that you have actually accomplished something.
  • Creation of images for blog posts. If you already have to process the images in a post, why not do three or four?
  • Reply to comments and emails from readers. This must be done in order to make the most of this time to browse as much as possible of comments / emails.

5 - set goals

It would be easy to write a full post on goal setting for bloggers. But, quite simply, goals can be a huge motivation for most bloggers.

The key with goals is to make them difficult but achievable, and as soon as you reach one, you need to set a new goal for yourself. Try to experiment with the scope of your goals. You might find that a smaller scope keeps a goal at the forefront of your mind. Rather than having a distant goal in the equally distant future. Setting a goal for the week or next month is better than an overall goal for the year and even more achievable.

That's all for this tutorial, I hope it will help you better organize your time.