It's a stroke of luck for the detractors if they can find a way to harm websites that use WordPress. With just one trick up their sleeves, they can take up nearly 30% of blogging on the Internet in one fell swoop. This is the downside to the popularity of WordPress. As website owners, we need to be proactive and regularly review / update security measures to be safe from hackers. An important and easy step to implement in your security checklist is to analyze WordPress to find out the vulnerabilities.

But before, if you have never installed WordPress discover How to install a WordPress blog in 7 steps et How to search, install and activate a WordPress theme on your blog 

Then back to why we are here.

Why you need to scan WordPress for vulnerabilities

Your website may be the repository of confidential personal information submitted by users. They trust you by giving you this sensitive information.

Others may place backlinks, redirects, advertisements or website banners they want promote on your website.

Users with unauthorized access to your website can consume your bandwidth, even if you do not have one.

Until it is detected, malware can hide in your website and collect information. he can send spam emails to other people who also infect them in the process. This can cause Google and other security services like AVG or Norton to blacklist your website. Again, you don't even know it.

Regular scans can help you quickly discover security threats and prevent your website from being hacked.

Free tools for WordPress scanner

Performing a scan for vulnerabilities on your website is neither difficult nor expensive. There are many free remote scanners and free plugins available that can scan your website for parasitic software.

The important difference between both remote scanners and plugins – is that a remote scanner only looks at the final version of your website, as it appears on your browser. It visits your website much like a search engine. It doesn't look at the server, so anything malicious on your server goes unnoticed. On the contrary, when you install a plugin, it accesses the server in the environment ofaccommodation and does a much deeper analysis.

Remote Scanner

Remote scanners are tools that can perform preliminary analysis and reveal a number of security flaws. They are a kind of quick check on your security regime. Most scanners generally work the same - just enter your website URL on their web page. Your website, visible in the browser, will be scanned in a few moments and a report will be generated. Many vulnerabilities can appear in the report. Some tools also suggest corrective actions you can take.

Read also: How to analyze your WordPress blog to fix the vulnerabilities

Some remote scanners are designed specifically for scanning websites, while others include WordPress scanning in their feature list.

1. WPScans

If you are looking for a specific WordPress scanner, WPScans meets your needs. On their webpage, you have a choice: submit your website URL for analysis or you can create an account on their website.

wpscansA free account entitles you to an automatic weekly analysis. If you manage multiple WordPress websites, you can ensure the security of all websites from a single dashboard. You will also receive email alerts if a bug is found or if your WordPress installation needs an update.

A basic report can list some security flaws as well as tell you how to do it properly. You can also access a recording of your analysis reports. WPScans maintains a large database of the latest bugs and security threats, which means the most common threats can be detected with this scanner.

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2. WordPress Security Scan

WordPress Security Scan also offers two options: a free basic version and an advanced version. It performs checks by calling a certain number of pages via regular web requests and analyzes to the corresponding HTML source. Analysis will reveal obvious security flaws in WordPress and recommend security improvements in configuration that can strengthen protection against future attacks.

Wordpress security scan

The free scan checks the WordPress version, the reputation of the host, geolocation and the website's reputation with Google. It also checks for external links, list of plugins and indexing of directories on plugins. It lists the iframes present and the related JavaScript, both of which can be used to deliver malicious code. You can then look at any script that you don't think is familiar.

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3. Sucuri SiteCheck

Sucuri is a well known name in website security and compiles regular and comprehensive vulnerability reports. The " SiteCheck »Will scan all websites including websites and reveal known malware, outdated software, and errors on your website. You will also know your status on the blacklist of services such as Google, AVG Antivirus, McAfee and Norton.

Sucuri site check 2

The scanner compares all your pages with the Sucuri database and reports any anomalies. The report also recommends how you should handle these anomalies.

As mentioned earlier, for a more in-depth analysis of your website, you will need to take the help of plugins. Most security plugins - like Wordfence , Sucuri or Exploit Scanner, include malware scanning as a feature.

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4. Quttera

Although Quttera offers one-click online analysis, it also offers a WordPress-specific scanner, which forces you to download his plugin On your website.

Quttera wordpress malware scannerThe plugin scans your website for suspicious scripts, malware and hidden threats and lets you know if you are blacklisted. Quttera's remote servers digitize the data.

See also: How to view or block IP addresses on WordPress

At the end of a scan, you will receive a detailed investigation report, which will recommend corrective actions. These reports are filed and are available to the public for viewing.

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5.Word fence

Wordfence is a comprehensive security plugin that scans everything WordPress related on your website, including source code and image files. You can also enable the option to scan files not linked to WordPress. Their threat defense tool is constantly updated and the feeds are used by scanners to identify suspicious software.

Wordfence 3

A scan looks for over 44 known malware and backdoors, as well as phishing URLs in all your comments, posts and files. Not only that, it scans the main files, themes and plugins and compares them with the files against those on the WordPress repository.

Download Demo | Web hosting

Recommended Resources

Find out about other recommended resources to help you build and manage your website.


So ! That's all for this tutorial, I hope it will allow you to have tools to scan your WordPress blog. Do not hesitate to share with your friends on your favorite social networks

However, you can also consult our resources, if you need more elements to carry out your projects of creation of Internet sites, by consulting our guide on WordPress blog creation.

If you have suggestions or remarks, leave them in our section Comments.
