Looking for the best plugin to customize your blog login page? The login page is the doorway to your blog's dashboard. You need to make it a safe place for you and your users. In this tutorial we have some WordPress plugins that will allow you to customize your blog's login page.

Best plugin to customize the login page

Improved security and appearance of the login page

The default WordPress login page is very simple and is the same on all default WordPress sites. If you run a multi-user WordPress site, you can customize it.

You can also make the login experience on your site as seamless as possible without compromising WordPress security.

That said, let's take a look at some of the best plugins for WordPress login page to enhance the experience of your users.

1 - Theme My Login



Do you want to allow users to register on your WordPress site, but don't want them to access the dashboard? “My Theme Login” is a WordPress Plugin popular that allows you to create custom login pages on WordPress. You can use a page on your site as a login, registration or password recovery page.

2 - Temporary Login Without Password

temporary login


Do you want to give temporary access to a developer for your WordPress site? "Temporary Login Without Password" allows you to give temporary access to users without creating an account for them. You can set an account expiration date that will delete access data.

3 - Login Lockdown

Login lockdown wordpress plugin


By default, WordPress doesn't lock users out if they try to log in with multiple wrong passwords. This allows hackers to break the security of your site with brute force attacks. "Login LockDown" allows you to limit the number of unsuccessful login attempts. After that, it locks the login screen for the user for a while.

4 - Nextend Facebook Connect

Login with fb wordpress plugin


Do you want to add a connection with the Facebook button on your WordPress site? “Nextend Facebook Connect” allows you to easily add a Facebook login button on your WordPress login page. This allows your users to log in faster, and they won't need a password.

5 - Remember Me

Remember me wordpress plugin


If you forget to check the “Remember Me” box on the login page, then WordPress will forget your login information when your session expires. This "Remember Me" plugin allows you to automatically check the "remember me" option each time you log into your WordPress site.

6 - Custom Login Page Customizer

Login page customizer


The default WordPress logo doesn't always represent your business. There are a number of ways you can change it, but many of you will need to add code. " Custom login page customizer Allows you to design your own personalized login page using theme customizer.

7 - WP Security Questions

Security issues plugin


"WP Security Question" allows you to add security questions to your WordPress login screen. Users will not only be able to add their password, but they will also have to select a security question and enter their answer. This adds another layer of security to your WordPress dashboard area.

8 - No Login by Email Address

No login email


By default, WordPress allows users to enter their username or email address to login. Some users think the email address is common knowledge (everyone you send emails to has your email address). This could make it easier to hack accounts. This plugin allows you to deactivate the connection with the email address.

9 - Prevent Concurrent Logins

Competitor logins plugin wordpress


If you are using WordPress for sell courses online or have a membership site, that means users can share their passwords with friends, and that could cost you money. " Prevent Concurrent Logins Automatically closes the session of a user if there is a new connection on another computer.

That's all for this list of plugin, I hope you find a plugin to better protect your blog.