Knowing who you can reach with your blog is very important. You may have interesting content, but if your visitors can't navigate your blog, then you'll have a lot of trouble reaching them. That's why in addition to providing good content, you need to make sure that your WordPress theme also displays correctly on most browsers.

Discover our article on: Bloggers: Are you really focused on your audience?

The display problem is usually encountered with WordPress themes free, and this is very rarely the case for WordPress themes premium available on Themeforest for example.

To run tests on your display WordPress blog, you can set up a virtual machine to simulate using multiple different browsers on different operating systems, but that's a time-consuming process. There are alternatives that make cross-browser testing easier and faster.

These free and premium tools are perfect for multi-browser testing. High-end tools also have tests or free demos that will help you get a quick review of the quality of their services.

But before you start, take the time to take a look at How to install a WordPress themeHow many plugins to install on WordPress.

Then let's get to work!

1. Browser Sandbox

With Browser Sandbox, you can test all versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer online. There are also several versions of Safari and Opera.

browser-sandbox WordPress theme compatibility test tool

This tool is free, but you need to register to use it.

Also follow: How to fix connectivity error on WordPress

Download Demo | Web hosting

2. Browsera

Browsera effectively compares versions side by side and lets you know exactly what the difference is between the two. You can test Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari.

Will browse test tool

You can sign up for a free account or upgrade to premium version for advanced reporting.

Download Demo | Web hosting

3. Browserling

You can test the most popular browsers and their versions for free for Windows and Android systems with Browserling. Just enter the URL of your website on the first page and you can start testing without creating an account, but you are placed in a queue and having to wait a few minutes until you are able to do some testing will waste your time.

Browserling website test tool-

You can also sign up and use a free account or the free version which has more features.

Download Demo | Web hosting

4. DebugBar

You can test your website for free with DebugBar and you can check your website on Internet Explorer versions 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 on Windows 8 desktop version, Windows 7, Vista and XP.

DebugBar WordPress Theme Test Tool

Read also How to install a plugin using FTP software

It is software that you can download and use for both personal and business use.

Download Demo | Web hosting

5. IE Tab

IE Tab is an extension for Firefox.

Ie-test site test tool

Once the extension has been downloaded and activated, your browser turns into an Internet Explorer double where you can test your website.

Download Demo | Web hosting

6. Browser Shots

You can test your website on most versions of Firefox and Chrome, for free on some tools, but this tool is not quite similar to the tools on this list.

Browser Shots test for website

Instead of being able to interact with the test tool to test a live website, Browser Shots lets you select as many versions as you want, and within minutes, the screenshots of your website are generated from these different selected browsers.

Then you can visually examine them for the differences, although it can be difficult to figure out what is wrong.

DownloadDemo | Web hosting

7. Cross Browser Testing

Cross Browser Testing is a premium service where you can test your website on over 900 browsers and 40 operating systems.

Cross Browser testing test for website

It is also a service that simulates different devices - you can test your website on the devices with great accuracy.

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8. SauceLabs

SauceLabs is another premium service that allows you to manually test your website through over 700 different combinations of browsers and operating systems.

Sauce-labs test tool for website

You can view your website on different browsers in seconds.

Download Demo | Web hosting

9. BrowserStack

With BowserStack, you can effectively gain access to physical devices. It is also a premium service, with no queues.

Browser testing tool for testing a website

It also has a simulator where you can test your website on more than 700 different browsers, including the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, Chrome, Firefox on several types of Windows operating system and Mac OS X. 

Download Demo | Web hosting

10. UserReplay

UserReplay is a premium service that records the end user's screen when a bug is reported so that you can see exactly what went wrong and the steps leading up to the error so you can correct the problem.

Cloud testing tool to test a website

It simplifies communication and saves you having to go back and forth to correct the problem found.

Enrich yourself by discovering the 5 common login errors on WordPress and their solutions

Download | Demo | Web hosting

Recommended Resources

Find out about other recommended resources to help you build and manage your website.


Here ! That's it for this list of tools. I hope you will find your account there. Do not hesitate to share with your friends on your favorite social networks

However, you can also consult our resources, if you need more elements to carry out your projects of creation of Internet sites, by consulting our guide on WordPress blog creation.

If you have suggestions or remarks, leave them in our section Comments.
