Do you want to show links Twitter and Facebook of your authors on their WordPress profile page? By default, the WordPress user profile page does not have fields to add Facebook profiles or Twitter. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to easily view profile links Twitter and Facebook of the authors on in WordPress.

How to view twitter and facebook profile pages

How to Add Twitter and Facebook Profiles with Author Bio Box

This method is easier and is recommended for all users.

First of all, you need to install and activate the plugin " Autor Bio Box ". For more details, check out our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin .

After activation, you must visit the page " Settings> Bio Box On your WordPress dashboard to configure the plugin settings.


First, you need to select where you want to display the author bio box. The plugin can automatically display the author bio box below posts only or below posts and on the home page.

Then you can select the background color, text color, Gravatar size, border, etc.

Do not forget to click on the button « Save Changes To memorize your settings.

Then you must go to the page " Users> All users ". Here you need to click on the edit link below the user account.

Edit link below users

This will take you to the user's profile page. You will notice that there are new fields for social profiles available on this page.

Now you just need to enter the URLs of the Facebook, Twitter or any other profiles in the respective fields.

Wordpress user profile

Once you're done, click the update profile link.

You can now view all the posts written by that user, and you will see their bio with icons for their Twitter, Facebook and other social networks profiles.

User profile demonstration with social links

Registered users on your WordPress site can also edit their own profiles to add links for their Facebook and Twitter pages. You can also email all registered users on your Website and ask them to update their profiles.

That's all for this tutorial, I hope it will allow you to give the possibility to your visiteurs add links to social profiles on WordPress.