One of the coolest features of Divi is its ability to save your layouts for later use. If you've spent a lot of time creating an awesome page using the builder, and you think you can create something similar in the future, you can save your creation as a template for later use.

When the saved layout is loaded onto a blank page, all the sections, rows, and modules you previously created appear. You can also load saved templates on a page that already contains templates. contents generator.

For example, if you have an element repeated across all of your pages (like a call to action near the footer), you can save a layout with that CTA already created and then add it to all of your existing pages. . Use it as a starting point for all future pages.

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How to save a layout on Divi

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Once you have created a layout, you can save it for later use by clicking the "Save to Library" button at the bottom of the builder interface.

Once you click on the Save Layout icon, a window will prompt you to name and save your layout. Type the name of your choice, which will be used to identify the layout during the subsequent load, then click on the Save button. That's all ! Your layout has now been saved.

Loading a saved layout

Once you have saved a layout, you can load it at any time by clicking on it in the “Load from Library” pop-up window, then click on the “Your Saved Layouts” tab. Loading a layout fills the page you are editing with the sections, lines, and modules that you saved in the layout.

When you load a saved layout, it deletes everything contents present on your page and replaces it with the backup layout, unless you uncheck the “Replace the” option. contents existing by the loaded layout” before loading.

load a layout divi.png

As you can see, you have the option to do a search, if you have a lot of saved layout.

That's it for this tutorial, hope it helps you create custom layouts that you can use later on Divi.