Image galleries are a favorite destination on most websites. And, in many cases, it may be best to keep those image galleries happy and static, letting the images work their magic.

 But, add a sliding puzzle scrolling effect to an image gallery (as we will do in this tutorial), can give a refreshing touch to a timeless classic.

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to build a simple layout that reveals an image gallery with a sliding puzzle scrolling effect on Divi. 

The key is to understand how the size of the images relates to the vertical and horizontal offset values ​​of each scroll effect to move the image exactly one point. But when completed, the resulting motion effect is crisp and precise as it gradually assembles and reveals a gallery of images in a unique way.

Possible Outcome

Here is an overview of the image gallery layout with the sliding puzzle scrolling effect that we are going to create in this tutorial.

Possible result divi

Creating the header section

To get started, let's build a quick header section that will tell the user to scroll the page to view the gallery and with the awesome scrolling effects.

Add a row

Add a row of one column to the default section.

Single column row

Add a text module

Inside the column / row add a new text module.

In the text settings, update the body content with the following:

<h1>Image Gallery</h1>

Add text module

Text module settings

On the Design tab, update the text design as follows:

  • Title font: Roboto
  • Title font weight: bold
  • Title font style: TT
  • Header Text Alignment: Center
  • Header text size: 50px (desktop), 40px (tablet and phone)
  • Title letter spacing: 4px
Modified text style

Add a Blurb module icon

Once the text is in place, add a new presentation text module under the text module.

Divi selection summary module

Then remove all title and body from the default content and select to use the down arrow icon.

Divi summary module

Presentation text settings

Then update the presentation text settings with a new color and a repeating slide animation.

  • Icon Color: # ffb500
  • Animation Style: Slide
  • Animation direction: down
  • Animation intensity: 20%
  • Animation repeat: loop
Divi animation summary module

Section padding

To give the section space for scrolling, update the padding as follows:

  • Padding: 20vh above, 50vh below

Here we are using the unit of length vh which is relative to the height of the browser window so that the spacing fits consistently across all browser sizes.

Configure divi module spacing

Creation of image gallery with scrolling effects

Now that our header section is complete, we are ready to build the actual image gallery with the sliding puzzle scroll effects. The entire gallery will consist of three rows of 4 images / columns in each row to make a total of 12 images. However, you can easily add more lines and images to the layout once it is finished.

Creating the section and the line

Add a new section

Let's start by adding a new regular section under the title section.

Divi section selection

Add a row

Then add a row with four columns to the section.

Section has 4 columns divi

Line settings

Under the line settings, update the following:

  • Gutter width: 1
  • Width: 100%
  • Maximum width: 1200 px (desktop), 600 px (tablet), 300 px (phone)
Divi line parameter
How line width determines image size

The width of the row is very important for this design as it will dictate the width of each of the four columns. Once we set the gutter width to 1, there will be no more margin between the images. 

And when we set the maximum width to 1200px, the four column layout will make each of the columns / images exactly 300px wide (1200px / 4 = 300px). 

Also, since each of the images is square, we know that the height of each image will also be 300 pixels. We don't have to keep it that way if we don't want to. 

For example, we could also choose to have a three column layout with images of 400 x 400 pixels. Knowing the image width (300px) and height (also 300px) will be the key to creating the scroll effect later.

Adding images

Add image 1

Add image module div

Image 1 Scroll effects

Divi scrolling effect
Relationship between image size and scroll effect offsets

When using the vertical and horizontal scrolling effect, it is important to understand what the entered numeric value represents. In this example, we have a vertical move start offset of -3. This -3 is actually -300px (or 300px down) which is the width of the image. 

The offset then reaches 0 (the home position) when the user scrolls. This is what creates the scrolling effect that moves the image to exactly one block / frame. Horizontal movement starts at 3 (300 pixels from the right) and stops in its default position. These two effects combine to create a unique two-part scrolling effect.

Add image 2

After the scroll effects are added to the image 1. Add a new image to column 2.

divi image parameter

We will leave this static image without any scrolling effect.

Add image 3

Then add another image module to column 3 and update the module with a new image.

Image 3 Scroll effects

Under Image Settings, update the following scroll effects:

Under the Horizontal movement tab ...

  • Activate horizontal movement: YES
  • Start offset: -3 (at 0% of the window)
  • Average offset: 0 (at 15% of viewport)
  • End offset: 0 (at 100% of viewport)
Image module divi scrolling effect

Add image 4

To create the last image, copy image 1 and paste it in column 4.

Copy the divi image module

Upload a new image in the image settings.

Upload a new divi image

Image 4 Scroll effects

Then update the following scrolling effects:

Under the Vertical movement tab ...

  • Activate vertical movement: YES
  • Start offset: 3 (at 0% of the window)
  • Average offset: 0 (at 15% -28% of viewport)
  • End offset: 0 (at 40% of viewport)

Under the Horizontal movement tab ...

  • Activate horizontal movement: YES
  • Start offset: 3 (at 0% of the window)
  • Average offset: 3 (at 28% of viewport)
  • End offset: 0 (at 40% of viewport)
Divi scroll option

Duplicate line

Now that the image scrolling effects are done for the first row, all we need to do is duplicate the row to create more images and their corresponding scrolling effects. For this example, let's duplicate the row twice to create a total of three rows.

Replace and rearrange images as needed

Then we can move the images using the drag and drop function wherever we want. This is where you can get creative and see how the moving images will scroll. And once the images are in place, you can replace the contents of the images module with new images that meet the needs of the Website.

Total divided image

Final touch-ups

Section visibility

Since our images will probably extend outside the section / window, let's hide the overflow to clean it up a bit. Open section settings and update the following:

  • Horizontal overflow: hidden
  • Vertical overflow: hidden
Visibility divi

Section padding

We want the vertical scrolling effect of the top image (which extends above the section) to be visible despite the hidden overflow. So let's add top and bottom padding equal to the image height (300 pixels).

Divi padding

Result so far

Right now we can stop here if you want to keep the gallery design without any spacing between the images. Here's what the result looks like so far. Notice how the images move vertically and horizontally exactly one block / frame.

divi final animation

Adding space between images

Because we've set the gutter width to 1, we no longer have a margin between our columns or images. To recreate similar spacing, we can add fill to each frame.

 This will allow us to create the spacing we need without compromising the functionality of the scroll effects. This is possible because adding padding to the image will not increase the width or height of the image container. You can also have a similar effect by using borders as well.

Image 1 Padding

Open the settings for image 1 and update the following:

  • Padding: 10 pixels at the top, 10 pixels at the bottom, 10 pixels at the left, 10 pixels at the right
Add divi margin

Extend fill to all images

Before saving, right click on the padding option and select "Extend padding". In the expand styles pop-up window, click the expand button to extend this fill to all images on the page.

Extend divi margins

Final result

Here is the result of all the work we have done so far.

Divi desktop final result

Latest Thoughts

The sliding puzzle scroll effect featured in this article does more than give us a unique design for a picture gallery. It also points out that horizontal and vertical motion offsets can be used for more precise scrolling effects.

 Feel free to explore different variations of this layout by changing the offsets and mixing the locations of the images. 

You can also change the number of columns as long as you understand how the column / image size will change and then how to update the scroll effect offsets with the corresponding value.

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