When showing multiple calls to action on your page, it can be helpful to create an interactive scrolling effect that unites different elements. One solution is to transform the modules into fixed elements while they are moving in their column container. In today's tutorial, we'll show you how to create a beautiful design that handles this technique. You will also be able to download the JSON file for free!

Let's go.


Before we dive into the tutorial, let's take a final look at how it worked with different screen sizes.

Fixed section container divi overview

Let's start recreating!

Add a new section

Start by adding a new regular section to the page you are working on.

Selection of a divi section


Open the section settings and change the bottom and top margins for different screen sizes.

  • Upholstery top: 7vw (desktop), 10vw (tablet), 15vw (phone)
  • Upholstery at the bottom: 20vw (desktop), 7vw (tablet), 10vw (phone)
Divi section spacing configuration

Add a new line

Column structure

Continue adding a new row using the following column structure:

Choose the divi columns layout


Without adding any modules yet, open the row settings and let it occupy the entire width of the section. he is also Very important  activate the 'Equalize Column Heights' option. By doing this, you will create empty space in the columns that will allow the stationary modules to move freely while scrolling the page.

  • Use a custom gutter width: Yes
  • Gutter width: 1
  • Equalize column heights: Yes
  • Width: 100%
  • Maximum width: 100%
Divi parameter line configuration

Column 2 Upper Padding

Then open the settings for the 2 column and add some top filler on the desktop.

  • Upper padding: 20vw (desktop), 0vw (tablet and phone)
High margin divi configuration

Column 3 Upper Padding

Also add a custom top fill value to the third column.

  • Best padding: 40vw (desktop), 0vw (tablet and phone)
Configuration high margin column 3 divi

Column 4 Upper Padding

And complete the parameters of the line by also adding a higher fill value to the 4 column.

  • Upper padding: 60vw (desktop), 0vw (tablet and phone)
column container

Add CTA to the 1 column

Add content

It's time to start adding modules! The first module we need in column 1 is a CTA (Call to Action) module. Insert contents of your choice.

Divi action call configuration


Also add a link to the button. This will allow the button to display in the design.

  • URL of the link of the button: #
Call-to-action button configuration

Background color

Change the background color of the module afterwards.

  • Background color: #ffffff
Divi background colors

Text settings

Switch to the Design tab and change the general text settings.

  • Alignment of the text: center
  • Text color: dark
Configuration alignment of the text call to the divi action

Title text settings

Also change the text settings of the title.

  • Title Title Level: H3
  • Text Title: Spectral
  • Color text title: # 000000
  • Text Title Size: 2vw (desktop), 4vw (tablet), 6vw (phone)
Edit title difvi call to action

Body text settings

With the parameters of the body of the text.

  • Body Font: Fira Sans
  • Weight of the font: Light
  • Body colored text: # 000000
  • Body text size: 1vw (desktop), 2vw (tablet), 3vw (phone)
  • Body height: 1.8em
Body of text divi

Button settings

Don't forget to style your CTA module button as well.

  • Use custom styles for the button: Yes
  • Button text size: 1vw (desktop), 2vw (tablet), 3vw (phone)
  • Button text color: #ffffff
  • Button background color: #444eff
  • Width of the button border: 0px
Call-to-action button style configuration
  • Radius of the border of the button: 50vw
  • Button Font: Fira Sans
Divi button parameter configuration
  • Upper padding: 1vw (desktop), 2vw (tablet), 3vw (phone)
  • Upholstery at the bottom: 1vw (desktop), 2vw (tablet), 3vw (phone)
  • Left padding: 3vw (desktop), 7vw (tablet), 13vw (phone)
  • Upholstery on the right: 3vw (desktop), 7vw (tablet), 13vw (phone)
Divi button alignment configuration


Then go to the spacing settings and add custom inner and bottom margins.

  • Top Padding: 8vw
  • Bottom padding: 8vw
Divi spacing configuration call-to-action module


Also add rounded angles to the module.

  • Round corners: 1vw (all corners)
Rounded border configuration call-to-action module

Shadow box

Finish the module design by adding a subtle box shadow.

  • Shadow of the box Horizontal position: 10px
  • Box Shadow Blur Force: 50px
  • Shadow color: rgba (0,0,0,0,08)
Divi module shadow box configuration

CSS class

Now, for the sticky scroll effect to work, we're going to need to add a few lines of CSS code at the end of this tutorial. As a preparation, we'll add a CSS class to the CTA module.

  • CSS class: sticky-cta
Module call to action configuration id and classes

Add an image module to column 1

upload Image

Let's move on to the next and last mod that we need in column 1, which is an image mod. Upload a PNG image of your choice.

Add image module with a donot


Change the image alignment next.

  • Image Alignment: Center
Alignment image module divi


Make sure to force the full width on the module too.

  • Force Fullwidth: Yes
Divi image module spacing configuration


Complete the module settings by going to the spacing settings and adding custom spacing values ​​for different screen sizes.

  • Upper margin: -5vw (tablet and phone)
  • Bottom margin: -12vw (desktop), 5vw (tablet and phone)
  • Left padding: 3vw (desktop), 10vw (tablet), 25vw (phone)
  • Upholstery on the right: 3vw (desktop), 10vw (tablet), 25vw (phone)
Configuration spacing module divi image donut

Clone the two modules three times and place the remaining columns

Once you have completed both modules in the 1 column, you can duplicate them three times and place the duplicates in the remaining columns of the row.

column container

Change Images

Make sure to change the image in each duplicate image module.

Change the contents of the CTA and the background colors of the buttons

Also change the contents CTA with button background colors.

  • CTA Module #2: #89ffb4
  • CTA Module #3: #ff89f1
  • CTA Module #4: #ffd389
Modify the colors of the modules called to action

Add CSS class to image modules in columns 1, 2 and 3

Now, to make sure that the sticky effect works on images as well, we will need to add a CSS class to the image modules in columns 1, 2 and 3.

  • CSS class: sticky-image
Edit images for each column

Add the 2 line

Column structure

It only remains to add the CSS code. To do this, add a new line.

Add row to a column on divi

Add a code module with CSS code

Add a code module to the line, insert the CSS code below and you're done!

<style>@media only screenand (min-width: 980px) {.sticky-cta {position: sticky;position: -webkit-sticky;top: 8vw !important;}.sticky-image {position: sticky;position: -webkit-sticky;top: 28vw !important;}}</style>

Add code module on divi


Now that all the steps have been taken, let's take a final look at what happened with different screen sizes.

Final animation call to action divi
column container

Latest Thoughts

In this article, we showed you how to keep modules fixed in their column container. Using this technique can generate stunning scrolling effects that allow you to highlight the different calls to action on your page. You could also download the JSON file for free! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below.