Divi is an excellent choice for any type of Website on food. This includes specialized websites such as those for pizzerias. As you've probably guessed, the Divi community has a few child themes and presentation packs that can give you a good starting point. In this article, we will be looking at five Divi layouts for pizzerias.

Page layouts include single-page and multi-page templates. They include food menus, forms contact details for ordering online and plenty of photos for menus and backgrounds (which can be helpful considering that many pizzas and pizza kitchens look alike anyway. Mm. Pizza.).

Note - Two of these layouts are available as layout packs and as child themes. You will need to make sure what you need before you make a decision.

Here's how you can decide: if you need to upload JSON files to your Divi library, you need a layout. If you want a pre-made design that includes pages and navigation menus, you need a child theme. It's too simplified, but maybe it will help.

Now, on to the layouts. They are in no particular order.

1. Divi Layout Pack - Divi Ready Pizza


Divi layout pack divi ready pizzaDivi Ready Pizza is a 5 page layout pack including a menu and a catering section. The homepage features a full-width background image with 2 CTAs in the overlay. Below this you will find a set of images for the types of food.

Images have hover animations that add a border and skew the image. A slogan is placed in the overlay of a parallax background image. Leaders are displayed in stylized people pods. Images of the pizzas are displayed from a top view with descriptions, all placed on a background video of the pizzeria's oven.

The Menu page displays squared images with thick borders, a title, description, and a buy button. The Restore page presents the events and includes a Contact form. It includes royalty-free videos and images.

Price: 49,95 $ | More information

2. Divi Pizza Layout Pack

Divi pizza layout pack

The Divi Pizza Layout Pack includes 5 pages, including a food menu, events, catering service and an online order page. The hero section displays social media buttons in a vertical stack on the left, the title and description in the center, along with a button to show the menu or About Us page and a pizza image on the right.

 The menu categories are presented in 4 columns with titles and descriptions above or below the images to create an offset design. A section on cooks shows a block of text with an overlapping button on the About Us page and an image.

Services and events are presented in the form of presentation texts. The Menu page provides categories to filter the menu and displays images with buttons to order. The Restore page includes a Contact form style.

Price: 25 $ | More information

3. Pizza Layout Pack

Pizza layout pack

Pizza Layout Pack is a one page layout that includes menu / logo placement option for left side or right side. The hero section includes a full screen background image with a slider showing the tagline, description, and the button to order online.

 A detailed about section shows a picture of the chef on one side and the information on the other with a button to view the menu. The menu displays the food in tabs and includes a photo, description, price, and a button to buy.

Other sections include chef details, a full-width map and a custom footer with a Contact form and information about a parallax background image.

Price: Free | More information

4. 1 page layout of the Divi Pizza shop

Divi pizza shop 1 page layout

The 1 page layout of Divi Pizza shop comes with a custom CSS to create rollover effects. The hero section shows an image located above the diagonal section divider and scrolling in parallax. This scroll and parallax design is used throughout the layout.

On the other side of the screen is the logo, title, tagline, and a button. The scroll reveals a pizza hotline with a picture and phone number to the right, along with a description and Trip Advisor scrolling text.

The food menu has several sections that display in 4 columns with text in the outer columns and photos of the pizzas in the inner columns. Photos enlarge while hovering. The menu sections include large text in the backgrounds. Another menu section uses wide title text for categories and regular text for items.

Price: Free | More information

5. Kebab

Kebab layout divi

Kebab is a one page layout for pizza restaurants and other types of food websites. The hero section includes a full screen background image with the title and description in the overlay.

Two blocks with location information overlap the hero section and include locations, opening hours, and images. A menu displays the categories with anchor tags that take you to that category. Menu items are displayed in a single column and include the image, options, and prices.

 They include colored backgrounds and are placed over a background image. A gallery displays food in black and white, then in color in hover. An About section includes an embedded video. A full-width map and a contact section with a stylish contact form are also included. Images are included.

Price: 7,49 $ | More information

End of thoughts

This is our look at 5 Divi schemes for pizzerias. The layouts include amazing drawings and photographs. They include food menus, online ordering systems, food and location galleries, great choice of text and color, and lots of stylish add-ons.

These layouts will also suit all types of food websites, including diners, cafes, bakeries, cafes, and more. There's something here in just about any price range. Regardless of the type of Website pizza place you need to create, there's sure to be something here to get you started on your next pizza and Divi project.

And yes, writing that, I had to eat pizza for lunch.

We want to hear from you! Have you tried any of these Divi pizzeria layouts? Let us know your experience in the comments.