How to become easily rich on the internet? How to earn a lot of money with his site? How to have money without working? How to monetize a website (Blog) WordPress?

These are the questions most bloggers and web entrepreneurs face. You too have certainly asked yourself one of these questions one day, have not you?

Normal, everyone wants to make money on the internet ... with the help of their website.

And if so far you have never found satisfactory answers, then know that I have good news and bad news for you.

The bad news is thatit is simply impossible to easily and quickly earn money on the internet. And the good thing is that You too can become rich on the internet but before you must learn and be able to do a number of things. You must also know and use a number of tools, tools without which your success will be compromised from the start.

To Make Money Using Your Website (Monetize) you need to understand the process.

Here are some recommendations that will put you on the road to success:

But before, if you have never installed WordPress discover How to Install a WordPress Blog in 7 Steps et How to search, install and activate a WordPress theme on your blog 

Then back to why we are here.

1. Learn to solve people's real problems

All successful entrepreneurs I know did not become rich just because they wanted it, they became rich because they sold training and offered services that allowed others to win. money in turn on the internet and off.

For the most part, they started out because they identified a need, a specific problem that they later tried to solve.

Most entrepreneurs are make lots of money and not to help other people to solve the problems they encounter. And this is precisely one of the main causes of their repeated failures.

To learn more about the subject, I recommend this article that will certainly open your eyes to the real causes of your failures: How to make easy money without having to work?

2. Do not try to become rich

Yes, it is the paradox of fortune: The more you try to make money, the less you earn ... and the more you try to help others, the more money you make.

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook did not launch his social network with the intention of making a fortune, he did it to allow people to meet, so to help some people to solve a specific problem.

Like him, you must first start by creating a community. Monetization comes next. Look around and you will notice that all the companies you know are trying in their own way to solve one or more specific problems encountered in their niches.

So if you want to get rich, do not start by focusing on the money you could earn, instead identify a problem that most people in your niche face and try to solve it better than anyone.

3. Learn how to create and optimize a blog

The blog is an essential communication tool today. All serious companies have one. Which means that if you want to get rich fast enough, you too must create one ... and not just any one.

Installing a blog is a thing and optimize it for SEO, traffic and monetization is another. This is for the technical part because it will have to learn to become a blogger.

In one sentence: Having a professional and effective blog is one thing and becoming a blogger is another.

4. Learn how to create products

This is your only chance to make a lot of money on the internet. All successful entrepreneurs I know have not become affluent through affiliate marketing, they have become affluent through the sale of their own products and services. You must learn how to create your own products:


  • E-books
  • Video or audio training
  • webinars
  • Software (plugins etc ...)


Services also:


  • Creation of blogs
  • Writing articles
  • Creation of online shops
  • Website referencing
  • Website optimization
  • Coaching
  • Etc ...


You absolutely must have something to sell. And if you choose to start by creating an e-book, read the article that follows, as well as all related articles:


  • How to choose a profitable subject for your digital book?
  • How to prepare for writing your e-book


5. Learn to sell on the internet

Creating a digital product is not enough. You also need to learn how to sell it. Selling on the internet is not as easy as we always try to make you believe. And if you don't believe, ask all those 97% of entrepreneurs who still can't make money on the internet and you'll understand.

To sell on the internet, you need to know and apply some proven tactics:


  • How to sell more products on the internet


And if you want to keep 100% of profits, then I recommend selling your products and services on your own website (blog).

For this you will need create an online store professional on your website. A few essential plugins should allow you to create one without difficulty:



La Online Store it alone will not save you a lot of money, you will also have to rely on an affiliate program.

In fact, I explain all this in detail on this page: How to create an e-commerce website: 3 professional WordPress plugins

Do not sell the dream: Avoid falling into the trap of being easy and lying. Many dishonest entrepreneurs have built their fortune on lies.

I'm talking about all those people who claim to have the quick fix to get rich in a few weeks ... all you have to do (according to these) is to buy their so-called "revolutionary" methods.

Rest assured, this kind of business never lasts. In place, offer the best solutions to the problems that people in your niche face.

6. Learn how to create content on your blog

Having a blog is not enough because its primary purpose is to be read (text) - watched (video) - listened (audio). Which means that your blog will need content.

I just want to say that its popularity will depend largely on the quantity and especially the quality of the content that you will publish there.

Here are some resources that should help you create a profitable blog that your readers will not only want to read, but also to share:



7. Learn how to create prospect lists

More than 95% of people who visit your blog will not come back. And if none of them clicks on one of your links or buys any of your products, then you will never reach your financial goals. And this blog that you have created to earn money will not allow you to win at all.

So you need to have a system that keeps you in touch with people.

8. Learn how to generate a maximum number of visitors

A business that no one has ever heard of doesn't exist. A blog that no one visits does not exist. To exist and generate income, you need traffic. And it can be learned. Here are some articles that I invite you to read:



It all starts with the optimization of your blog and ends with the retention of visitors.

9. Learn how to organize

Without an organization, your business is doomed to failure. Here are some articles that will help you improve your time management: How to organize your work time and life: 8 tips to follow

10. Learn how to create profitable partnerships

I mentioned the affiliation earlier and I repeat: If you want to make money quickly on the internet, you must bet on the partnership. It represents the opportunity to present your products and services to a wider audience. The more your products are known, the more likely you are to make sales

Bonus: Learn to delegate tasks

Outsourcing is the key to the success of any business. You should not try to do everything at once, if you want to have a chance to enjoy the benefits of your work. Why ?

Well, it's simply because you can not do everything alone.

This is unfortunately the biggest mistake made by beginners. They refuse to invest a minimum of money in their business. They think that by learning to do everything, they will save money. If only they knew how wrong they were, if only you knew by what opportunities you were going ...

I recommend this excellent article that will show you the benefits of outsourcing work: How to outsource work and do more in less time


As you can see, it is not that easy to make money with a website (WordPress). It will be a long way and you will need certain skills to get there.

You will encounter many difficulties and you will experience many failures, but you must never give up. I promise you that we've all been there and what made the difference is our ability to learn from our failures.

Do not hesitate to leave a comment at the bottom of this article. And if you liked it, don't hesitate either to share it on your social networks preferred.

You too can make a lot of money on the internet if you have the right approach and the right tools and most importantly.
