Would you like to create a multicolored gradient button in Elementor ?

By default, Elementor has a feature to create a gradient color for your button, but it is only limited to two colors. This article will show you how to create a multicolor gradient button in Elementor without the help of an add-on, just using Elementor's custom CSS.

Adding a multi-color gradient to your button can make your button look attractive and have a natural feel. You might be wondering, “Is it possible to create a multicolor gradient button on your website? ”. Well, everything is possible with Elementor and you can create a multicolor gradient button easily.

create multicolor gradient button in Elementor

How to Create Multicolor Gradient Button in Elementor

Before starting the tutorial, we want to let you know that this tutorial will work with custom CSS. Custom CSS feature is only available on Elementor Pro; so be sure to upgrade to the pro version.

Now go to your Elementor editor. We'll start from scratch, so create a section with just one column. Next, please select the button widget in the widget panel, then drag and drop it to the editing area of ​​Elementor. Once you have added the button widget, you can edit and style the widget according to your preferences.

create multicolor gradient button in Elementor

On the widget settings, navigate to the tab Advanced -> Custom CSS. Copy the CSS snippet below, then paste it into the custom CSS field.

selector .elementor-button {
  background: linear-gradient(121.28deg, #A4006C 0%, #FFECA8 100%), linear-gradient(121.28deg, #69003F 0%, #FFF8F8 100%), linear-gradient(238.72deg, #00FFFF 0%, #0212A4 100%), radial-gradient(67.16% 100% at 50% 0%, #FF00B8 0%, #FFFFFF 100%), linear-gradient(140.54deg, #7000FF 0%, #001AFF 72.37%), linear-gradient(307.43deg, #FFE927 0%, #00114D 100%), radial-gradient(107% 142.8% at 15.71% 104.5%, #FFFFFF 0%, #A7AA00 100%), #FFFFFF;
background-blend-mode: overlay, difference, difference, overlay, difference, difference, difference, normal;
create multicolor gradient button in Elementor

If you are happy with the multicolor gradient that has been applied (as in the image above), you can keep it that way and save your project if you wish. But, if you want to customize it, you can do so by modifying the CSS snippet more specifically on the CSS declaration block.

The CSS declaration block begins with an opening brace ( {'' ) and ends with the closing right brace(''} ).

To get the declaration block, you can create a gradient using the tools online gradient css . Click here to see some tools of CSS gradient. Once you are done creating the gradient, copy the CSS and replace the existing declaration block with a new one by pasting the CSS.

create multicolor gradient button in Elementor

Please note:: You can also create gradient title in Elementor .

Get Elementor Pro Now!!!


This article shows how easily you can create a multicolor gradient button in Elementor. If you are using Elementor as a page builder for your website WordPress and you want to create a stunning button with a multicolored gradient, this article could be your solution.

One-color or two-color buttons can look simple and boring. But beware of creating multicolored gradients on your buttons. Please pay attention to the tone and color mix you use so your buttons don't look weird and boring.

Here ! That's it for this article that shows you how create multicolor gradient button in Elementor. If you have any concerns about how to get there let us know within Comments.

However, you can also consult our resources, if you need more elements to carry out your projects of creation of Internet sites, by consulting our guide on the WordPress blog creation or the one on Divi: the best WordPress theme of all time.

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