You already know that blogging is an effective and sustainable form of marketing, you also know that for Create a blog to success, you absolutely need to create content, but what is your plan for writing an article? How do you find the time to do it?

When I started blogging there 5 years, I confess that I spent more time in write an article to do something else. Very often, I spent 4 at 5 hours on writing a single article. But as the ad says, " but that was before ".

Since then, I have not only understood how to write an article from 1000 to 2000 words in less than 2 hours, but I also understood how to improve the quality of my articles, of my content.

Here are some points to consider if you too want to write a relevant article in less than two hours.

1. Blog on your passion
Blogging can quickly become a chore if you practice it without passion. Only a passion for the subject of an article can make your job easier. So, as first advice, Choose a subject that you are passionate about.

Do not choose a subject for which you think you are "Passionate", NO. Choose the one for which you are sure to be passionate. Choose the very one you like to approach, the one you are constantly trying to learn more about.

2. Make a list
Now that you have found a topic that interests you, you should make a list of all the popular blogs on this topic. You can easily do this by searching on Google.

Be careful not to create a list of popular 100 blogs. Take a quick look at each of the blogs, and choose only those who come closest to your passion. Your list must have a maximum of 5 to 7 blogs. Believe me, you will not be able to regularly read more blogs than this.

Once you have made your list, be sure to read them at least once a week. During each of your visits, look at the share buttons, and watch for the number of "tweets" and other shares on social networks. The larger the number, the better for you.

Well, I just say that Internet users do not like to share on social networks, some do not even do it because they think that it will still be necessary to connect to their account ... this is what will explain the to make sure that an article is of excellent quality and that it gets less sharing.

It was just a small clarification to emphasize the fact that you should also pay attention to your own appreciation in your quality index. But in general, the best-shared items are those that have really made the effect to as many people as possible.

OKAY. Then list all the items that are shared over 30 to 60 times. The whole process should not take you more than 10 minutes. If that's the case, then you're spending too much time on this step.

3. Reformulate the title
The hardest part when writing a blog post is when to find one's subject. But do not worry, we'll talk about it.

Browse through the document on which you have listed the titles of the best shared articles and pay attention to the titles. Analyze them until you finally find an interesting article topic.

For example, you come to the blog, your attention is drawn to the article: Can you make money on the internet thanks to your blog?

And you realize that the article in question has more than 200 Tweets. And as you know that your readers are also interested in how to make money on the internet from a blog, you can take inspiration from it to not only find the title of your article, but the subject of your blog too.

Here are some reformulations:

  • How to make money from his blog?
  • Making money from a blog is it possible?
  • A simple plan to make money on the internet thanks to your blog
  • Find out how you can make money from your blog
  • Etc ...

As you can see, the title can be reformulated as many times as possible. Do it until you find one that suits you and inspires you.

This step should not take you more than 10 minutes if you limit yourself to less than 20 reformulations.

4. Describe your article
Before you start writing your article, you must absolutely describe it.

List the main points you want to address in your introduction, the body of your article and its conclusion. Once you have found the main points that you will address in the body of your article, break them down into subtitles.

In this article, the subtitles are:

  • Blog on your passion
  • Make a list
  • Reformulate the title
  • Describe your article
  • Detail your article
  • Modify, correct, condense
  • Post and share
  • Conclusion

Make sure these subtitles clearly describe what you are going to write in your articles.

This step should not take you more than 10 minutes. Well, I recognize that if you impose the pressure of time, you run the risk of noting fewer details. But it does not matter, no article is perfect, just fill in the subtitles you found.

5. Detail your article
This is the longest part, but probably the easiest. During the next 60 minutes, you will have to develop the subject of your article.

Do not look for perfection in every paragraph. The most important thing here is to know that you are moving forward. Like most successful bloggers, you'll have time to revisit your article to correct spelling or grammar mistakes, add ideas, and delete others. There is a time for writing and another for corrections.

Write as quickly as possible without paying attention, do not fix them right away, you will have time to do it later. The main thing is to detail your article as much as possible in the time interval that you have defined.

6. Modify, correct, condense
Now that your article is written, it's time to polish it.

  • Add or remove points - If you want your article to be relevant and to get down to the basics for more efficiency, you need to add points that you think can enhance the quality of your message. Remove all those points that you think would hurt its effectiveness.
  • Add Facts – with a few quick Google searches, you should be able to link your article to sites that offer resources or ideas complementary to yours. This will increase your credibility and establish you as an expert in your field.
  • Make it easy to read your article - a thick article will never give the desire to continue reading. So air your article. Also create transitions between your paragraphs. Without these connectors, your readers will have less desire to continue reading.
  • Correct grammar and spelling mistakes - Although it seems like a useless step, believe me, it's crucial. If you do not think you have " the eye " to spot such mistakes as me, find someone to find them for you. If you can not find someone, then read your article aloud. This trick helps to stay focused on reading, so to find these errors.

This step should not take you more than 20 minutes.

7. Publish and Share
Copy and paste your article into your editing space (On the platform of blogs you use). Unlike me, add an image to illustrate your article.

Once it is published, share it on your different social profiles. Twitter and Facebook are great places to start.

This step should not take you more than 10 minutes.

Here. You are now able to write a blog post in less than two hours. At first, you will not necessarily be able to do everything I mentioned above in 2 hours, but with a lot of exercises and patience, you should be able to do that in that time.

If you want to know more about writing a successful article, I recommend this ebook: How to write a successful article on your blog

Do you know of other ways to improve the writing time of an article? Please leave a comment to let me know.

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