Whether on the internet or off, marketing follows the same principles (or almost) and is essentially based on understanding the customer and the potential buyer.

However, most entrepreneurs are generally wrong when it comes to defining marketing. They think marketing and sales are one and the same, but that's WRONG! I talked about it in one of my recent articles that you can read here: What is the difference between sell and do marketing?

Marketing is getting your market to want your product or service.

"Do not compete if you do not have a competitive advantage » Jack Welch

Your strategy should revolve around what you have to bring to others and not around what your competitors are doing.

Remember, your biggest competitor is you and no one else. Here are some important points to consider when definition of your marketing strategy.

1. Your assets
• What do you think are your strengths?
• What do you do better than anyone?
• What kind of resources essentials do you use?
• What do other people in your niche think of your strengths?

What do you do better than anyone else?
• Combine strategy, marketing and systematization
• Create a free space that brings more value to others
• Create learning systems that bring value to people

What kind of resources essentials do you use?
• Partners
• External services (autoresponder - Public-on - etc ...)
• Coaching

What do other people think of your niche of your strengths?
• Master your subject
• Excellent coach
• Understands the needs of the niche better than anyone

2. weaknesses
• What could you improve?
• What should you avoid?
• What do not you see?

What could you improve?
• Create an action-oriented coaching program and not the theory only
• Organize more conferences
• Create a funnel sales system as well as a space for training
• Developing even better products
• Improve my relationships with each of my clients

What should you avoid?
• Be on multiple fronts at once
• Do not believe in what you do
• Lose time on activities that are less important
• Get away from his final goal

3. opportunities
• What is an opportunity?
• What are the opportunities available to you?
• What are the new trends in your niche?
• How to use people's needs to create products?
• What types of changes could bring more positive results to your business?
• What are you assets and how to monetize them?

4. obstacles
• What types of obstacles do you encounter?
• What is your competition?
• How to improve your understanding of the needs of your prospects and customers?
• How to bring more value?
• How to help your prospects become leaders
• Are there qualities required to succeed in the chosen field?
• How is technological change an obstacle or an asset?
• What are the big challenges ahead?

5. Success factors
There are three factors that you should always consider if you want to increase your chances of succeeding.
1. The ability to identify product creation opportunities
2. Increased understanding of customer needs
3. Content integration

6. Bring Value
• What should you change about doing in your niche?
• What problems do your customers face that you can solve in a unique way?
• How can you become irreplaceable?

Your potential customers are willing to pay the price when they are convinced that they will receive what they want in return.
